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The 24-year-old Italian, Davide Bartolo Morana, who lived in Spain, went to de doctor with a

strong symptoms, After some analysis, he was diagnosed with flu.

at the next day, Morana woke up hospitalized and noticed a lot of brown marks in his face, and
other places, then he was diagnosed with meningitis, the brown marks got worse, spreading over
the body, turning bigger and purple, later some became black and others became blisters and his
kidneys started failing.

The doctors decided to cut his arms and legs and induce coma

when he left the hospital, he started the rehabilitation process, learning how to use prothesis. He
needed some money for having an independent life

even in that situation, he kept a nice attitude

he became an example for many people, with effort and support, he continued his sportive life

with his social media, he inspires other athletes and people with similar situations to his, and he
promotes a vaccine to cure meningitis and defends the need of making better prothesis, he has
made money with Instagram

they are a lot of other similar stories

according to mayo clinic, meningitis is an inflammation of meninges (membranes that surround

the brain and spinal cord) anyone who suspect or may have meningitis must look for clinical
attention immediately to prevent complications

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