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Artikel deklinieren! Verben konjugieren!

Bild- Wand -hängen- das -an

Mittagessen- Belgien- Sandwich- zum- essen-In -man-ein
in- stehen – und- Wohnzimmer- meinem- ( der) Tisch- ( das ) Sofa
Kaffee -kann-trinken- man- im- Café-
die-über -Sie – gehen- Brücke-!-
komme- Wie- Post-ich-? -zur-
Winter-sechs Uhr-im-draußen -dunkel- sein-es- um
Bank- in – Geld- abheben- können- man- der -

At the moment I work from home. I sit in the office at my desk. On my desk there is a lamp and
many books. When I work mostly (meistens) on (am) the computer. The telephone rings often. I
have to talk with my colleagues about an article. Sometimes it is already (schon) late when I'm
finished with work.

My alarm rings every morning at seven. Sometimes I'm already awake before (vorher). On the
weekend I can sleep longer. I like to sleep long! But my cats wake up early. They are hungry and
want to go outside. And my dog wants to go for a walk. I go to the park with him. I'm always
looking forward to my first cup of tea!

Close to (in der Nähe von) my house there is everything I need . There is a shop where I can buy
fruit and vegetables. There is a bank where I can get money at the next street crossing. And
opposite of the bank there is a hospital. I live here already quite (ziemlich) long and I know my way
around !

There is also a small flowershop. Tomorrow is the birthday of my mother. Flowers are the best (b-

On Sunday I will go to the restaurant with her. In the restaurant they offer (an:bieten) many
different (verschieden) soups. I always eat the fish-soup. And my mother likes to eat vegetable

In the evening we (will) go to the cinema. My mother loves films! The film starts at 8. After (nach
+ Dativ) the film we (will) go to a bar (die Bar/ die Kneipe ). I love Cocktails! And my mother
loves beer! And we both like to go out. I will probably (wahrscheinlich) go home late. Birthday
nights are long!


You (man) are not allowed to walk here .

Should I buy flowers?

Would you like to come to Paris with me?

She wants to go to the station immediately (sofort) !

I can't go outside with the dog. It's raining!

Verben-Verben, Nomen- verben,

Do you have plans on sunday? (etwas vorhaben : to plan sth)

On sunday I want to go swimming. Do you come along?

No, I can't. I play tennis on sunday. Do you have time on monday?

Yes, i have time on monday evening. At eight o'clock?

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