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Which one of the following refers to curative approach of preventing corruption A. Bringing corruptive officials to justice B. Ethical regulation C. Registration of property D. Laws and rules related to finan administration auditing system A person who is arrested illegally and not brought to the court within legally prescribed time has the right to petition the court to order their physical release .This right refers to, A. Presumption of innocence _C, Habeas corpus B. Speedy and public trial _D. Right against self incrimination A conflict resolution mechanism through a panel of judge created by special agreement of the parties is, A. Litigation B, Arbitration C. Mediation _D. Negotiation ‘The principle of due process of the law refers to; A. The right to free oneself from an illegal arrest B. The right to be tried by a court which is non-partisan to the disputing parties ©. The conduct of legal proceeding purely on the established rules and principles D. The right of accused person to be presumed innocent before proven guilty The principle of supremacy of the constitution state that ; A. The constitution should have separate provision for state and religion B. Elected officials should be accountable to their electorate C. The constitution should respect the democratic right of citizens D. Other laws in the country should conform to the constitution Which one of the following government system is different from the others? A, Federal Government C. Totalitarian government B. Unitary government D. Omnipotent government Which of the following organ of government have the power to make higher regulations for regional states in Ethiopia? ‘ A, House of peoples representatives C. State Administration B. Council of min ers D. State Council Democratic system of governance is the most preferred system in many countries of the world because its A. Assures the absolute Social, Economic and political equality in the country Address the interest of citizens in a relatively better way oD Eradicate all social, political and economic problems of the country Consider the sainority rule and majority right as its principle \o 1 us American document known as “"Declar ? John. F. Kennedy B. Abraham Lincoln D. George Washington 10. According to The FORE constitution Commander in chief ofthe fore in Ethiopia is A. The ministry of defense Chief of sufTof the army B, The president D. The prime minister 11. Which one ofthe followings is CORRECT according o article 29 of the FDRE constitution? A Everyone has the right to respect for the human reputation and honor B. Everyone has the right to freedom of religion and belief CF Everyone has the right sek receive and impart information without any interference D. Everyone has the right to privacy 12. In which one the following type democratic system the prime minister works under close supervision of the president A. Hybrid Democracy C, Presidential democracy B. Parliamentary Democracy _D. Representative democracy 13, Which one of the following is the feature of democratic right? A. Democratic rights are inalienable right B, Democratic right can exist in the absence of Human right C. Democratic right can exist in the absence of rule of law. D. Democratic right granted by demoeratic constitution 14, Which one of the following right is different from the others ‘A. Prohibition of Double jeopardy _C, Right to development B, Freedom to movement D. Right to Nationality 15. Constitutionalism is valued as a fundamental constitutional principle, because it; J Provide ultimate power to the government 'B. Make the government to aet in accordance with the constitution C. Allows the government to exercise extra-constitutional power 1D. Make citizens to be sub-servant to the government 16. Which one of the following is the manifestation of parliamentary democracy? ‘A, The head of the state is elected directly by popular vote - B. The president heads the executive branch of the government © ‘There is strong heck and balance among the tee branches D. Head emt is appointed from the winning party and A, The former can replace the fan replace the latter in case of emer federal decree BY The seater i oo former is binding in all regions while the later will : ~The former respects the basic rights of all citizens while the latter re those living in the rewion 1D, The former provides rules transition of power while the latter does not fi their own 19, i ing Which one of the following is the principle of Ethiopian foreign relation policy? A. To avoid cordial relationship with the neighboring countries. B, To observe international agreements which are contrary to the interest of the people C. To promote foreign relation policies that protects the national interest. D. To interfere in to the intemal matter of neighboring countries 20. Which of the following is the manifestation of government that applies legitimate power and authority? ‘A. 11 functions within the confines of the constitution It exercises supreme and absolute power over the people ow) It is characterized by repressive rule 1D. Itconsider the people as subject and denied their fundamental rights and freedoms 21. Which of the following power and functions belongs to regional governments of Federal Democratic Ethiopia? ‘on the use of land and other natural resources A. Formulating pol B. Negotiating and ratifying international agreements C. Providing permit ion of iterance for refugees coming fiom neighboring countries D. Formulation and implementation of foreign relation policies one of the following statements 1s CORRECT about rule of law? ‘A; The ubsence of rule of law jeopardizes the smooth funetioning of democratic system, B. Rule of law establishes a state dominated and ruled by judges. lutionalism there is alway’ prevalence of rule ef law, 22. Which CC. Ina government with constit 1D. Rule of law advocate that no man should be above the law. 23, The objective of Non-Aligned movement was ‘A. To create an economic union in the hom of Africa BB, To provide solutions to the global social and political problems C. To become an alternative force for the East and west in the cold war 1D. To be neutral in the east -west polities of the cold war ‘24. Identify an all inclusive term from the given alternatives 1p Due-notice B, Due- process ofthe fa C Impartial 25, Which of the following, is CORRECT about cultural relativism? ie) ik encourage people to appreciate lua Bot Encourages hostile relation and practices among the society. ©. Wincreases conflicts among different cultural groups Dy tthe . followin eee wo understand others cultural value from our own context 46. Which of the following could NOP be taken as group rights? A. The right to own property B. The right to self determination C: The to develop and promote one’s own culture D-The right to self governance 27. Some people argue against the Principle of affirmative action because they claim it ‘A. Focus on the right of women instead of the past injustice B. Goes against the basic principle of equality C. Enables previously disadvantaged groups of people a chance to compute in life D. Serve the government o gain support from the disadvantaged group 28. Whish one of the following is true about Apartheid? A; Apartheid was a colonial program that did not involve racial segregation ''B. Apartheid wos the policy of separate treatment of blacks and whites in south Aiea C. Apartheid was a political system that helped south Africa to be economically well developed D. Apartheid was a racially based segregation system practiced by the Non-whites in south Africa 29. The FDRE constitution safeguards equality of opportunities between citizens of the country . What does this mean? Citizens should be provided with equal chance in all aspects of life Citizens should be made socially, economically and politically equal . All types of inequalities between citizens should be abolished D. There should be gender equality in all political and social activities 30. Which of the following characteristics is true about the right toequality? A. Itis given by the good will of the government B. It does not consider equal protection before the law S It means enjoying similar rights, but not sharing similar obligation Poet were erie ctecianen eh democracy 31, When and how multicultural societies like Ethiopia exist in peace A, When there is strong military government B. When theres written constitution CC. When there is strong and independent judiciary D. When there is mutual respect for one another Mere: Te eae #84 criminal act punishable by the law, while tax evasion is a law full act, Both ao 82 stiminal act punishable bythe law, while tax avoidance isa law ful act 18x evasion and tax avoidance are eriminal acts punishable by the law. D. Both tax ev , 33. Wh I sion and tax avoidance are not criminal acts, according to the Ethiopian tax law. ich ofthe following statements is TRUE about veh, aenes ton Value Added Tax is a direct tax. ‘The power of levying and collecting value added Tax is given to the regional governments ‘The burden of value added tax ultimately fall on the consumer ~The power of levying and collecting value added tax is given to both the regional and federal government 34, i th According to the FDRE constitution, in which one ofthe following cases a court is not expected to hear cases ina closed session A. If the cases can affect the public moral B. Ifthe cases are related to National security, & Ifthe cases can affect privacy of the panties. D. Ifthe defendant commit the crime by negligence. 35. According to the FDRE constitution all legal disputes except the interpretation of the federal constitution shall be decided by; A. House of peoples Represent .B Council of ministers C. House of federation D, The judiciary organ 36. Where did Ethiopia play.a commendable role in the decolonization of Africa A. Guinea Bissau B. Zambia C. Botswana D, Ghana 37. Which of the following is NOT correct about Ethiopia’s Federalism? A. It pave way for the unity arises from diversity > B, Itempower citizens at all levels to exercise power within their own area C. It promote the monopoly of power by the federal government D. Itis Ethnic based federation 38, Which one of the following is NOT the power of house of federation according to the FDRE Constitution? ‘A, Power to interpret the constitution B. Deciding on issues related to the right of nation, nationalities and peoples of Ethiopia C. To organize the council of constitutional Inquiry D. To decide on the appointment of judges for the Federal supreme court 39. To whom does the FDRE constitution give the power to sign and ratify international agreements snd conventions respectively? The council of ministers and house of federation The legislative and executive branch of the government, I ‘The executive and legislative branch of the government ‘The house of federation and council of ministers pA pip Ifa country’s constitution has provision for human and democratic rights then the rule Of Prevails Rule of law prevails in @hy country where there is a constitution that has articles for its respect Fa nation has a democratic constitution that is respected by the government in power ule of la Suspended exept A. Prohibition against inhuman treatment B. Right to thought, opinion and expression a © Right to assembly, demonstration and petition D. Marital, personal and family right 42, What is the major advantage of fuliling our Obligation as citizen of Ethiopia? A. Getting spiritual satisfaction C. Enjoying our rights in return B. Socialization 43. Which one of the following D. Getting financial reward is NOT the behavior of responsible citizens? ‘ A. Charging extra for official duties B. Working hard to improve one’s own living condition C. Protecting our natural environment D. Treating people equally ‘44. Which one of the following isthe most advisable and safe way of protecting yourself from HIV/AIDS disease as a ‘young student A. Using condom B. Having only one sexual partner C. Avoiding premarital sexu partner D, Having only one boy/girl friend 45. Which one of the following is NOT included in the Medical ethics of Ethiopia? ‘A. Giving loyalty and support to the fellow physicians B. Giving assistance to people who wanted committed suicide C. Treating people equally —_D. Keeping the secrets of patients 46. Paying tax is an obligation of every citizen who ears income in one way or another While doing this the individual has a right to Involvi : ; ing es ‘Victims in all socio-economic activities Fomulgating non-diserimi st ion laws moting the use of condoms in schools pope Creat i ‘ing better consciousness about pandemic than ever before 48. One of thi i opiants following Ethiopian intellectual is the author of a famous book of ‘” Government and public Administration” i inistration”” A. Tsegaye G/Medhin _ & Afework & Negadras G/Hiwot Baykedagn _D. Tehlatsadik Mekria 49. when you are in Rome, live like the Romans’ what does this quotation mean ‘A. People should discard their own values and take the value of others B. People who live in a given society should live by respecting the moral and legal system of others C. People should completely ignore their norms while living with others D. People have to the despise the norms of others to live in peace and harmony 50. The power of taxation which is given neither to the federal government nor to the regions is ‘A. Undesignated power of taxation C. Specified power of taxation B, Exclusive power oftaxation _D. Concurrent power of taxation 51. Which of the following statement is INCORRECT about taxation? 'A. The federal Supreme court can never be involved in adjunction of tax cases q 'B, Since Ethiopia isa federal country each regional state and federal government are allowed (0 design their own sources of revenue . Paying taxis one of the burdens and duties of citizens which they owe to government D. Citizens have similar obligation to pay tax and demand equal access to social services 52. Equality of benefit and burdens are categorized under ‘A, Procedural justice C. Distributive justice B. Social justice D, Corrective justice 53. Whenever there is uneven distribution of benefits and burdens al of the following could happen Except A. Violence prevails G. Justice suffers B. Few people get rich D. Stability and steady economic growth $4, The state of being fre from pois, racial ethnic and others leaning | ‘A, Devolution B, Delegation C. Non-participation _D. Stereoryping 155, Which one of the following is NOT the right of arrested person, according to the FORE Constitution? ‘A. The right to remain silent BB. The right 0 be elensed without any demand of gurantee even in exceptional eteumsanes eae an 5) Which one o ne ol the following is INCORRECT about the traditional courts in Fihiopia A. They are locally established by the people B. They function side by side with conventional courts c re D. They are uniformly practiced ‘throughout the country Sate thiopia is NOT the member of one of the following sub-regional organization A. NEPAD B.IGAD —C, ECOWAS D.AU The practice of keeping ethnic groups separate through enforcing the use of separate schools, transportation and other facilities A. Virtue B. Holocaust ‘They values and norms of the society are reflected in these courts 59, . Segregation 1D. Ethnocentrism Chala has confidence to do what he believes in and never hesitate to say ‘NO” when he sec something goes wrong in his class or outside unlike many of his close friends. Which of the following ethical behavior expresses him? A. Civility B.Truthfulness .C, Faimess D. Courage © We understand still that there is no easy road to freedom we know it well that none of us acting alone can achieve success....”” The above speech is taken from; A. Rosa Parks 60. 61. B. Nelson Mandela C. Mahatma Gandhi D. Marthin Luther King 62. Which one of the following development ator is the manifestation of the least developed country? ‘A. Low infant mortality rate C. Low literacy rate B. High life expectancy rate D. High average income per person ‘The millennium development global campaign target 10 achieve all of the following by 2015 EXCEPT ‘A. Making all people rich by eradicating poverty 63, B. Ensuring that all children in all countries complete primary education Reducing child mortality rate by two third Eradicating gender inequality in access to education 164. Which one of the following is CORRECT about voluntary organizations? ‘They work less in contributing to the common good ‘They have some degree of formal organizational existence ‘They are profit making organization D. They are dependent on government in decision making 665. Which of the following is fale about the power of council of constitutional Inquiry? ‘A. To investigate Constitutional disputes B. To submit its recommendations to the house of federation forthe final deision CC. To decide on all constitutional disputes D. When any federal or state court submit ¢ constitutional dispute take it tothe house of on eee ow ‘wich of the following is true about job sa faction? A. The degree of job satisfaction is high in Ethiopia B. Job satisfaction has no effect on any effect on industriousness C. Job satisfaction implies the provision of the community service eases 4 4ob satisfaction can elp individuals eommit themselves to their profession joking cigarettes and drinking alcohol are not advised to youngster students because; A, They are very expensive for students B. Of the problem of addiction and consequent effects €. Such practices are out of the norms and value of Ethiopians D. Such practices would retard the memory of student 69. The Agricultural Development Lead Industrialization (ADLI) poliey of Ethiopia emphasizes that Discouraging private sectors role in the industrial development. Replacing small farm holding by large mechanized farms poe Disregarding others sector of economy until agriculture is fully developed. First developing the agricultural sector, then the industri sector 70. One of the oleae protectionist ideas can be used by developing countries (0 alleviate from the effects of dependency a ‘A. Increasing the importing of items that ean be produced locally. B. Encouraging foreign owned companies that draw resource of the country C. Encouraging the public dependence on imported items. D. Providing subside for domestic industries 71. Dependency at national level may make countries susceptible to interferences from outside in all of the following ways except ‘A. Through financial and technological penetration by developed countries B. By producing unbalance economic relationship with developed countries C. By limiting developing countries on self- sustain growth D. By increasing competitions among developing countries 72. One of the following is the negative impacts ‘of globalization A. Transfer of knowledge C. An increased flow of goods and services 'B. Dependency among countries D. Advancement of global information ‘Some workers may get satisfaction from a work that pays well respective of the position he’she attained. from a job that offers opportunities for growth in position 4 a Principle that states, countries should produce items that require lowe : roduce items that cost them more, instead they should import from other MUMS, A; Global welfare B. Comparative advantage C. Sustainable development D. Distributive justice 7 According to development theory, why poor countries remain poor and dependent? A. Because their Felation with developed countries is based on exploitation B. Because of back ward work culture of ‘poor countries compared to the developed countries. & Because of large and uncontrolled population growth of developing countries. f D. Because of continuous conflict and war in developing countries. ‘Which one of the following is TRUE about the principle of world trade organization (WTO)? A Te promote that, countries should conduct their market according to the principle made by developed countries. B. . It promotes the prineiple of command economy between countries. C. Iimposes trade barriers so that countries will be able to protect their domestic industries. D. Itwas established to administer trade agreement between countries. 77. Which one of the following is true about self reliance? A. Self reliant person do not con: r the comments of other person B. Self reliant person reject any kind of support from others C. Building self confidence is essential to lead a self reliant life D. Self reliant persons do not consider the comments of other person 78. Which of the following philosophical approach of decision making consider the actual consequences of alternatives to determine whether a decision is morally sounding or not, ‘A. Kant moral theory. Rights Approach B. Ethical Relativism — D. Utilitarianism Approach 79. Which one of the economic issue is analyzed through micro economic research? A. The extent of inflation in Ethiopia B, The behavior of consumer and producer in an economy C. The price of goods and services consumed in an economy. D. The percentage increase of gross domestic product 80, The present Ethiopian Development Led Industralization economic strategy primarily aimed at developing: ‘A, Small industrial sector C. Agricultural sector Rn Which. Ich one of the following is INCORRECT about work? A: The prevatence of work discipline jeopardize productivity B. One ofthe many factors that contribute to economic problem is the litle concern citizens have to work ethics C. A person who are commited to accomplish their jobs are effective in using their ti effectively D. Leisure can increase efficiency and productivity 83. An ac of often verbal, pointing out fulure or judging the merits of someone or something is & Dependency B. Motivation C. Civility _D. Criticism 84. Dependency syndrome occurs when; A. There is permanent tendency to lead one’s life on outside support B. There is good strategy to resist any kind of support from out side C. There is struggle to attain self reliance D. There is high self awareness 85. The benefit of utilizing locally produced items than the imported items in a county is A. Alicnate a country from an international trade B. Promote imbalance import-export trade C. Proper utilization of resources D. Keeping country’s domestic factories out of business 86. Which one of the following can best describe the quality of versatile leader? A. Flexible, adaptable and all rounded personali B. Realize what is achievable based on fact C. The quality of inspiring others and committed to goals 1. The presence of good ability to set appropriate course of activity through plan 87. According to the pragmatist theory truth ‘A, Measured by its usefulness C. Accepted by all everywhere B. Con not be properly defined _D. Developed by Greek philosophers 88, Which one of the following is the essential characteristic of qualitative data? ‘A, Itcan be assessed and determined exactly B. It describe facts that cannot be expressed numerically C. Itoften analyzed using statistics or computer programs D. It involves the measurement of an amount or quality £89. Ethnocentrism is dangerous for harmonious living of peoples because it ‘A. Consider one’s own group inferior compared to other group B, Stresses ongoing advantage for ones group at the expense of others ee r parable postion with oles 90. What would the people Of Ethiopia especially miss out if the country currently had a unitary state s{/u |! A. Unity among the people. Centralization FP oc aa The Tight o self govemance D. Citizenship : ¢ following countries was the earliest member of League of Nation? A. Zimbabwe B, Ghana C. Egypt D, South Africa %. According to article 52 of the FDRE constitution ll powers which are not given expressly to the Federal Bovernment alone or concurrently to the Federal and regional government are reserved to Ap The Federal government CC. To the states, @ House of Federation D. To House of peoples Representatives 93. A political Doctrine that advocate the state ideology to up hold rule of law is A. Anarchy B. Apathy — C. Constitutionalism D. . Dictatorships 94. Which one of the following is INCORRECT about the role of media in a modern democracy? A. It act as a means of communication between the people and the government B. Contribute to the growth and maintenance of healthy democracy C. Acts as a watchdog of citizens right D. It has nothing to do with the accountability of the government 95. In Federal System of governance the transfer of power from the center to the regional government is known as A. Devolution _B. Division €. Secularism D. Delegation 96. Which one of the following right is different from the others A. Right to non-retroactivity of the criminal law C. Right to access to justice B. Rightto privacy D. Crime against humanity 97. An act of exterminating a clan, family or people based on their specific idemtties is A. Genocide B. Homicide C Terrorism D. Drug Trafficki 98, Which one of the following is the highest executive organ at regional state of Ethiopia? BB: The state supreme cour C. The state president, & The state Administration D. The state Council 99. Which one of the following NOT the policy of International Monitory Fund(IMF) ‘A. Promote intemational monetary cooperation B, Hinder exchange rate stability C. Facilitate balanced growth of international trade D. Assist in poverty reduction

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