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Illegal Medicine 

Many people have different views on medical marijuana and whether or not it 

should be legalized in all fifty states. Personally I think medical marijuana should be 

legalized. Because it’s proven to be an effective treatment to patients with chronic 

pain, it has fewer side effects than most prescribed drugs, and it is less addictive 

compared to opioids.  

It was stated at the Herald Editorial Board that, “Medical marijuana shows 

considerable promise in reducing chronic pain from a wide number of cases, including 

cancer, spinal cord injury and disease, severe spasms, PTSD, nausea, glaucoma, 

parkinsons, and other debilitating ailments. The drug could prove useful on other 

applications if patients are allowed to use it (” Medical marijuana can help 

with more than chronic pain. It has also been proven to help cancer patients keep 

food down, ease their pain, and help them sleep better. In an article published by 

THEWEEK.COM, it talks about Mykayla, a seven year old cancer patient that was 

prescribed medical marijuana by her doctor. It not only eased her pain from chemo, 

helped her stomach meals, and sleep through the night said her mom. After just a 

few weeks of Mykayla doing the marijuana regimen, she went into remission. 

Medical marijuana was an effective treatment for her.  

Medical marijuana has also been proven to have fewer side effects that most 

prescribed drugs. Pedro Oliverous said, “With research, though, I learned that 

marijuana not only has multiple potential uses but it also has fewer side effects 
compared to other medications (” The Herald Editorial Board echoed, “It is 

illogically and potentially heartless to deny patients with serious health problems a 

drug that could help mediate pain and discomfort with few, if any side effects 

(” Medical marijuana doesn’t have to be smoked to be beneficial, for 

example Mykayla to it in capsule form, it can be taken be vaporized, or turned into 

edibles, etc… 

  Medical marijuana is also less addictive compared to opioids. Peter A. Clark 

said, “There was no evidence that using marijuana would increase illicit drug use or 

that it was a ‘gateway’ drug (Journal of Public Health Policy).” Meaning you are more 

likely to get addicted to prescribed medications such as opioids than medical 

marijuana. The Herald Editorial Board also stated, “It is nonsensical to oppose the use 

of medical marijuana in the midst of what amounts to a nationwide epidemic of 

opioid addiction. Why not provide patients with a safer option? And why continue to 

let doctors continue to prescribe powerful, addictive, opiates but deny them the 

authority to legally prescribe medical marijuana (” Medical marijuana 

does have a slight risk of addiction if used wrong. But there is no risk of death, and it 

is impossible to overdose on. 

Most people think there is a lack of research showing the effects of medical 

marijuana and if it is safe and effective. But in other countries they have small labs 

that are doing remarkable research that proves legitimate patients whose 

symptoms improved on medical marijuana. 

There is plenty of evidence that proves why medical marijuana should be legal 

in all fifty states. There is no possible way to overdose on it, there are very few, if 

any, side effects, along with that it’s less addictive, and it has been proven to be an 

effective treatment with patients. 

Works Cited 

Clark, Peter A. “The Ethics of Medical Marijuana: Government Restrictions vs. Medical

Necessity.” Journal of Public Health Policy, Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1 Mar. 2000,

“Should Marijuana Be a Medical Option? - Medical Marijuana -” Medical Marijuana,

“Should a 7-Year- Old Cancer Patient Be Treated with Medical Marijuana?” 27 Nov. 2012.

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