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Supportive Therapy for Schizophrenia:

Possible Mechanisms and Implications for

Adjunctive Psychosocial Treatments
by David L. Penn, Kim T. Mueser, Nick Tarrier, Andrew Qloege,
Conine Cather, Daniel Serrano, and Michael W. Otto

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Abstract We begin with a review of recent research on ST,
which indicates unexpected, positive ST effects for people
This article posits that the positive findings for sup- with schizophrenia. We next consider the possible mecha-
portive therapy (ST) in recent trials may indicate an nisms underlying these effects. We conclude by introduc-
important but undervalued aspect of psychosocial ing a new cognitive-behavioral approach to schizophre-
interventions for schizophrenia. In developing this nia, functional cognitive-behavioral therapy (FCBT),
thesis, we consider the possible mechanisms underly- which seeks to enhance adaptive functioning through cog-
ing the beneficial effects of ST observed in recent tri- nitive-behavioral techniques as well as ST.
als of cognitive behavioral therapy for schizophrenia.
We place this evidence in the context of a review of
psychological models of mental health, the therapeu- Psychosocial Treatment for People
tic alliance, and research on social cognition and With Schizophrenia
social support in schizophrenia. We conclude this arti-
cle by describing a new theoretically driven interven- Individuals with schizophrenia have significantly
tion for schizophrenia, functional cognitive-behav- impaired social, vocational, and self-care functioning.
ioral therapy (FCBT), which improves functional These impairments, which can militate against full recov-
outcomes by integrating evidence-based advances in ery and reintegration into the community, demand optimal
cognitive behavioral therapy with the strengths of ST outpatient care. The front line of outpatient care is phar-
approaches. macological treatment, which has been shown to reduce
Keywords: Schizophrenia, psychosocial treatment, symptoms and relapse rates in people with schizophrenia
supportive therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy. (Ayuso-Guiterrez and del Rio 1997). Despite the benefi-
Schizophrenia Bulletin, 30(l):101-112, 2004. cial effects of neuroleptics, however, pharmacological
treatment alone presents a number of limitations (Hogarty
and Ulrich 1998). First, suboptimal adherence to medica-
In this article, we suggest that considering the mecha- tion occurs in 45 to 60 percent of outpatients (Fenton et
nisms underlying the beneficial effects of ST may result in al. 1997). Second, persistent residual positive symptoms
more effective individual treatment for schizophrenia. are apparent in 25 to 50 percent of those with schizophre-
Although evidence for the efficacy of ST for schizophre- nia, even with optimal medication (Kane and Marder
nia is not overwhelming (Mueser and Berenbaum 1990; 1993; Pantelis and Barnes 1996; Wiersma et al. 1998).
Fenton 2000), many researchers believe that aspects of Third, little evidence suggests that neuroleptic medication
ST, such as the therapeutic alliance, the provision of sup- alone significantly improves social functioning, which is
port and advice, and efforts to minimize stress, may be one of the strongest predictors of current functioning and
beneficial in their own right (Coursey 1989; Weiden and long-term outcome in schizophrenia (Baum and Walker
Havens 1994; Buckley and Lys 1996; Fenton 2000). 1995; Halford and Hayes 1995; Macdonald et al. 1998;
Although the potential merit of ST for schizophrenia has Amminger et al. 1999). Adjunctive psychosocial interven-
been previously discussed (Coursey 1989; Weiden and
Havens, 1994; Buckley and Lys 1996; Fenton 2000), we
suggest that incorporating lessons learned from ST may
Scnd reprint requests to Dr. D. L. Penn, Ph.D., University of North
strengthen the effect of cognitive-behavioral therapy Carolina-Chapel Hill, Department of Psychology, Davie Hall, CB#3270,
(CBT) on schizophrenia. Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3270; e-mail:

Schizophrenia Bulletin, Vol. 30, No. 1, 2004 D.L. Penn et al.

tions have therefore emerged as important components in relapse. CBT for residual symptoms places less emphasis
the comprehensive treatment of schizophrenia. on social adjustment and quality of life than does PT.
Because of schizophrenia's pervasive effects on daily Reviews of the literature indicate that CBT can
functioning, an array of psychosocial approaches has been reduce residual positive symptoms in both inpatients and
developed to improve adjustment. Some approaches pro- outpatients with schizophrenia (Bouchard, et al. 1996;
vide services to clients in the community to increase mon- Haddock et al. 1998; Norman and Townsend 1999;
itoring of illness, adherence to medication, and address Dickerson 2000; Garety et al. 2000; Gould et al, 2001).
basic living needs (i.e., Assertive Community Treatment However, this reduction is less pronounced when CBT is
[ACT] and supported employment); others focus on compared with alternative interventions, such as support-
improving specific skills (i.e., cognitive remediation and ive counseling, rather than treatment as usual (Garety et
social skills training). In general, empirical support exists al. 2000). A discussion of CBT studies that have included
for ACT, family psychoeducation, social skills training, an active comparison intervention follows.
and supported employment (Mojatbai et al. 1998; Mueser
et al. 1998; Birchwood 1999; Garety et al. 2000; Heinssen CBT Versus Alternative Interventions. Drury and col-

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et al. 2000; Huxley et al. 2000; Mueser and Bond 2000; leagues (1996a, 1996ft) compared CBT with recreational
Bustillo et al. 2001). Therefore, a number of psychosocial therapy for people in the acute phase of psychosis. The
interventions have shown positive effects on relapse rate, findings showed an advantage for CBT in positive symp-
symptoms, employment, and social impairments. toms, recovery from symptoms, and reduced hospital
Recently, researchers have shown renewed interest in stays (Drury et al. 1996a, 1996ft). However, no significant
more "traditional" forms of psychotherapy for those with differences between groups were present at the 5-year fol-
schizophrenia. Unlike earlier unsuccessful attempts at lowup. An advantage for CBT was observable only
psychodynamic treatment for schizophrenia (Mueser and among a subgroup of patients who experienced a maxi-
Berenbaum 1990; however, see Alanen et al. 2000), most mum of one relapse in the foliowup period (Drury et al.
current approaches are rooted in cognitive-behavioral 2000). Unfortunately, a lack of adequate experimental
models (Garety et al. 2000). These individual approaches blinding compromised this study's internal validity. In
can be divided into those that focus predominantly on addition, the CBT comprised individual, family, and
affect regulation and personal/social adjustment, such as group formats, which obfuscates the active treatment
Personal Therapy (PT; Hogarty et al. 1995), and those that ingredients.
emphasize symptom remission as a primary goal, such as Pinto et al. (1999) compared CBT plus social skills
CBT for psychosis (Garety et al. 2000). training with ST in people receiving clozapine for treat-
PT was developed to help stave off relapse in people ment-refractory schizophrenia. The ST included "psy-
with chronic schizophrenia, particularly during the second choeducation, active listening, empathy, crisis manage-
year of recovery following a relapse (Hogarty et al. 1995). ment, reinforcement of the client's health seeking
PT seeks to enhance personal and social adjustment by behaviors, and advocacy" (p. 902). The results showed
improving patients' affect-regulation skills and their that no subjects from either group relapsed and that no
recognition of the sources and signs of stress. Results of a significant group differences in negative symptoms
3-year trial of PT for people with schizophrenia showed emerged. Although positive symptoms improved in both
that, compared with family and supportive therapies, PT groups, the group receiving CBT showed greater symp-
reduced relapse rates for those living with families but not tom reduction than did the subjects receiving ST. These
for those living independently (Hogarty et al. 1997ft) and findings suggest a slight advantage of CBT over ST in
had generally stronger effects on social adjustment by the positive symptoms only. However, like Drury et al.
second year of treatment (Hogarty et al. 1997a). These (1996a, 1996ft, 2000), blind assessors were not used to
findings suggest that PT may be a promising approach for evaluate clinical outcomes, compromising the study's
improving adjustment in people with schizophrenia. methodology. Furthermore, the significant advantage of
Cognitive-behavioral approaches for addressing CBT over ST for positive symptoms may have been due
residual, distressing symptoms are varied, ranging from to CBT, social skills training, or a combination of the two.
those that rely primarily on cognitive interventions Unfortunately, the design does not allow for a dismantling
(Chadwick et al. 1996) to those that are more behavioral of these treatment effects.
in orientation (Tamer 1992). Although these approaches Haddock et al. (1999) compared CBT with supportive
differ in their place on the cognitive-behavioral contin- counseling in 21 patients who had experienced a recent-
uum, most share a number of common goals (Fowler et al. onset acute psychotic episode. The supportive counseling
1995): reducing the distress and disability associated with was nondirective; unstructured; and designed to provide
residual symptoms, reducing emotional concerns, and clients with emotional support, social interaction, and
promoting an understanding of the illness to reduce unconditional regard. The results showed no significant

Supportive Therapy for Schizophrenia Schizophrenia Bulletin, Vol. 30, No. 1, 2004

treatment differences in symptoms, time-to-discharge, and dence that ST outperformed CBT, and some data indicate
relapse rate at the 2-year followup. Tarrier et al. (1998a, that CBT may have an advantage in ameliorating specific
1999, 2000) compared CBT plus routine care, supportive symptoms such as hallucinations (Tarrier et al. 2001).
counseling plus routine care, and routine care alone in The positive effects of ST in recent trials suggest mat
outpatients with chronic schizophrenia. The supportive further investigation may be informative. Does ST work
counseling was the same as that used in Haddock et al. simply because any additional care is of value for people
(1999). At treatment termination, the findings showed that with schizophrenia, or is ST especially suited for the
both CBT and supportive counseling reduced symptom problems encountered by people with schizophrenia?
severity and frequency more than routine care alone, with
CBT showing a statistical advantage over supportive
counseling (Tarrier et al. 1998a). However, at 1- and 2-
What Accounts for ST Effects?
year followups, no significant differences between CBT Identifying potential treatment mechanisms for ST is an
and supportive counseling existed on any of the study important step toward enhancing our current individual
measures, although they both remained superior to routine psychosocial treatments for schizophrenia. Potential
care alone (Tarrier et al. 1999, 2000). Finally, Sensky et

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mechanisms are suggested by empirical research in the
al. (2000) compared CBT with "befriending therapy" in areas of social support and health, psychological
persons with schizophrenia with persistent positive symp- processes underlying mental health, the therapeutic
toms. In befriending therapy, the therapist was encouraged alliance, and social cognition.
to be "empathic and nondirective, with the sessions focus-
ing on neutral topics" (p. 167). The findings showed no Social Support and Health. Research on the role of
significant group differences in positive or negative symp- social support in physical and mental health has its roots
toms at the termination of treatment, but at the 9-month in Durkheim's work showing higher rates of suicide
followup assessment, CBT maintained positive effects on among persons with fewer social ties (i.e., poor "social
symptomatology and showed a significant advantage over integration"; Cohen et al. 2000). Since then, the associa-
befriending therapy in positive and negative symptoms. tion between social support and mental health has been
It is unclear why in Tarrier et al. (1999, 2000), CBT observed in more than 1,000 studies (Rhodes and Lakey
was superior to ST at posttest but equivalent to ST at fol- 1999). Furthermore, the level of social support has not
lowup, whereas the opposite pattern emerged for Sensky only a concurrent relationship with mental health but also
et al. (2000). These studies differed in the types of CBT a predictive one (Rhodes and Lakey 1999). Numerous
and supportive interventions conducted and in sample studies have found that greater social support is associated
recruitment methods (a convenience sample in Sensky et with lower blood pressure, stronger immune responses,
al. [2000]) versus a geographic cohort in Tarrier et al. and lower mortality rates (Uchino et al. 1999). The links
[1999, 2000]). Either of these factors could have between social support and health and between social sup-
accounted for the studies' pattern differences. port and mortality are comparable in strength to the link
A number of themes emerge from recent individual between physical risk factors, such as smoking and physi-
psychotherapy trials that included ST in the design. First, cal inactivity, and health (Uchino et al. 1999).
the forms of ST conducted ranged from relatively unstruc- Social support clearly has an important role in the
tured "befriending" therapy (Sensky et al. 2000) to more functioning of people with schizophrenia. Specifically,
intensive supportive conditions that included psychoedu- individuals with chronic schizophrenia have smaller
cation and case management (Hogarty et al. 1997a, social networks and report having fewer friends than indi-
19976). Similarly diverse definitions of ST have also been viduals without schizophrenia (Randolph 1998). These
found in earlier clinical trials (e.g., reality-adaptive-sup- smaller networks are associated with greater illness
portive therapy; Gunderson et al. 1984). In most of these chronicity (Lipton et al. 1981), severity (Sokolovsky et al.
studies, ST was a placebo therapy designed to control for 1978), and more negative symptoms (Hamilton et al.
the effects of nonspecific therapist attention to the client. 1989; Macdonald et al. 1998). Such networks tend to be
In these studies, ST often lacked specification and was composed mostly of other people with psychiatric disor-
usually not guided by a manual. As a result, no standard ders, mental health professionals, or family members
ST has been used in individual psychotherapy trials for (Sokolovsky et al. 1978; Isele et al. 1985). Finally, more
people with schizophrenia. Second, the effects of ST on restricted social networks are associated with poorer
symptoms and relapses, particularly in the most method- social functioning (Brugha et al. 1993; Estroff et al. 1994;
ologically sound trials, are similar to CBT in that both Macdonald et al. 1998) and outcome (Erickson et al.
approaches improve clinical outcomes compared with 1989).
treatment as usual (e.g., Tarrier et al. 1998, 1999, 2000; These findings, obtained from groups of people with
Sensky et al. 2000). On the other hand, there is no evi- schizophrenia, are consistent with individual subjective

Schizophrenia Bulletin, Vol. 30, No. 1, 2004 D.L. Perm et al.

reports. In studies examining first-person accounts and appraisals"; Mead 1934). Therefore, according to the
personal narratives about having schizophrenia, the most social-cognitive model, social support affects mental
consistent themes were those of loneliness, social isola- health by bolstering one's sense of self.
tion, and the search for ways to belong or connect with
others (Corin 1990; Corin and Lauzon 1992, 1994; Models of Psychological Health. The effect of social
Davidson et al. 1998). Davidson and colleagues (1998) support on mental health appears to be part of a funda-
argue that for those experiencing social isolation, individ- mental human need to form connections with others
ual psychotherapy may provide "a crucial bridge back (Baumeister and Leary 1995; Andersen et al. 2000). In
into the social world" (p. 114). Through the therapeutic their seminal review of this field, Baumeister and Leary
relationship, clients with schizophrenia may learn that (1995) concluded that (1) people naturally seek and form
positive social relationships are possible, largely because relationships with others, (2) efforts to dissolve relation-
the therapist treats them not just as clients but as people. ships are strongly resisted, (3) people process information
Therefore, because of their impoverished social networks about relationships and relationship partners more thor-
and need for social contact, people with schizophrenia oughly than about other people (e.g., acquaintances or
may be especially responsive to the nonspecific elements

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strangers), (4) Relationship quality and intensity have a
of a therapeutic relationship. direct relationship with mood, and (5) intermittent social
The mechanisms by which social support affects bonds (e.g., a long distance relationship) or superficial
mental health are still unknown, although two models bonds do not produce the same mental health benefits as
have been proposed: the stress-buffering model (Cohen closer, more stable bonds.
and McKay 1984) and the main effects or social cognitive Taking a somewhat different stance, Ryff and Singer
model (Cohen and Willis 1985; Rhodes and Lakey 1999). (1998) developed a model of "positive human health" in
According to the stress-buffering hypothesis (Cohen et al. which social support and connection to others are given
2000), perceived social support (and a feeling of connec- prominent roles. Specifically, they argue that positive
tion with others) may affect appraisal of a stressful situa- human health involves leading a life of purpose (e.g.,
tion by providing the individual with the belief that addi- work and recreational activities) and of having quality
tional resources, in the form of other people, are available. connections with others. For example, the most important
Furthermore, social support may also reduce the person's descriptor of well-being reported by middle-aged and
emotional reactions to the stressor. Some support for this older adults is having quality relationships (Ryff 1989).
hypothesis comes from studies investigating the electro- This finding is consistent with the general literature,
dermal responses of people with schizophrenia in the which shows that social integration is a robust predictor
presence of a key relative. In these studies (Tarrier et al. of happiness (Baumeister 1991). A psychological inter-
1979, 1988), the presence of a relative rated as low on vention based on Ryff and Singer's (1998) model in
Expressed Emotion (i.e., lacking strong negative affective which individuals are asked to monitor and increase feel-
qualities) appeared to have a calming effect compared ings of well-being has shown promise as a treatment for
with the presence of relatives rated as high on Expressed affective disorders (Fava et al. 1998; Fava 1999).
Emotion (i.e., characterized by high levels of criticism or
emotional overinvolvement). The Therapeutic Alliance. Another mechanism under-
The main effects or social-cognitive model does not lying ST effects may be the role of the therapeutic
require the presence of stressful life events for the posi- alliance on clinical outcomes. The therapeutic alliance,
tive effects of social support to occur. The positive role of which refers to the quality of the working relationship
social support may occur because the recipient has access between client and therapist, has its roots in both psycho-
to others who possess information about engaging in dynamic theory (in relation to the concept of transfer-
appropriate mental health-related (or physical ence) and Rogers' work on client-centered therapy
health-related) behaviors. In other words, others may pro- (Horvath and Luborsky 1993). Since then, it has evolved
vide either direct information (e.g., advice) or indirect into a pantheoretical construct based largely on the work
information (e.g., via modeling) to help individuals nego- of Bordin (1976), whose model describes the working
tiate their daily lives (Cohen et al. 2000). A more recent alliance as being composed of three elements: tasks (the
form of this model suggests that social support acts via within-therapy behaviors that form the basis of the inter-
increasing access to positive thoughts or conceptualiza- vention), bonds (mutual trust and personal attachment
tions about the self (Rhodes and Lakey 1999). This ver- within the therapeutic relationship), and goals (mutually
sion of the model is consistent with early work from the agreed-on targets for treatment). From this model, a
symbolic interactionists, who posited that self-esteem and widely used measure of the therapeutic alliance, the
other self-concepts are based on individuals' perceptions Working Alliance Inventory (Horvath and Greenberg
of how they are perceived by others (i.e., "reflected 1989), emerged.

Supportive Therapy for Schizophrenia Schizophrenia Bulletin, Vol. 30, No. 1, 2004

In comprehensive reviews of the literature, Horvath sonal aspects of the illness (e.g., self-esteem and friend-
and colleagues (Horvath and Symonds 1991; Horvath and ships) rather than on medical or symptom-related aspects
Luborsky 1993; Horvath 1994) concluded that the thera- alone. In their discussion, Coursey et al. (1995) note that
peutic alliance has a moderate but consistent association in the individual treatment of people with schizophrenia,
with treatment outcome. The results of meta-analyses little attention has been given to addressing these very
indicate effect sizes that range between 0.22 and 0.26 fundamental human needs. This oversight may be one
(Horvath and Symonds 1991; Martin et al. 2000), which, critical reason why individuals drop out of CBT (Tarrier
according to Horvath (1994), is similar to the gains asso- et. al. 1998A>; Curtis 1999; Tarrier 1999).
ciated with different types of therapy. The magnitude of
this relationship did not differ as a function of therapy Social Cognition. Social cognition is a domain of cogni-
type or frequency of sessions, although some evidence tion that involves the perception, interpretation, and pro-
suggests that CBT is associated with a stronger alliance cessing of social information (Ostrom 1984). Compared
than psychodyamic approaches (Raue et al. 1997). with nonsocial cognition, the targets of social cognition
Finally, some studies suggest that the client's perception tend to be interactive, dynamic, and personally relevant
of the therapeutic alliance has a stronger relationship with (Fiske and Taylor 1991). Furthermore, unobservable

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outcome than observer or therapist ratings (Horvath and attributes (e.g., the intentions of others) tend to be of criti-
Luborsky 1993; Horvath 1994). Note, however, that in cal importance for social cognitive stimuli and less impor-
some cases a strong therapeutic alliance may be a conse- tant for nonsocial cognitive stimuli (Fiske and Taylor
quence rather than a cause of beneficial treatment out- 1991).
come. For example, Tang and DeRubis (1999) found that Compared with clinical and nonclinical control sub-
strong increases in the therapeutic alliance followed rather jects, people with schizophrenia have various impair-
than preceded symptom change in clients with major ments and biases in social cognition (Penn et al. 1997).
depression who received CBT. Other research, however, These difficulties are evident on tests of emotion percep-
has found that the interaction of the therapeutic alliance tion (Penn et al. 1997; Hellewell and Whittaker 1998;
with cognitive change contributes to clinical outcomes Mandal et al. 1998; Edwards et al. 2002), theory of mind
(Rector et al. 1999). Therefore, the relationship between tasks (i.e., the ability to make inferences about others'
the therapeutic alliance and outcome may be complex, intentions and states of minds; Corcoran 2001), and attri-
with each having the potential to affect and interact with butional style (Garety and Freeman 1999; Bentall 2001).
the other. In general, people with schizophrenia have particular dif-
Growing evidence suggests a role for the therapeutic ficulty perceiving and interpreting negative emotions
alliance in the outcome of schizophrenia. A stronger thera- (Mandal et al. 1998; Edwards et al. 2002), and individuals
peutic alliance is associated with higher client functioning with persecutory delusions tend to blame others, rather
(Allen et al. 1985; Neale and Rosenheck 1995; Svensson than situations, for negative events (Garety and Freeman
and Hansson 1999), lower symptom severity and higher 1999).
levels of community functioning (Neale and Rosenheck Social cognition is important for understanding the
1995), increased goal attainment (Gerhs and Goering potential benefits of ST for two reasons. First, evidence
1994), and greater medication and treatment adherence suggests that social cognition is related to social function-
(Frank and Gunderson 1990; Corriss et al. 1999; Olfson et ing in schizophrenia and that this relationship is not
al. 2000). Furthermore, the absence of a positive relation- redundant with nonsocial cognition (Penn et al. 2001).
ship with a case manager has been found to predict worse Second, social cognitive impairments, particularly those
client outcomes; that is, more severe symptoms and a associated with positive symptoms, are not random but
lower quality of life (Tattan and Tarrier 2000). instead reflect well-organized, subjective experiences that
Social needs are important topics for the treatment of revolve around consistent interpersonal themes (discussed
persons with schizophrenia. Coursey and colleagues in Strauss 1994; Penn et al. 1997). These themes, such as
(1991, 1995) examined the mental health needs and pref- those involving persecution, social comparison, and
erences of persons with a severe mental illness, including grandiosity, arguably reflect concerns people with schizo-
schizophrenia. These studies revealed that people with phrenia have about their place in the social world
severe mental illness ranked issues such as friendship and (Roberts 1991). Therefore, ST may indirectly exert posi-
self-confidence higher on their list of needs than address- tive effects by addressing the client's concerns regarding
ing specific symptoms (Coursey et al. 1991). Furthermore, her or his place in the social world and her or his interac-
the highest ranked therapist quality valued by clients with tions with others. ST may provide one such positive rela-
severe mental illness was "friendliness," followed by tionship that could bolster people's confidence in them-
being an "expert on their illness" (Coursey et al. 1995). selves or help them think differently about others in their
These findings underscore the need to focus on more per- environment.

Schizophrenia Bulletin, Vol. 30, No. 1, 2004 D.L. Penn et al.

Implications for Individual Therapy for individual treatment for schizophrenia-spectrum disor-
ders that targets residual symptoms that interfere with
Schizophrenia functional goal attainment, including interpersonal
In sum, models of psychological health posit a central role goals. Rather than discussing hallucinations or delusions
for meaningful social contact with others, and there is as real or unreal, or rational or distorted, FCBT focuses
consistent support for a link between a paucity of social on whether psychotic symptoms and responses to these
support and various physical and emotional disorders. symptoms interfere with the client's ability to function
Because schizophrenia is a disorder in which the disrup- in the community. Although it bears some resemblance
tion of social bonds and meaningful relationships tends to to PT (Hogarty et al. 1995), it differs from PT in that it
be the rule, ST's apparent benefits may derive from its is time-limited, places more emphasis on increasing
provision of needed social support, informal, noncon- functionality and well-being and less on affect regula-
frontational, and time-limited social interactions. tion and relapse prevention, and appears more rooted in
These hypothesized mechanisms, although specula- cognitive-behavioral theory and models of mental health
tive and needing evaluation, may help to better inform thanPT.

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current CBT approaches for people with schizophrenia in FCBT is delivered in 16 weekly outpatient sessions
several ways. First, CBT may be able to further extend followed by 4 biweekly booster sessions. The first five
treatment effects by better targeting the social needs and sessions are delivered similarly across clients. The first
goals of patients, which is important because CBT, session is devoted to an instructional videotape developed
although effective on the symptoms of schizophrenia, by the authors (M.W.O., C.C., and D.L.P.) to orient clients
appears to have little effect on social functioning or qual- to the FCBT model. The clients are also encouraged to tell
ity of life (Garety et al. 2000). Approaches to CBT for their story: what brought them to therapy and what they
schizophrenia may be more effective if they place greater want to get out of it. In the second through fifth sessions,
emphasis on the interpersonal context and social conse- clients engage in two primary activities: (1) developing a
quences of symptoms (Tarrier and Calam 2002). This list of functional goals and the symptoms that interfere
approach is consistent with recent models of cognitive with goal attainment and (2) enhancing their well-being
therapy, which emphasize interpersonal aspects of psy- by pursuing pleasant activities. The functional goals serve
chological disorders (Safran and Segal 1990; Keller et al. the primary purpose of increasing quality of life and daily
2000) as an important target for treatment productivity and the secondary purpose of increasing the
Second, attending to social and recreational goals clients' motivation to work on residual symptoms that
may provide better "traction" for current CBT interven- compromise day-to-day life. Typical functional goals
tions; that is, rehearsing symptom-management skills in selected by our clients include making more friends;
the context of social and recreational goals and other developing a new hobby; and finding activities to fill
functional activities may aid the transfer of these skills to one's day such as part-time work or volunteering. By the
the areas of functioning where they are most needed and end of the fifth session, the client and therapist have
where there may be greater motivation to use difficult developed a functional goal list linked to specific symp-
interventions. For example, in the context of negative toms.
symptoms such as amotivation and anhedonia, therapists Enhancement of well-being is based on the work of
should try to link all interventions to specific client goals Fava and colleagues (Fava et al. 1998; Fava 1999) and is
and activities. Accordingly, the control of positive symp- composed of the following steps: (1) monitoring periods
toms need not be a goal in its own right but may be tar- of well-being, (2) identifying thoughts or activities associ-
geted in the context of strategies to enhance coping and ated with periods of well-being, and (3) helping the client
well-being during activities frequently avoided (or dis- choose potential pleasurable activities (if the client doesn't
rupted) because of positive symptoms. report any during the self-monitoring phase) using a pleas-
To address some of these issues, we have developed a ant events list in the manual. Again, the well-being
new approach, functional CBT (FCBT), that uses empiri- approach is based on the philosophy of FCBT to enhance
cally supported strategies but focuses on enhancing func- quality of life rather than merely eliminating or modifying
tionality and well-being among persons with schizophre- maladaptive behaviors or thoughts.
nia. We introduce elements of this philosophy below.1 The content of sessions 6 through 16 is determined
Functional cognitive-behavioral therapy (FCBT) is a brief by decision rules for the selection of particular treatment
modules. Each module involves targeting a symptom or
behavior that may be interfering with functionality. The
'A more extensive description of this model is reported elsewhere
(Cather et al., in press), and a treatment manual is available from the first four treatment modules address negative symptoms, dys-
author of this article. functional reaction to voices, delusions, and social inte-

Supportive Therapy for Schizophrenia Schizophrenia Bulletin, Vol. 30, No. 1, 2004

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The Authors
David L. Penn, Ph.D., is at the University of North
Carolina-Chapel Hill. Kim T. Mueser, Ph.D., is at
Dartmouth Medical School, NH. Nick Tarrier, Ph.D., is at
the University of Manchester. Andrew Gloege, B.A., is at
the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. Corrine
Cather, Ph.D., is at the Massachusetts General Hospital
and Harvard Medical School. Daniel Serrano is at the
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. Michael W.
Otto, Ph.D., is at the Massachusetts General Hospital and
Harvard Medical School.

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