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BSW First Year / Mass Communication and Journalism

Subject - Introduction to Mass Communication and media


I: Human Communication
1. Lead class discussions on communication models
2. Present elements of communication process
3. Carry out linear communication
4. Carry out non-linear communication
II: Communication and information
1. Produce informative lead
2. Perform interpersonal communication
3. Perform machine-assisted interpersonal communication
III: Types of Communication
1. Perform linear communication
2. Perform non-Linear communication
IV: Types of communication model
1. Apply Laswell's Model
2. Apply De Fleur model
V: Communication and media
1. Analyze how a newspaper communicates
2. Carry out peer group discussion on communication with the help of media
3. Carry peer group discussion on communication without media

Subject- Principle and practice of journalism


I: News
1. Lead discussion to present the news definition with practical experiences
2. Lead discussion on given cases for analyze on news values
3. Lead an exercises to find elements of news in news items from dailies
4. Lead an exercise to count the sources of a given news story from a
II: Reporting and reporters
1. Lead an exercise to make a list of expected and unexpected reporting from
a daily newspaper
2. Lead an exercise to observe things without pre occupied mind set
3. Lead an exercise to cultivate certain information with the help of
4. Give a sheet of information and lead to an exercise to find the information
on given topic
5. Lead an exercise to present a plan to go in depth in a published news from
a daily
III: Reporting soft story
1. Lead peer group discussion to make a list of soft and hard issues around us
2. Lead an exercise to read a feature loudly and seek the reaction among
3. Present examples of experiences and information embedded in a feature
4. Assign students to write a news feature on a current issue
IV: Presentation of news
1. Develop an effective lead for a given description of an event
2. Lead an exercise to find out the most important information in a given
3. Lead an exercise to find out the newsworthiness of a given subject matter
4. Lead an exercise on an overall news idea from a given description of an
V. Journalism as profession
1. Apply critical thinking skills on logic, evidence and research
incorporating with recent analysis of media
2. Analyze national and international institutions incorporating a basic
understanding of one’s own country’s system of government,
3. Analyze constitution and system of justice of your country
4. Analyze political process and its impacts on economy of your country
5. Analyze social and cultural organization and its impacts on
betterment of your society
6. Analyze relations between journalism and development of
democracy in your country
VI. Journalism writing
Carryout writing exercises on narratives patterns in daily news.
VII. General knowledge
1. Collect documents on basic information on national and international
history related to journalism
2. Collect basic documents on geography and related issues produced
by newspapers in recent times
3. Enlist materials important for journalists relating on gender, and
cultural diversity in the news room
4. Prepare a critical report on social class, conflict and poverty in Nepal
VIII. Journalism and arts/science
1. Prepare two essays on arts and science with reference to Nepal
2. Prepare one essay on journalism education in Nepal
IX. News features
Carryout 3 writing exercises on three different topics of yours choice

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