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Name: Chasidy Shrier Review: “State of Play”

State of Play

Russel Crowe, Ben Affleck, Rachel McAdams,

Directed by: Kevin MacDonald

By Chasidy Shrier
May 13, 2021

“Do you have a pen?”

In “State of Play '', Cal McAffrey (Russel crowe) is a news reporter for the Washington Globe
worked with Della Frye (Rachel McAdams) with the stories of the “suicide” of Sonia Baker
(Maria Thayer) and double murder. Councilman Stephen Collins (Ben Affleck) goes to McAffrey
for help by wanting to clear his name from the public. While McAffrey deals with his old college
roommate and both stories, McAffrey and Frye both find it unexpected. Solving crimes isn't the
only thing these reporters can do to get a complete and on time publication.

Overall, the movie sells its name. The movie is very suspenseful and entertaining with character
development. All the actors match their characters in a way I thought was unexpected. The
actors all have an unique personality that fits with what the director, Kevin MacDonald, wanted
in the first place. As well as have perfect bonds that contribute to the story as a whole.

Rachel McAdams and Russel Crowe have an amazing relationship with each other in the
movie. Their characters bond together in a way most wouldn't. Their relationship is between
comical fights and caring embraces. In the beginning, they were not that nice to each other and
struggled to work together. By the end of the movie, they slowly, but surely, became close and
sharing a glass of whiskey is all it took for me to realize their bond.

Cameron Lynne (played by Helen Mirren) is a very strong and hardworking publication advisor.
She gets the job done and she means every word she says to her reporters. Although she can
come off a bit snappy at times, many people know it's because of the stress of being an advisor.
She is a very powerful and developed character, who plays an ambiguous role in the movie.

Stephen Collins, Ben Affleck, is an extraordinary actor and he really gets into his role as a
councilman. He puts meaning into his words and power into every gesture. He's a very
dedicated actor who puts emphasis into his role. When he was acting out his role as Collins, I
didn't believe it was an actor who was playing a part in a movie. I really thought he was Stephen
Collins living life.

All the actors are very talented and believable performers. I loved this movie as much as I did
the actors. I would recommend this movie to any and all viewers who love in depth character
development and a suspenseful plot within a film. I love the director's thinking and planning in
this because he knew who was watching it and knew they would immediately fall in love with it.
Name: Chasidy Shrier Review: “State of Play”

Everyone who was involved in the creation of this film has dedicated their full attention to details
and potential. Although the movie was very playful in someparts, I still think it lives up to its

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