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Name: Chasidy Shrier Column Writing

“You're a turd in the butt, Kailee Madison Shrier!”

“No, you're a turd in the butt, Zoe Lenae Shrier!”
“Stop fighting Kailee and Zoe!”
“ guys, can you please stop screaming?.”
“All of y'all need to stop screaming before you wake up mommy and the baby!”
“HEY, what's going on in here?!?”

Chaotic, I know. Five sisters, one brother, me, my dad, and my step-mom all living under one
roof. All we do is fight. Bicker is more like the word we do on a daily basis. We love each other,
we really do, but sometimes we annoy each other to the brink. Sometimes it's we all argue with
each other, sometimes it's just the four little ones, and other times it's my brother and I fighting
about who knows what.

I butt-heads with a lot of people, and sometimes it's not in my control who gets hurt and who
doesn't. I mostly butt-heads with my siblings, mainly when they're bossing each other around.
“Kailee, Zoe copy me copy me copy me!”
“Alright, Chasidy you be deh mom and i'll be deh baby.”
“Kailee lift the bottle higher, Libby’s not getting of the milk if you're not lifting it high enough.”
I especially hate it when they say “You're not the boss of me” when i'm clearly am because I am
the oldest in the family. They don't seem to understand and think they can do whatever they
want because they're bratty kids.

I know what you're thinking: how can you deal with all the nonsense circulating around in your
house? In simpler words, we can't. We really can't deal with all the fighting and bad behavior
looming around our ceiling like clouds. Heck, we can even deal with each other on an everyday
basis. This person won't leave this person alone and this person hit this other person in the

Why can't we be a normal civilized family, like the ones you see in the moves (but a little less
robotic)? Do you want to know why we aren't like those types of families? Because we all have
our own quirks and crazy moments like every other family will ever have. Some days feel like
you want to crawl in bed and never wake up or some days feel like you want to hug the life out
of someone. Most people question my family’s way of living, what do I do? Well, I just deal with
it and only look on the bright side of things. I guess that's how my family deals with it, every yell
is just another way of saying “I love you”.

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