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In the present perfect tense we make passive verb forms by putting has/have + been before the

past participle form of the verb.

a. Sentences are given in the active voice. Change them into the passive.

1. I have finished the homework.


2. The cat has drunk the medicine.


3. The girls have ironed the clothes.


4. I have read that book.


5. Zack has broken another glass.


6. I have send four letters.


7. Have you received the present?


8. Have they accepted the invitation?


9. I have known Jane for a long time.


10. Our team has won the championship.


11. She has cooked Chinese food.


12. I have bought a new phone


1. The homework has been finished by me.

2. The medicine has been drunk by the cat.

3. The clothes have been ironed by the girls.

4. That book has been read by me.

5. Another glass has been broken by Zack.

6. Four letters have been send by me.

7. Has the present been received by you?

8. Has the invitation been accepted by them?

9. Jane has been known to me for a long time.

10. The championship has been won by our team.

11. Chinese food has been cooked by her

12. A new phone has been bought by me

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