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Given that unaffected heterozygotes carry one normal allele of the HOXD10 gene, how
might a dominant mutation in a gene encoding a transcription factor lead to a
development malformation?
 In a heterozygote, a dominant gene has one mutated allele and one regular allele.
Despite the normal working allele, the mutated phenotype is expressed. Since most
dominant mutations are gain-of-function mutations, the mutant gene is
overexpressed or creates a gene product that is more active than the typical allele's
gene product. As a result, the mutated gene product surpassed or beat the normal
gene product and the mutant phenotype is perceived.
The binding domain of the transcription factor is mutated in the case of the mutated
HOXD10 gene. The mutation most likely improves the binding affinity of the
transcription factor. This would cause the mutated transcription factor to bind
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) or other proteins more readily than the normal
transcription factor, resulting in the mutant phenotype being expressed.

 The mutant gene is overexpressed or creates a gene product that is more active than
the typical allele's gene product.
 The mutated gene product surpassed or beat the normal gene product.
 Mutant phenotype being expressed.

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