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San Agustin Museum, Intramuros Manila. (2017). Retablo of Juan De Los Santos. Retrieved from

History of the Artwork: “Retablo in San Agustin Church”

-It was carved and made by Juan De Los Santos.
-This “retablo” or altarpiece as the main altarpiece of San Agustin Church in Manila in
-The retablos were the first creative art form influence by the Spanish Colonization since
it was part of their Religious Art.

Background of the Artist: Juan De Los Santos

-A sacristan, sculptor, and silversmith from San Pablo, Laguna and it is one of the earliest
known sculptors in the Philippines. A number of his works are on display at the San Agustin
Convent Museum.
Techniques and Materials
-The figures are shown in front of the viewer and are highly stylized.
-This retablo produced were a unique mix of Spanish, Chinese, and Filipino
-The Chinese brushwork technique was taught to Filipino painters.
-For the materials, it used ranges from wood, ivory to metal (iron) or a combination of
-The Friars’ icons were used as models for the sculpture.

Sculptures was the first creative art form introduced and the natives embraced it.
This retablo of Juan De Los Santos was carved and it is the main altarpiece of San
Agustin Church in Manila. It is influence by the Spanish Colonization since it was part
of their Religious Art.
The very first sculptor in the Philippines was Juan De Los Santos from San Pablo,
Laguna. He is the one who made the retablos of San Agustin Church during Spanish
period. He was also a Sacristan and a silversmith. His artworks are available at the
San Agustin Convent Museum.
There are several techniques used but Juan De Los Santos produces this retablo with
a unique mix of Spanish, Chinese, and Filipino characteristics. Since Spanish is a
Catholic or Religious people, they want the churches more presentable, innovative,
and creative. They used the Chinese brushwork technique to made this retablo.
Our own country is rich from the different sources of materials. The retablos used
Juan De Los Santos materials ranges from wood, ivory to metal, and a combination
of different materials that is came from our own country. The model used is from
the Friars’ icons.

Laririt, K. (2013). Saint Statues (santos). Retrieved from

Hernandez. E. (ND). The Spanish Colonial Tradition in Philippine Visual Arts. Retrieved

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