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Ways to apply AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) are categorized into 4 levels: Automated, Assisted,

Augmented, and Autonomous Intelligence. The Automated Intelligence provides information
management software and services that enable organisations to easily transition. An example of
this technology are Microsoft SharePoint, Microsoft Azure and Office 365. Using their proven
solutions, organisations can analyse and optimise their existing data holdings to aid in the
transition to SharePoint from legacy data repositories, reducing costs and increasing data quality.
Their technology further enables organisations to exploit their Microsoft platform to comply with
legal, government and internal policy obligations, whilst improving user experience, user
acceptance, information discovery and data quality.

Considered the most basic level of AI, Assisted intelligence is often considered as a basic
form of Artificial Intelligence and is mainly used to automate simple tasks and processes. This is
achieved by harnessing the combined power of Big Data, cloud and data science and is least
suited in decision-making. Though it requires constant input from human users, it frees people up
to perform more in-depth activities with clear outputs. The main objective is to improve the
processes that are already taking place, i.e. it alerts humans about possible solutions and allows
them the authority to make final decisions. Some of its immediate applications are in
transportation, healthcare, and as a personal assistant. GPS navigation programs and
manufacturing robots used this level of AI.

The next level of AI is Augmented Intelligence, it aids human intelligence and enables
people and organizations to do things they cannot do otherwise, in faster and smarter ways. It is
based on machine learning, natural language processing, image recognition, and neural networks.
The prime role is to support human decisions rather than simulate independent intelligence. It
abides by a five-function cadence that empowers it to learn with human influence. This
sequential process comprises of: understanding the system data input, interpret new dataset based
on old data learning analytics, creating output of the new data via reasoning, learning from the
human feedback on its output through comparative analysis and readjusting itself accordingly
and finally, assuring security and compliance based on AI and Blockchain algorithms. Some of
its immediate uses are in finance, cyber security, healthcare, public safety, fraud detection and
many more spheres. An example of this are risk analytics and regulation tasks carried out in

The main difference between assisted and augmented intelligence is that augmented
intelligence can combine existing data and information to suggest new solutions rather than
simply identifying patterns and applying predetermined solutions. Thanks to deep learning
capabilities and continuous training, augmented intelligence machines are able to make better
and faster decisions than humans, which can be especially helpful in time-sensitive applications.

Lastly and the most advanced form of AI is Autonomous Intelligence, the processes in
this level are automated to generate the intelligence that allows machines, bots and systems to act
on their own, independent of human intervention. Autonomous intelligence systems are equipped
with abilities such as sensing and perception, data processing and information fusion, intelligent
decision making, cognition and mental development, learning and adaption, communications and
computation. Some systems that applies this level of AI includes aerial vehicle, ground robots,
space and deepwater exploration, underwater vehicles, software systems, automatic science
discovery, smart manufacturing, medical and health care systems, Internet of Things and more.



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