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BME1101 – SEC 21


For the introduction, everything went well. Our professor was so nice and approachable. I

know right here that I am in the good hands in the whole semester.

In the week 2, our professor tackles about competitiveness, strategy and productivity. I've

learned that a company should have its own strategy that will eventually makes their operation

be productive and could be globally competitive. The meeting was not that long and every

information that needed to be discussed are presented by our professor precisely.

In week 3, we talked about Forecasting. Our professor discussed about how forecasting is

important in the operations of the company. In forecasting, you will be able to foresee some of

the errors or needed to be improve on using a certain forecasting tool. This week was not so

heavy it is still bearable to my academic schedule.

In week 4, we focus on the Product and Service Design of the company. It is important to

know this sector as this is where you would know how the operations are done and how the

products are manufactured. At the same time, it is where you know how each product have been

improved from time to time. This week is starting to be busy as midterm exam are now


This week 5 is very stressful because it is a midterm week already. Quizzes, exams and

recitations are piling up. Everything is starting to get more difficult. For our POIP paper, my

groupmates are doing well with their parts and submitting it punctually.
These weeks, week 9 and 10, are the start of the finals term. Our professor discussed

about process selection and facility layout. The meeting focuses that the process selections is

important in the operation as it decides on the way production of goods or services will be

organized while the facility layout is important to organized facilities that could produce more

and quality products and services.

In this week, it tackles about the work design and measurement. In here, it the work

design focuses and ensures that each employee's duties and responsibilities are align towards the

objectives of the company. Through work measurement it is a process of evaluating the

performance of the employee and identify which areas they should improve on. The meeting was

great, and it is helpful and informative.

This week, we had our final defense. I am so lucky that I have with me my groupmates.

They were so friendly and responsible. Our presentation really went well and all of it is all

because of my leader and as well as my groupmates. We have prepared so much in this and I am

glad that we pulled it off successfully. _

Overall, my whole experience in Production and Operations Management is great. I do

not feel so much burden in this subject cause every topic was discussed precisely and

understandably. Also, our professor is very considerate and approachable to all our needs and


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