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Michelle Rossi

Period 3
Bad Dog Food
Once upon a time in an area known as Riverside. Where a little girl lived

named Sheldon was having a Halloween party. Of course Sheldon is going to invite her

closet friends like Kelsey, Rachel, Dominic, and Ken. So after school she hurried home.

ON the walk there she felt worried, and a chill in the wind. Afraid that her parents would

find out because she’s not allowed to have anyone one over tonight for her parents are

going to a Halloween party themselves. AS Sheldon enters her home, she says hello to

her puppy Barley and her ugly kitten Pasha.

Its 6 o’clock and Kelsey shows up first. She helps Sheldon finish up

decorating and setting up the up stereo. Sheldon asks Kelsey to put Barley up stairs and

to feed him. So Kelsey did and see’s Sheldon put candy in the fruit punch that she got

from her Grandpa. As Time goes by people show up and music blares. Sheldon says to

Kelsey “You fed Barley right?” Kelsey says “Oopsies!” So Sheldon reached in the

cabinet for dog food and just grabbed the first can she felt. She handed it to Kelsey and

Kelsey was confused and questioned “Are you sure I should give Barley something that

says do not eat?” Sheldon nodded yes, to busy and distracted by the party to pay

attention. Kelsey goes upstairs and feeds Barley the can of food and went back down to

the party.

An hour goes by and everyone is on a sugar high because of the fruit

punch. So far they danced, played Twister, and attempted to play Dance Dance

Revolution. There party was crazy and no one was sane. There are people passed out on

the floor and people drooling on the furniture. Ken was on the ceiling fan, Rachel was

laying under the dining room table and Dominic got lost in the refrigderator trying to find

the bathroom.
Sheldon went into the kitchen to rinse her cup realized she had to check on

Barley. She went upstairs and the door was open and Barley wasn’t there. She didn’t

realize that when she began to walk down stairs that there was her cats head detached

from the body on the window sill.

When she finally down stairs, she feels that something’s just not right,

there’s music but no talking, no laughing and there’s blooding limbs everywhere.

Sheldon was Confused and found Ken’s head. She picks it up and asks “Why does

everyone seem so dead?” Ken though detached from the body, he could still talk. So Ken

said “Well Barley became a crazy monster and decided to eat everyone.” Sheldon was

still confused and Rachel’s leg shimmied across the floor and then kicked Sheldon. Then

you hear Dominic’s head scream from the refrigerator “Why are you so blonde!”

As Sheldon tries finding her deranged dog, she carries Ken and Kelsey’s

head between her arms. They walk down to Niagra River and Kelsey yells “There’s

Barley, he’s trying to eat the giant Perry’s Ice-cream sign!” Sheldon was in denial and

said “NO WAY! That’s not my puppy. Barley cute and cuddly not the size of a building

and vicious.” A strange man running in terror came up and slapped Sheldon for her

stupidity. Then Sheldon wondered how this could’ve happened and then Kelsey’s head

said “You should’ve never given that can of food to feed him with.” Sheldon

remembered that the can she gave Kelsey to feed Barley, was a radioactive substance that

is used in crystals and also known to be put in caldrons to contact the dead. Sheldon was

shocked and looks in the sky as it turns dark and stormy. She feels like the end of the

world has come now for her mutant dog Barley will eat all of mankind to extinction!

Then all of a sudden Sheldon had a epiphany and realized that even though her dog has
became this horrible, vicious, man eating monster. Barley is still a dog, and deep down

his ugly exterior he will always be her friendly pooch.

So Sheldon put Ken and Kelsey heads down and found a big stick just

light enough to throw. Then she whistles and grabs Barleys attention. She waves the stick

in the air, tempting him. The giant mutated dog slowly moves closer to Sheldon and right

before he goes he attacks the stick and nearly detaches Sheldon’s arms. She throws it into

the river and Barley chases after it. The windy storm created a whirlpool and sucked the

monster into its waters.

After the clouds clear and the sun comes out and a few minutes pass by.

Everything slowly changes back to normal, and the water calms back down, then spitting

Barley out with the stick and all. Kelsey and Ken had their bodies back and the Perry’s

Ice-Cream sign was fixed. She went home and gave her dog water along with herself. She

sent everyone home and took a nap.

Since then no one really remembers what happened beside Sheldon,

Kelsey and Ken. Sheldon learned a lesson also, that she should read things and open her

eyes more. To take a second and listen and be responsible for her things and actions and

not others.


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