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Eric Effinger

Dc. Boedeker


May 9, 2010

"Keeping the Faith" By: Eric Effinger

During the captivity, although it may be difficult, I would keep my faith by

daily prayer, stronger and meaningful worship, education of my children and

future children, meditation and reflection on my life, and how to become a

Catholic. Keeping my faith in God would be a challenge, you would feel

abandoned and hopeless while my state of captivity. Daily prayer would help keep

my faith by keeping a connection and communication with God available, this

would not only strengthen my relationship with God but would allow me to ask

God for forgiveness of my sins while in captivity. I think I would feel very sorry for

myself and feel as if God had abandoned me. Prayer would open my eyes and see

that God gave his life for me and here I am feeling sorry for myself, God died so

that I could live. While amidst such harsh conditions it would be hard not to put

items such as food, clothing, and anything that would enhance my conditions

before God. To keep from doing this I would always give credit to God for the gifts

and objects that I receive, such as food that I would receive thanksgiving would be

given to God, so that I would not be worshiping objects. Being grateful for objects
is different than putting everything aside for the object, unless it is a life or death


Teaching my Children and future children would be important to the

worship of our religion. If resources made it possible, I would compile stories and

hymns from the bible (that I remembered), church songs, and rituals of worship

into a book and a resource to be studied from. Teaching of the symbolism of

objects in the church would be important as well, such as, the Body and Blood of

Christ being wine and bread (before transubstantiation), the cross and how Jesus

gave his life for us, the holy trinity, and oil symbolizing the Holy Spirit etc.

Meditation would become a major part of my worship to God. I find that

even now I find that meditation is a great way to open your mind to let the Holy

Spirit enter your thoughts, words, and actions. It would also allow you time to

relax and keep you cool on your current state of being. You are in no way short of

time when you are in captivity so meditation would be a major role in keeping

your mind unstressed at all times.

Although the conditions you may be in during captivity God is never far

away, infarct God is always with you, therefore however alone and hopeless you

may feel you are never alone nor hopeless for God is always with you.

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