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Chart of Accounts: Grp.

5 to Grp 1 Analysis
Fast Food Chain & University

To start off, the information given by the group providing the University Chart of Accounts has
omitted some information regarding the assets, liabilities ad equity. With that said, the provided data is
still analyzable. First on the similar accounts used by both organizations is from revenues, which is the
food and beverage sales. This is similar to the university’s food service and vending commissions; both
provide sustenance in exchange for a price certain. In the accounts for expenses are: wages, salaries,
insurance, rentals, advertisement, transportation, repairs & maintenance, utilities, telephone & net
connection, fees, and amortization are those of which that holds similar descriptions to both
organizations. Provided that a University and a Fast Food Chain are both service oriented organizations
they differ in their serviceable focus. The main income generating account for a Fast Food Chain is the
revenue accumulated of selling their food whilst a University’s main income generating account would
be the tuition fees paid by the students to acquire knowledge and the credibility of acquiring said

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