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Br J Ophthalmol: first published as 10.1136/bjophthalmol-2020-315994 on 21 February 2020. Downloaded from on February 22, 2020 at Serials Division La Trobe
Novel Coronavirus disease 2019 The route of transmission of COVID-
19 is not yet fully elucidated but is
thought to be mainly respiratory,20 and
(COVID-19): The importance of evidence thus far suggests human trans-
mission, with the potential for efficient
recognising possible early ocular human transmission.2 WHO provides
guidance on personal protection equip-
manifestation and using ment in infection prevention and control
when COVID-19 is suspected. Eye protec-
protective eyewear tion (goggles) or facial protection (face
mask) should be worn, and healthcare
workers are advised against touching
Ji-­Peng Olivia Li,1 Dennis Shun Chiu Lam,2,3 Youxin Chen,4 any mucosal membranes (eyes, nose or
Daniel Shu Wei Ting  ‍ ‍1,5,6 mouth).20 21 Infected patients should be
isolated in a timely manner, with avoid-
ance of any unnecessary direct contact.
Although in the initial clinical reports
On 31 December 2019, China notified (MERS-­CoV) was isolated in 20126 and of almost 150 patients2 18 22 conjunctivitis
WHO of a pneumonia outbreak of then has seen over 2400 cases reported to has not been reported as a clinical feature,
unknown aetiology in Wuhan,1 a city of WHO to date, and over 850 deaths.7 it cannot be excluded, in particular as we
11 million people in Hubei province. The Of the 2223 laboratory-­ confirmed know that another coronavirus is infre-
seafood market which was thought to be MERS-­CoV cases reported to WHO, 415 quently recognised to cause conjunc-
the source was closed on 1 January 2020.2 were healthcare workers, representing tivitis.15 Given that these patients may
The causative organism was identified on over one-­third of all secondary transmis- present to the hospital with viral conjunc-
7 January 2020 as a novel coronavirus sion.8 SARS and MERS spread principally tivitis, it is important for the emergency

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(nCOV). The genetic sequence of at least by direct transmission and respiratory physicians and eyecare professionals to
19 strains found in infected patients has droplets.9 10 However, SARS-­ CoV, and inquire about travel history, systemic flu-­
been published so far.3 4 To date, COVID- perhaps also MERS-­CoV, may shed and be like symptoms and family history. The
19 has already confirmed to have affected transferred to environmental surfaces, and usual measures that apply to prevention of
almost >68,000 with >1600 deaths in thence contaminate hands and mucous infection transmission, in particular thor-
China, and over 680 cases outside of membranes subsequently.10 ough handwashing, should apply.
China spanning 25 countries over South Ocular involvement has not been Until we learn more, it is prudent to
East Asia, Europe, North America, described with either MERS-­ CoV or avoid touching the eyes where possible in
Australia and the Middle East, etc. This SARS-­CoV11–13 although polymerase at risk locations, in particular for health-
number is expected to rise over the next chain reaction on tears from patients with care workers in the hospital environment.
few months worldwide. So far, 41 million SARS-­ CoV infection demonstrated pres- This may be particularly applicable in
from China and at least 14 cities in the China and much of East and South East
ence of the virus.14 There is also evidence
Hubei province have travel restrictions, Asia where myopia is so prevalent.23 Many
that some coronavirus can occasionally
some with suspension of outbound flights of the frontline healthcare workers will
cause conjunctivitis in humans. In fact,
and trains as well as other public trans- wear glasses or contact lenses and touching
human coronavirus NL 63 (HCoV-­NL63)
port, and many countries are taking the eyes or near the eyes will frequently be
was first identified in a baby with bron-
measures to quarantine travellers from habitual. It is encouraging to note that all
chiolitis and conjunctivitis.15 Subsequent
China. healthcare workers who worked in a room
in 28 cases of children with confirmed
Comparisons are being made with with patients infected with MERS, or with
HCoV-­ NL63 infections, 17% had
severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) the patients’ bodily fluids in one small
and Middle East respiratory syndrome study, who were fully compliant with all
There is now growing evidence that protective wear including eye protection,
(MERS), also both caused by coronavi-
ruses. SARS emerged in 2003 and caused human-­ to-­
human transmission is occur- showed no serum evidence of MERS-­CoV
the first pandemic of the 21st century, ring among close contacts, and reports that antibodies.24
affecting more than 8000 people, killing >1,700 healthcare professionals having At this time of limited information, we
774 in 26 countries.5 MERS coronavirus been infected with 6 deaths including will need to stay highly vigilant to recog-
oneophthalmologist.17–19 Of the affected nise early manifestation of COVID-19
Moorfields Eye Hospital, London, UK healthcare workers, one was part of the including consideration of viral conjunc-
C-­MER Dennis Lam Eye Center, C-­Mer International expert task force who visited Wuhan, and tivitis as a possible presentation. Health-
Eye Care Group Limited, Hong Kong, Hong Kong he has reflected on his experience of the
International Eye Research Institute of the Chinese
care professionals should take the full
University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen), Shenzhen, China
disease. Despite being fully gowned with recommended measures including strict
Department of Ophthalmology, Peking Union Medical protective suit and N95 respirator, he was hand hygiene and protecting the exposed
College Hospital, Beijing, China still infected by the virus with the first mucous membranes, including wearing
Singapore National Eye Center, Singapore, Singapore symptom being unilateral conjunctivitis, goggles or face masks.25 It would be
State Key Laboratory of Ophthalmology, Zhongshan
Ophthalmic Center, Guangzhou, China
followed by development of fever a few prudent to question patients directly
hours later.13 Since his report, healthcare if they had any symptoms and signs of
Correspondence to Dr Daniel Shu Wei Ting, Vitreo-­
professionals in China have been urged to conjunctivitis prior respiratory and other
retinal Department, Singapore National Eye Center,
Singapore 168751, Singapore; ​daniel.​ting.​s.​w@​ use eye protection when they are in close systemic symptoms to help further our
singhealth.​com.​sg contact with patients. understanding of the natural history of
Br J Ophthalmol March 2020 Vol 104 No 3 297

Br J Ophthalmol: first published as 10.1136/bjophthalmol-2020-315994 on 21 February 2020. Downloaded from on February 22, 2020 at Serials Division La Trobe
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