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Zakia Adilah Khan

GS301 Geographic Information Systems II
Lab Project 1: Creating an ESRI Geodatabase

An ESRI Geodatabase is a database that acts as a container to store spatial data. Spatial data is
treated as objects in geodatabase. Some common objects include feature classes, feature
dataset, tables, network geometric, relationship classes and topology. Domains and subtypes
are components of feature class. Domains are of two types; coded value that list all possible
attributes in a list and range are the maximum and minimum possible values. Domains helps
with data integrity as it limits the choice of value each field. Subtypes is a way to classify the
features which must be either long integer or short integer. Why does ESRI describe
geodatabase as object-relational data model? The spatial data is considered as objects by the
software with behaviour and properties. Also data is stored in tabular form with the database
functioning by relating these tables (RDBMS). The advantages of geodatabase: is an efficient
way to store data, optimizes performance and storage, easy for its users to edit and models
represent reality better with data integrity.
Process steps
1. Firstly a schema diagram was sketched of the data structure so that the it is easier to make
the geodatabase and to get a better grasp of the spatial data. The data was will classified under
the feature dataset and the feature class on a paper. Identifying on which feature classes
needed to be inside the feature dataset to organise into logical categories all together that
they participated with each other in a geometric network.

2. Secondly, using the schema diagram of the Muanikau geodatabase, used ArcMap to
manipulate the different subtypes and domains corresponding to each feature classes of the
feature dataset.
 Water supply feature dataset

 Water line feature class

 Water point feature class
 Parcels feature class
 Home feature class which formulated a new field which is the home value feature class.
3. Thirdly, created a map to illustrate the schema diagram for Muanikau Geodatabase.
Geodatabase Schema diagram of Muanikau.gdb.


Water Supply





Map of Muanikau Subdivision.
Geodatabase is a comprehensive model that represents GIS data as objects and helps manage
easier as data is physical stored in one location. Hence, it is important to consider the
properties of geodatabase while creating the geodatabase model including the fields, feature
datasets and tables. While making geodatabase, it is important to consider the properties of
the geodatabase including highlight class or fields. Each object in the geodatabase has
characteristics and attributes that describes the data. The various models signify reality better,
include attribute domains and subtypes, relationship class rules and attribute behavior rules.
The map of Muanikau geodatabase illustrates the schema diagram, which indicates spatial
references of the area. Since the related table is stored as spatial data in the database, ArcMap
reads it as object feature with properties and behavior. Therefore, the software displays all the
features of the objects to model to map out utilities including parcels, footprints, home and
water networks. Budling a prototype geodatabase for Muanikau subdivision Suva will boost
time in modeling out the project. Existing spatial data was available in to build the prototype.
Some challenges faced were lost of data when it as not saved in the process of editing. Thus
after editing each attribute the file was saved so that if the software doesn’t not respond, than
data will not be lost.

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