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Producing YouTube Videos

The easiest way to capture a tutorial video, either when you are demonstrating a problem, or providing
a short PowerPoint presentation is a product called Screencast-o-matic. This product can be used to
create introduction videos as well.
Screencast-o-matic (, is a free software that runs on Mac and
Windows. It can record live screen or webcam, for up to 15 minutes and export to MP4 for use on
YouTube. If you want to produce longer recordings you can pay $15/year.

Download the version for your computer and install it. If you are using the free version, set up your
microphone by selecting the Narration button. If you have more than one microphone available (such as
a headset) select the one that gives you the best quality. Test them out to check with one works best for

To run a test simply:

Click on the Red REC button , you will get a countdown before the recording starts.

After you see the word Go! Displayed on your screen, say a few words and then click the Blue Pause
button to stop the recording.

Click the “Done” button.

You will get a small display of the frame and an audio graph at the bottom.
Click the play button on the bottom left corner to listen to the quality of the recording. If the quality
sounds good, then click the Cancel button (don’t save the test).

If you want to try a different microphone or change the settings on your microphone, or switch to
testing your webcam, then click on the “Redo” button. If you cancel, it will end the session for

If you are using Powerpoint as the foundation of your presentation, create your slides first. Run through
them make sure they look the way you want. It is recommended that you write out a script and practice
it several times to make sure you don’t stumble on the words.

Recording from a live presentation:

REMEMBER with the free version the longest you can produce is a 15 minute video – also think about it
the normal attention span is about 5 minutes on YouTube, so keep it short and to the point!

Once you have practiced and are ready to go, open up your PowerPoint presentation in Slideshow view.
Then open Screencast-o-matic and size the recording window to accommodate the slides. ( I always try
to design my slides so that I have about an inch on the bottom of the slide where there is nothing, so
when I record, I can have room to click without recording the mouse on the screen.) Then press the red
REC button, and you are ready to go! Remember you can hit the PAUSE button (Blue || button) between
slides to catch your breath, go over the words etc… when you are done, click the Blue PAUSE button and
click done.

If you want to do a personal introduction, just click on “Webcam” as the option (but make sure you have
much better lighting and are spruced up – not like me in this picture!)
I always save the file to a VIDEO file first before publishing… so that I can review it…I never publish
directly to YouTube, but if you are more courageous then me – go ahead!

To save: Click the Save as Video File (at top of column)

Then, keep the MP4 option, but type in a file name, and select a folder to store it in, and then click on
While it is creating the file you will be kept aware of where it is in the process.

It may take some time to generate, but once its done, you have options to watch it (select Play Video)
and determine if its ready for primetime! When you click Done, the software will close.

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