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Who are we?

Video “Le Nez”

Presentation of the project. When, where, to do what.

Aspects of the project.

Who are we?

Actors formed Lecoq school Brussels (Movement, explanation: physical theatre Movement,
gesture) different styles
Former project (Le Nez) mask, bouffon, absurd
Present interest in work (Grotowski, Odin) > Ryszard et Collectif Alluvion
What interests us in that work: physical training, voice work, ( work on the non-daily, non-social,
pre-expressive body) “cultural body”

Relation to the “festive body”/ “ritual body”?

Body out-of-the-daily. Traditions and body knowledge rythm.
Confront to a foreign culture, to perceive your own.

Non social body of the physical training <> festive body

– non-daily
– can for a moment pass the social limits
– transmission of an immaterial knowledge

Proposal: Travel to Mexico. Research.

Why Mexico:
Diversity, (Co-habitation of different cultures)
Metissage, ( Culture as a flexible factor)
Difference: Confontation and Sensivity to other culture, putting in question the own culture )
Meaning for the theatre (non-conceptual, non intellectual)


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