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Today's phrasal verb means: "to transfer control to somebody else"

The Director is going to ...... over responsibility to the Assistant Manager while he goes on vacation.

Today's word: "AGREE"

1. I'm sorry but I ......... with everything that you've said. We clearly have nothing in common.

2. There was general ........ that the business needed to invest more in technology. There was only
one person who didn't want to spend more.

3. If it is ........ to everyone, shall we move on to the next topic?

Today's phrase: "to ........ a chance"

You never know, you might win. Why don't you ........ a chance and enter?
Try take make do

Complete these colloquial expressions.

1 Put your thinking ........ on. What can we get Adrian for his birthday?

a) cap
b) hat
c) bonnet

2 Icompletely
was sitting in the exam hall and all of a sudden my mind just went

a) blank
b) empty
c) vacant

3 Do you mind if I ........ your brains for a minute? How do you find phone
numbers in this database?

a) poke
b) pinch
c) pick

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