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All-Natural Joint Pain Relief for your pet

is your dog or cat suffering from arthritis?

Our pets can't speak for themselves, but you can tell when your family friend is hurting. Perhaps
they're having a bit of a difficult time getting up after resting, or more reluctant to jump up into your
lap or go outside for a walk.
Once boisterous and full of energy, your pet may now seem to slow down, have some difficulty
walking, tire easily or seem less exuberant or even restless-and seeing them in pain makes you feel
helpless, doesn't it?
Your pet dog:
Your feline:

Licking impacted joints

Lethargic-decreased cravings
Falls behind on strolls
Minor preferring or hopping one side
Decrease in muscle tone/bulk
Small trouble getting into/out of litter box
Moderate swelling/heat in the joints
Less disposition to climb up or leap
Minor Stiffness on rising/lying down
Decreased grooming
Rather unwilling to climb up stairs


Our animals experience the discomfort and swelling of arthritis similar to we do-but you can help
them with natural active ingredients which have actually traditionally been utilized to assist deal
with the signs of joint discomfort - Animal Bounce ™ Homeopathic Oral Drops for Arthritis and Joint
Discomfort Relief.



Canines and felines from 1 to over 100 pounds can experience relief with components traditionally
utilized to assist with the pain, swelling and tightness related to arthritis or joint discomfort with
simply 3 applications a day-5 to 15 drops in the mouth, depending upon your animal's weight. See
active ingredients page for total list of components and recommended usage.

Our natural, plant-based natural mix is developed to assist reduce the signs your animal might be
experiencing securely and without negative effects, so your household pal can resume activity with
much better movement and more convenience.

Why an Oral Formula?

The holistic active ingredients in Pet Bounce ™ are created to be taken in rapidly
into the blood stream by means of the mouth tissues-so you can be sure your
animal gets the appropriate dosage.

It's simple to administer-a couple of drops and you're done! And components go to
work rapidly ... no forcing down tablets and awaiting them to liquify.

Assist Avoid the Vicious Cycle of Joint Discomfort

Healthy pets and felines typically LOVE to play and run; however if your animal
experiences joint discomfort, it can begin a vicious circle. They no longer feel
similar to moving ... and the less they move their joints, the stiffer and more
unpleasant they end up being.

Continued workout is necessary for joint health-and Pet Bounce ™ can assist
naturally eliminate the pain that puts your animal on the sidelines so she or he
feels more like getting up and around-and back to taking pleasure in life!

You can assist your pet dog or feline take pleasure in a much healthier, more
efficient life naturally by keeping a healthy way of life of workout and appropriate
nutrition for weight management, and by including Pet Bounce ™ Homeopathic
Formula with active ingredients natural specialists utilize to eliminate joint
discomfort, tightness and swelling.


Satisfaction Guarantee
We take great pride in the quality of our products and want you to be pleased with your purchase.
We believe in offering the very best value, quality and selection to our customers.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not
intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This product is not intended for those with
a medical condition. Use only as directed. Do not use this product if you are at risk of or are being
treated for high blood pressure, kidney, liver, thyroid, or psychiatric disease, anxiety, depression,
seizure disorder, herpes, or stroke. Consult your physician before prescription drug. Not for use by
children under the age of 18. Free shipping is to the United States only.Results are not guaranteed,
results vary by individual

Arbitration Agreement: You and Company agree that this arbitration agreement is made pursuant to
a transaction involving interstate commerce and shall be governed by the Federal Arbitration Act
(FAA), and not by any state law concerning arbitration; and that any dispute between us, including
disputes by either of us against any agent, officer, shareholder, member, employee, subsidiary,
affiliate, predecessor in interest, successor and/or assign of the other, will be resolved exclusively
and finally by binding arbitration.


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