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Many potential safety hazards exist when workplace operations

require the use of industrial machinery and hazardous materials. The

first step towards creating a safe work environment is to ensure all
employees are aware od the safety risks by the time you have
completed this course you will be able to identify everyday hazards
that may affect you or your c-workers walk into any manufacturing or
distribution center and you’ll see forklifts at work these powered
industrial trucks are needed to list and transport goods and materials
but they also pose many dangers as they are often operated is
congested areas occupied by people and moving equipment crush
hazards may occur when an object moves slips rolls spins or falls you
could be run over by a forklift truck and if you are walking near the
moving forks of the truck you could easily be crushe fingers hands or
othe body parts can also get crushed between moving parts you need
to be aware of your surroundings when operating in around industrial

Next, we’ll look at lifting back hazards which exist when an

object is too heavy or too large to be lifted carried or moved by one
person you can easily strain your muscle suffer a permanent back
injury or cause injury to your foot if you drop the item before you
move an object consider how heavy it is and how high you need to lift
it, an environmental hazard exists when there is the potential for
dangerous chemicals to contaminate the environment improper
storage handling and disposal of hazardous materials can lead to an
unsafe workplace your eyes can be injured if you work around
hazardous chemicals such as cleaning solvents refrigerants battery
acid and lubricants other potential eye hazards include gases object
and fluids that are projected under high pressure such as sparks from
welding safeguard your eyes by wearing the appropriate protective
eyewear flammability hazards exust whenever materials can ignite and
start a fire keep flammable materials away from heat sources and
sparks remember too that when material ignite they may product toxic
fume swhich sre also flammable an inhalation hazard os the risk of
breathing and any substance that is harmful some materials that emit
harmful fumes include fuel, hydraulic fluid and antifreeze you can
suffer headaches weakness, nausea, pneumonia, and long damage
wear a protective mask when working with any of these fluidsor when
sanding paint or grinding metal since the particles emitted can irritate
your respitory tract.

Finally, there are trip hazards mwhich occur when cables and
electrical cords trail across floors not only can you suffer injury from
the fall but you could dislodge equipment on which othe people are
working keep workers clear of obstacles only a few instructional
capabilities have been demonstrated here, student interactivity
knowledge checks and other instructional toolls have not been
included but can be designed and developed to your specific needs

Assalamu’alaikum warohmatullahi wabarokatuh

Selamat pagi pemirsa, sekilas info kembali hadir di hadapan

anda edisi Rabu, 10 Juni 2020 yang akan menyajikan berita ter actual
dan ter informative.

Banyak sekali potensi bahaya keselamatan di tempat kerja pada

saat penggunaan mesin industri dan bahan berbahaya. Untuk
menciptakan lingkungan kerja yang aman adalah dengan memastikan
semua karyawan menyadari risiko keselamatan dan bagaimana ber
perilaku di dalam pabrik.

Di tempat kerja truk industri diperlukan untuk menyusun dan

mengangkut barang dan bahan, tetapi mereka juga menimbulkan
banyak bahaya karena sering dioperasikan di daerah padat yang
terdapat banyak pekerja. Bahaya ini dapat terjadi ketika suatu objek
bergerak, tergelincir, tergulung, berputar atau jatuh Anda bisa ditabrak
oleh truk dan jika Anda berjalan di dekat persimpangan truk Anda
dapat dengan mudah menghancurkan jari-jari tangan atau bagian
tubuh yang. Anda perlu peduli terhadap keadaan di tempat kerja anda.

Selanjutnya, kita akan melihat bahaya mengangkat t suatu

benda yang terlalu berat atau terlalu besar untuk diangkat atau
dipindahkan oleh satu orang. Anda dapat dengan mudah membuat otot
Anda mengalami cedera punggung permanen atau menyebabkan
cedera pada kaki Anda jika Anda terjatuh. Sebelum Anda
memindahkan objek pertimbangkan berapa beratnya dan seberapa
tinggi Anda perlu mengangkatnya,

Selanjutnya, ada kemungkinan bahaya lingkungan yang

disebabkan oleh bahan kimia berbahaya.

Penanganan penyimpanan yang tidak tepat dapat menyebabkan

tempat kerja tidak aman, mata Anda bisa terluka jika Anda bekerja di
sekitar bahan kimia berbahaya seperti pembersih pelarut, asam baterai,
dan pelumas. Bahaya mata potensial lainnya termasuk gas dan cairan
yang diproyeksikan di bawah tekanan tinggi seperti percikan api.
Lindungi mata Anda dengan mengenakan kacamata pelindung.

Bahan yang mudah terbakar dapat menyala dan menyalakan api

jauhkan material yang mudah terbakar dari sumber panas dan
percikan. Ingat juga bahwa ketika bahan terbakar mereka mungkin
menghasilkan asap beracun yang juga mudah terbakar, bahaya
penghirupan atau risiko bahan berbahaya lain yang mengeluarkan asap
berbahaya termasuk bahan bakar, cairan hidrolik, dan antibeku. Anda
dapat menderita sakit kepala karena kelemahan, mual , radang paru-
paru, dan kerusakan yang lama. Kenakan masker pelindung saat
bekerja dengan cairan ini saat mengampelas cat atau menggiling
logam karena partikel yang dipancarkan dapat mengiritasi saluran
pernapasan Anda.

Terakhir, ada bahaya perjalanan yang terjadi ketika kabel dan

kabel listrik melintas di lantai tidak hanya Anda dapat mengalami
cedera akibat jatuh, tetapi Anda dapat mengeluarkan peralatan tempat
orang lain bekerja menjaga pekerja jauh dari hambatan.

Baik. Sekian info dari kami semoga dapat membantu anda

dalam menjalankan pekerjaan dengan baik. Saya dan tim pamit undur
diri, terima kasih atas perhatiannya. Sampai jumpa minggu depan.

Wassalamu’alaikum Warohmatullahi wabarokatuh


Assalamu’alaikum Warohmatullahi Wabarokatuh

Good morning viewers, Breaking News is back before you on

Wednesday edition, June 10, 2020 which will present the latest and
most informative news.

Many potential safety hazards in the workplace when using

industrial machinery and hazardous materials. To create a safe work
environment is to ensure all employees are aware of safety risks and
how to behave in the plant.

In the workplace industrial trucks are needed to arrange and

transport goods and materials, but they also pose many dangers
because they are often operated in crowded areas where there are
many workers. This danger can occur when an object moves, slips,
rolls, turns or falls. You can be hit by a truck and if you walk near the
intersection of a truck you can easily crush your fingers or other body
parts. You need to care about the situation in your workplace.

Next, we will see the danger of lifting an object that is too

heavy or too big to be lifted or moved by one person. You can easily
make your muscles suffer permanent back injuries or cause injury to
your feet if you fall. Before you move an object consider how much it
weighs and how high you need to lift it.

Furthermore, there is the possibility of environmental hazards

caused by hazardous chemicals.

Improper handling of storage can cause unsafe workplaces,

your eyes can get hurt if you work around hazardous chemicals such
as solvent cleaners, battery acids, and lubricants. Other potential eye
hazards include gases and liquids that are projected under high
pressure such as sparks. Protect your eyes by wearing protective
The flammable material can ignite and ignite fire. Keep
flammable material away from sources of heat and spark. Also
remember that when materials burn they may produce toxic fumes that
are also flammable, inhalation hazard or the risk of other hazardous
substances emitting harmful fumes including fuel, hydraulic fluids,
and antifreeze. You can suffer from headaches due to weakness,
nausea, pneumonia, and prolonged damage. Wear a protective mask
when working with this liquid when sanding paint or grinding metal
because emitted particles can irritate your respiratory tract.

Finally, there is a trip hazard that occurs when wires and

electrical cables cross the floor, not only can you experience injury
from falling, but you can take out equipment where other people work
to keep workers away from obstacles.

So much information from us, hopefully can help you in

carrying out a good job. I and the team say goodbye resign, thank you
for your attention. See you next week.

Wassalamu’alaikum Warohmatullahi wabarokatuh

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