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“The Albino Seal Pup”

The video shows a rare albino ginger seal is being outcast by his/her colony for his/her
unusual look. Albinism is inherited. It's not contagious you can't catch it from someone else.
People are born with albinism because they inherit an albinism gene or genes from their
parents. Some people with albinism may experience discrimination. The reactions of other
people to those with albinism can often have a negative impact on people with the condition.
People with albinism may experience bullying, teasing or probing questions about their
appearance, eyewear or visual aid devices. They usually look very different from members of
their own families or ethnic groups, so they may feel like outsiders or be treated like outsiders.
These experiences may contribute to social isolation, poor self-esteem and stress.

Just like those seals in the video, we should help lifting each other up and stop
looking down on one another. Racism and other forms of discrimination must stop
because it just adds stress to this already stressful world. Through our differences, we
should help each other and learn from each other. Each one of us are all unique in our
own ways. Each one of us were given talents or abilities to share to the world. The
world would be stagnant and boring if each one of us is the same. No new learnings
and experiences would be done if each one of us thinks or moves the same way. 

Boasting or comparing of one’s life, achievements and experiences to others

does not bring any good to our life and must be minimized because it would just make
our life full of insecurity and discontentment. We should embrace each other’s
differences because life’s too short for us to be unhappy with it.

That despite all our differences, may we learn to be accepting of one another. More
importantly, as humans, may we learn to never lose a sense of identity because there would
eventually be a group that is willing to accept you completely. Doing this helps us understand
ourselves much better. Learning how to find one’s sense of identity in the midst of togetherness
or unity ultimately helps our society become more accepting of each other. Therefore, making
living in our world a better place for everyone.

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