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Sodium Bicarbonate defeats Coronavirus

Preprint · December 2020

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Tayeb Basta
Al Ghurair University


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Sodium bicarbonate defeats Coronavirus

Scientists stress that the human body must keep its pH within the range of 7.35-7.45 to survive and
function properly. Acidosis in the blood is reflected by a drop of pH level to less than 7.35.
scientists also assert that the existence of acidosis in the blood simplifies the entry of viruses to
host cells and then thrive and replicate.

Based on these facts, we introduce a new strategic approach to fight against coronavirus. We
suggest depleting the virus resources instead of destroying it through drugs or improving the
immune system through vaccination. We introduce a versatile ingredient that is available on our
kitchen shelves. It is called sodium bicarbonate and commonly known as baking soda.

We found out that this substance can balance the pH level in the human body and consequently is
capable of defeating covid-19.

Keywords: Covid-19; SARS-CoV-2; Sodium bicarbonate; Acidosis; Alkalosis; pH

1. Introduction
In early December 2019 and in Wuhan City in China, an outbreak of coronavirus infectious
disease (COVID-19) caused by the most recently discovered coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), occurred
in Wuhan City, China. On January 30, 2020, it was considered by the World Health Organization
as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern1. As of February 22, 2021, the united states
marks the latest tragic milestone of 500,000 Covid-19 deaths2.
In this work, we introduce a new strategic approach to fight against coronavirus. The approach
consists of depleting the virus resources rather than destroying it through drugs or improving the
human immune system through vaccination. In this context, we explore the relationship between
the presence of metabolic acidosis and the pH level in the human body. Scientists assert that viruses
need an acidosis metabolism to enter the cells and immediately begin to multiply. Up to the writing
of this article, scientists are struggling to find means to directly defeat coronavirus by providing
drugs that can destroy the virus and stop its replication in the cells. Or boost the body's immune
system by vaccines to ensure that it can stand against virus attacks. The pH scale values are ranging
from 0 to 14. A solution is neutral when its pH number is 7. As the pH number goes lower than 7
the solution becomes more acidic, and as the pH number goes higher than 7, the solution becomes
more alkaline.
To function properly, the human blood needs to be in an acid-base balance. The kidneys and
lungs function to provide a buffer system that ensures such a balance. In such a way that the lungs
can increase the blood pH by exhaling CO2 from the body. The kidneys mitigate the acids by
excreting hydrogen ions and generating bicarbonate and consequently help maintain blood plasma
pH number within the desired range. And the protein buffer systems also work inside the body
cells3. This is known as the body buffer system which works to provide for the required acid-base
Scientists assert that the sodium bicarbonate administration increases the pH level and
consequently alters the body acidosis condition to equilibrium. Thus, enclosing the virus in an
environment where it cannot survive.
In this work, we report from scientists and we only intervene at the end to construct a
compelling conclusion. For a more in-depth review of sodium bicarbonate and its effects on
viruses, the reader can consult4. Our conclusion confirms that sodium bicarbonate is capable of
defeating coronavirus, regardless of what variant it is.
The rest of the paper will be as follows: section 2 asserts that metabolic acidosis is a convenient
medium for growing viruses. In section 3, we show that sodium bicarbonate is a cure for acidosis
metabolism. Section 4 is a recommendation of a clinical trial of sodium bicarbonate on covid-19
patients. And the paper concludes in section 5.

2. Metabolic acidosis is a convenient medium for growing viruses

Life on earth depends on appropriate pH levels in and around living organisms and cells.
Human life requires a tightly controlled pH level in the blood serum of to be in the range of 7.35
to 7.45 to survive5.
Too much acid in the body fluids render them acidosis. Acidosis occurs when the body buffer
system fails to keep the body's pH number within the desired range. Many of the body's processes
produce acid including drinks and food. When the kidneys or the lungs are not working properly
due to health conditions, the body becomes plenty of acids. The pH number of a liquid ranges from
0 to 14. When it is 7, the liquid is said to be neutral. pH above 7 means the liquid is alkaline or
basic. When it is less than 7, the liquid is said to be acidosis. The desired pH range of the human
body is between 7.35 and 7.45, in other words a bit alkaline. But when exceeds 7.45, the body is
said to be Alkalosis. Both situations can be the cause of diseases and infections of the body.
The concentration of hydrogen ions at each pH value is 10 times more than the next pH value.
For example, the number of H+ ions in a liquid with pH of 6 is 10 times the number of H+ ions in
a liquid with pH of 7. Acidosis can lead to many health problems which can even lead to death6.
In his valuable research paper7, Helenius asserted that most viruses whether enveloped or not
use endocytic entry mechanisms to invade cells. An acidosis extracellular fluid which is reflected
by a drop in pH level serves as a trigger for host penetration. A low pH also helps some bacterial
toxins to do damage to host cells. Moreover, it is well known that differences in the pH between
compartments regulate directional transport of cargo in the endocytic and secretory pathways.
Helenius certifies herein that understanding of endosomal entry of Semliki Forest virus (SFV) to
host cells and the role of pH exceeds all his scientific achievements so far. SFV is an enveloped
virus like SARS-CoV-2.

• The state of acidosis in the body is typically reflected by a drop in pH number to less than 7.35.
• A drop in pH simplifies the entry of viruses to host cells and then replicate. This is a very
important fact which Helenius described in7 saying that he has had other achievements along
his scientific path, but the one involving endosomal entry of SFV and a drop in pH serves as a
trigger for the virus to penetrate a cell host is very significant7.

3. Sodium bicarbonate as a therapy

Sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) is a crystalline chemical compound commonly known as
baking soda that can be produced industrially. It can bring the pH level in the human body to
equilibrium, that is between 7.35 and 7.45.
In8, the author asserts that sodium bicarbonate has been used to cure patients with metabolic
acidosis who have both a low plasma concentration, that’s pH < 7.2. Since NaHCO3 get dissociated
easily in aqueous solution, Na+, HCO3−, and H2O are added to the extracellular fluid (ECF)
compartment as in Figure 1. The weak base HCO3− tends to associate with Cl− in the ECF
compartment, and since Na+ molecules are being added without Cl−, both effects contribute to
increase the strong ion difference (SID), which results in alkalinization. In addition, HCO3− acts as
a buffer to be combined with H+ to produce CO2 and H2O. Although the Pco2 rises by about 0.5
mmHg for each mEq/L increase in the plasma HCO3− concentration, provided that the lungs have
no health issues as these chemical interactions generate excess of CO2.

Figure 1 Alkalinizing Solutions

Scientists also endorse the role of sodium bicarbonate to treat certain diseases. It is indicated
in the treatment of metabolic acidosis which may occur in severe renal disease, circulatory
insufficiency, uncontrolled diabetes, cardiac arrest, extracorporeal circulation of blood and severe
primary lactic acidosis. Sodium bicarbonate is also used to treat certain drug intoxications, like
barbiturates, in poisoning by salicylates or methyl alcohol and in hemolytic reactions requiring
alkalinization of the urine to diminish nephrotoxicity of hemoglobin and its breakdown products.
Sodium bicarbonate also can be administered to patients with diarrhea to compensate for
bicarbonate loss.
In our research, we are specifically treating coronavirus through the removal of extra acids
from the blood. We are not treating metabolic acidosis itself. This is a different issue that should,
if possible, be superimposed on measures designed to control the basic cause of the acidosis. Even
though, bicarbonate therapy is indicated to mitigate risks due to the acidosis itself.
In some cases where a rapid increase in plasma total CO2 content is crucial, scientists assert
that strong bicarbonate treatment is required9. Even thought, the treatment for other types of
acidosis requires first understanding their causes and then prescribe appropriate treatment6.
In10, the authors stated that acute metabolic acidosis reflected by a fall in extracellular and
intracellular pH can affect cellular function. In addition to supportive measures, sodium
bicarbonate has been included in the treatment of such case.
Other scientists11 recommends the administration of bicarbonate therapy for metabolic
acidosis when the pH is as low as 6.9 to bring it back to 7.2.
In12, the author asserted that the goal of their case study was to prevent SARS-CoV-2 from
entering target cells by raising the airways pH using sodium bicarbonate inhalation.
On top of that, the review of13 is about whether sodium bicarbonate effect on athletes’
performance depends to exercise duration or not. They reported positive and negative effect
percentages on performance with respect to exercise type and duration. They concluded baking
soda has good impact in several exercises like supramaximal exercise, high intensity intermittent
activity as it does on skill-based sports. And according to the American College of Sports
Medicine, sodium bicarbonate is among the leading substances used for the purpose of enhancing
performance14. Athletes and individuals participating in vigorous exercise are using baking soda to
help delay muscle fatigue and improve performance.

• Sodium bicarbonate regulates the level of pH in the blood and therefore brings back the right
balance of acidic and basic (alkaline) to the blood. Thus, it prevents viruses from entering cells
and thriving. It is the main regulating agent of the acid-base balance at the extracellular level15.
• Sodium bicarbonate has already been used for the treatment of acidosis6, 9, 10. In a recent
study12, it has been reported that administration of sodium bicarbonate in inhalation form to
four cases of COVID-19 patients by opposing the effect of low pH has been successful.
• For intake dosage and to not disturb the stomach digestion process, Sircus16 recommended
sodium bicarbonate to be taken 1-2 hours before or after a meal.
• Athletes are using sodium bicarbonate to improve their performance across different exercises,
a fact that confirms the safety of sodium bicarbonate on human bodies.

4. Recommendation
The following is a recommendation of how to conduct a clinical trial of sodium bicarbonate
on covid-19 patients. Eligible patients for the clinical trial are supposed to have no problem in their
lungs as well as their kidneys. These two organs maintain the proper balance of pH in the body.
More specifically, the lungs are there to exhalate extra CO2 generated by the reaction of HCO3- and
H+ as a result of administering sodium bicarbonate to patients.
The clinical trial can take the following form:
1. Check the patients’ pH level.
2. If pH is less than 7.35, give the patient sodium bicarbonate (amount to be specified by
physicians). By experience, one teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate in a cup of water twice a day
is adequate to balance the body pH level.
3. Repeat 2) and 3) until pH level is between 7.35 and 7.45.
4. Record sodium bicarbonate dosage, pH changes, and effects on patient status.
The purpose of such a trial is, in the first place, to be sure that sodium bicarbonate is an efficient
cure to covid-19 pandemic and then to define the dosage appropriate to patients’ condition.
In severe cases, the administration of sodium bicarbonate by injection is also an option to be

5. Conclusion
SARS-CoV-2 that causes Coronavirus (COVID-19) disease is an enveloped virus. The
acidosis state of the blood is its favorite environment where it can easily enter cells and replicate.
To work properly, the pH level of the human body must be between 7.35 and 7.45. As pH number
becomes lower than 7 as the acidity increases, and the blood condition is said to be acidosis.
Scientists are in a war against SARS-CoV-2, they went through direct destruction of the virus
through prescribing drugs to kill the virus. Then they use another strategic fighting by boosting the
human body's immune system through vaccination. In this work, we adopt a different strategic plan
for fighting the virus. Our plan consists of depleting the virus resources by altering its favorite
acidosis environment to an alkaline state. By doing so the virus will not be neither able to enter
cells nor to replicate inside host cells and consequently disappears. We demonstrate that the means
of achieving such a goal is safe, cheap, available, and already used to treat certain other diseases.
It is sodium bicarbonate. A teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate dissolved in a cup of water is
administered orally to patients who have covid-19 symptoms.
The current work is a solid scientific finding seeking health authorities to put it into a clinical
trial to figure out the dosage of sodium bicarbonate needed to cure each different case. Its potential
success will put us at the forefront of fighting against SARS-CoV-2 as well as other viruses.


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