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I N V E S T I N Y O U R W E L L N E S S , M A S T E R Y O U R M I N D S E T & C R E AT E A L I F E Y O U L O V E


How to Increase Energy Levels

Naturally | 14 Easy & Effective
Looking for ways to naturally increase your energy levels?

One of the most common health related complaints is being tired. As we get older, our
energy levels tend to decline. When we look back at ourselves as children or young adults,
we wonder how we ever had as much energy as we use to. However, we don’t have to
succumb to this so called “decline”. Although we do naturally have more energy as
children, this is not the sole reason that we become more tired as we age. Rather, the
busyness of life catches up to us. People take on mortgages and full-time jobs, and begin
managing a household and raising children. In turn, this causes many people to get caught
up in the external drama, thus, they neglect spending any time on their internal health and
wellness. Subsequently, this leads to health concerns, such as a decline in energy levels.

Of course, taking care of our familial and financial responsibilities is important, but we
can’t do those things to our best ability without the physical and mental energy to do so.
So here are 14 easy, natural and highly effective ways to get your energy back, so you can
meet your responsibilities and accomplish your goals. If you start adding these methods to
your routine, you will see a noticeable increase in energy.

14 Ways to Increase Energy Levels

1. Add Extra Milk to Your Coffee

If you need a quick hit of caffeine, add extra milk to your coffee to turn it into a low-fat
latte. This way, you will receive the initial hit of energy from the caffeine, while also
receiving sustained energy from the protein in the milk. You may also choose to use
almond milk with a similar amount of protein as regular milk. Adding lots of milk to your
coffee will essentially turn it into a protein drink, which provides calcium and extra energy.

Studies suggest that having your coffee between 9:30 am and 11:30 am may maximize
the energy effects of caffeine. Also, you want to have your coffee before 3:00 pm, so that
you don’t disrupt your sleep and diminish your energy levels. Additionally, if you regularly
have multiple cups a day, it may not provide the same level of energy boosting effects.

2. Drink Green Tea for Energy & Focus

Green tea
levels, and

So, you don’t want to completely rely on coffee, because too much of it can cause jitters,
anxiety, mid-day crashes, and sleep disturbances. Sipping on green tea instead will
provide a quick natural energy boost, without the side effects of stimulants. Green tea, or
matcha tea, also has many powerful mental and physical health benefits, such as helping
prevent cell damage, fighting free-radicals and improving brain function. This is important,
because the healthier you are all around, the more energy you will have.

3. Delegate Tasks According to Your Energy Cycles

Learn when you personally have the most energy. For some, it’s in the mornings, for others
it’s in the evenings. Some people’s energy cycles may also vary throughout the week.
Tracking and journaling your energy levels for about a week should help you start to find
your sweet spots. For women who experience varied energy levels throughout their
menstrual cycle, it may be helpful to track your energy levels for a month as well.

After you’ve identified your daily cycles of high and low energy, you want to start
delegating your tasks accordingly. Plan to do the most energy taxing tasks during your
times of high energy, and plan easier and low-energy tasks during times when you know
your energy levels will be low. Working with your natural eb and flow will give you and
edge and prevent you from doing half-hearted work.

4. Eat Chia Seeds

These tiny seeds pack a huge punch. Eat chia seed to increase energy levels and overall health.

Eating chia seeds is a great way to increase energy levels, and they are incredibly healthy.
Chia seeds are pound for pound, one of the most nutritional foods you can eat. The
nutrition in chia seeds, like omega-3 and omega-6, improves sleep quality, reduces
inflammation, and increases brain power, which keeps your body and mind feeling alert.
They have a high amount of fiber and protein as well, which keeps your blood sugar stable
and prevents you from mid-day crashes.

5. Supplement Vitamin B12 & Magnesium

If you aren’t getting enough vitamin B12, one of the major signs is lower energy levels.
Vitamin B12 influences the health of our blood cells, and it’s one of the best vitamins for
supporting energy. You can choose to eat your vitamin B12 or supplement it. Some foods
with Vitamin B12 are wild-caught salmon, cottage cheese, and fortified breakfast cereals.
Here is a list of the top ten vitamin B12 foods:

Around 75% of Americans aren’t getting enough magnesium—which means you may be
one of them. If that’s the case, it could have something to do with your low energy levels.
Studies have shown that people with deficient magnesium levels have higher heart rates
and need more oxygen when doing physical tasks, than they do when their magnesium
levels are sufficient. Basically, our bodies have to work harder when we are low in
magnesium, which can cause us to become more fatigued. The recommended daily intake
for magnesium is 310–420 mg for adults. The Linus Pauling Institute advises 400-420
mg/day for men and 310-320 mg/day for women. Some foods that contain magnesium are
almonds, avocados, dark chocolate and black beans.

6. Drink Vegetable Juice

juice is a
great way
the body

Drinking vegetable juice will do wonders for your energy levels, especially if you don’t
regularly eat a lot of vegetables. It is a good food source for increasing energy because it’s
easy to absorb and digest, and it takes your body less work to retrieve the nutritional
benefits from it than other foods. It provides energy to the cells, as well as important
vitamins and minerals. Avoid drinking brands of vegetable juice that have added sugar
though. Closely read labels or make your own at home for the best results.
7. Learn to Manage Stress
Stress is one of the biggest energy killers. Even if we’ve spent all day on the couch, stress
can still leave us mentally and physically exhausted. You don’t have to be having full panic
attacks to be affected by stress and anxiety either. Low but chronic stress, which many
people suffer from, still greatly depletes your energy levels. Frequent bouts of anger also
deplete energy, as all those negative feelings cause the body and mind to use all of your
energy up.

Fortunately, we can counteract energy killing stress by incorporating more relaxing and
revitalizing activities into our day to day. Some people find exercise to be a great reliever of
stress and frustration, while others find relief in more quiet activities like reading a book,
listening to music, meditating, writing, talking to a loved one, or painting. Just choose
something that helps you relax so you can release tension and increase energy levels. You
want to pick an activity you can do every day, or at least almost every day. Depending on
your time constraints, it could be for 35 minutes, or it could be 3 hours. And if you are
saying “I don’t have time for relaxation”, well that means you need it even more. You
should make time for relaxing activities, because it will save you time in the long run. Think
about it —It will take you way less time to do your daily tasks, if you aren’t stressed out
and distracted by your thoughts while you’re doing them. You have to charge your
batteries sometimes if you actually want energy.

8. Sniff Peppermint Oil for a Quick Energy Boost

For a quick and easy way to stimulate your mind, try peppermint essential oil. This
refreshing essential oil is commonly used in aromatherapy to increase energy levels, and
animal studies have found that peppermint oil may even be potent enough to treat tension
headaches. The scent of peppermint oil is powerful and uplifting, and many people who
use aromatherapy find that it helps wake them up.

When you find yourself low on energy, you can either put a couple drops on your wrist,
add some to your morning shower, or add a few drops to a diffuser nearby. You could also
put a couple drops in a Kleenex and then take a big whiff. The smell will most certainly
give you a jolt.

9. Drink More Water!

If you
to gain
skip on

Yes, you have to drink water if you want to increase energy levels. There’s no way around
it, and it has to be included in the list. Thirst often poses as fatigue, and even the slightest
dehydration can cause you to feel tired and drained.

To determine how much water you should be drinking to increase your energy levels, take
your body weight and divide it in half. That is how many ounces of water you should be
drinking a day. For example, if you weigh 140 pounds, then you need 70 ounces of water,
about 8 cups, a day. After drinking the proper amount of water for a few days, you will
start to see improved energy levels. It makes all the difference. Add lemon to your water
for extra taste and nutrients.

10. Prepare Power Snacks

Power snacks are like snacks, except they give you energy. Power snacks can be described
as a treat between meals that has a good combination of protein, fat and fiber. For
example: yogurt and almonds; bananas with peanut butter; a smoothie with chia seeds; or
celery with almond butter and dried cranberries. The fiber will help with short-term
energy, the protein will help long-term energy, and the fats will help sustain your energy
overall. Power snacking is a great way to increase energy levels naturally. Planning your
power snacks ahead of time will keep you prepared for when low energy strikes. Check
out these 23 Delicious Power Snacks that are guaranteed to keep you energized.

11. Walk Around the Block to Increase Energy & Get Unstuck
I know, moving isn’t something you necessarily want to do when your already feeling tired.
However, it’s only 10-15 minutes we’re talking about here. It’s been found time and time
again, that increasing physical activity, especially walking, increases energy levels. Studies
have found that a brisk 10 minute walk has energy sustaining power that can last around
2 hours. They also found that daily 10 minute walks for 3 weeks increases overall energy
and mood. Being outside with fresh air and sunlight is also extremely helpful for boosting
mood and energy levels during the day.

On another note, feeling stuck can sometimes deplete us of energy—and walking is a

great way to literally get unstuck.

All you need is 10 minutes. Your body and mind will thank you for it.

12. Get Enough Sleep For You

is a

7-9 hours seems to be the go to, but 7 hours is not enough for some, while 9 hours is far
too much for others. This often leaves people more tired than they have to be. So,
experiment, and find the amount of sleep that allows you to wake up energized. If you
normally sleep 8 hours, then you could try 7 ½, or if you normally sleep 6 ½ hours then try
out 7 and see how it works for you. Personally, when I switched from 8 ½ to 7 ½ hours, it
made all the difference. I thought I needed 8 hours of sleep, but I actually wake up much
more energized when I sleep for 7 ½.

As we know, trouble sleeping causes energy level disturbances. If you’re having trouble
sleeping, here are a few ways you can try to improve it:

Get a bedtime routine together. This could be taking a hot bath, then lighting a candle and
reading from your favorite book, or anything that helps you relax and slow your mind down.
Wake up and go to sleep at the same time each day to maintain a consistent sleep schedule
and regulate your body clock.
Avoid drinking caffeine after 3:00 pm, as the effects can last for several hours.
Before bed, write down what you need to do the next day, or write out what keeps you awake
at night, so you can get the worries out of your head before lying down. This will help prevent
the rumination that often makes it hard for some people to go to sleep.

13. Practice Yoga or Meditation

Yoga and meditation have been found in various studies to have fatigue fighting qualities.
Both practices have a strong focus on techniques, such as mindful breathing, that aim to
promote a state of calm. So, if your low energy levels are mostly the cause of stress and
anxiety, then these tools will be especially helpful for boosting your energy. Just 25
minutes is enough to receive the benefits, which includes uplifted mood, energy levels and
executive function. Additionally, studies have found that people who practice yoga or
meditation tend to have stronger immune systems, as well as more resilience when faced
with life’s obstacles. A review of studies shows that yoga also has the ability to improve
anxiety and depression, which can cause low energy—even in mild cases.

14. Eat Less Simple Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates actually do provide us with energy, yet many foods that are high in carbs
can leave us feeling tired. This is because people tend to consume simple carbs, like
cookies, processed pasta and white bread. Simple carbs give you a fast energy boost, but
they burn up fast and cause your blood sugar to spike and drop, which quickly causes a
crash. To avoid this, go for whole-grain and low-glycemic carbs like legumes, brown rice,
oats and nuts. These types of carbs take longer to burn up, so they prevent the crash
associated with simple carbs. You can still have simple carbs in moderation. Just remember
it’s either the pasta, or the energy.

Many people are constantly feeling tired and low on energy, but there are many easy and
natural remedies that can help increase energy levels. Drinking water, eating certain foods,
taking vitamins and switching up your routine will improve your health and increase your
energy levels. If you’re always tired and feel like you lack the energy to be at your best,
then you may want to consider a few of these methods and lifestyle changes, so that you
can show up at your best. However, keep in mind that chronic low energy may be
symptom of an underlying condition, such as thyroid problems or anemia. If fatigue
persists, consult with your doctor to determine if you have any underlying conditions.


23 Power Snacks (Snacks That 10 Healthy Summer Habits 10 Best Natural Treatments for
Give You Energy) June 3, 2019 Anxiety And Depression
July 31, 2019 December 30, 2018

Posted in Integrative Health, Natural Remedies, Personal Development

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