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Formative Assessment 5 Module 4: Art, Artist, and Audience


Section: 34
Comparison and Contrast

How does the connection/ interaction between the audience and the artist works in ‘Rhythm
0’? / How did the audience react in this performance? (Write 2 to 3 answers)
1. The "invitation" tells us that the use of any objects presented to them will decide how far
they will inflict pain and pleasure to Marina without being afraid of its consequence as they
are not accountable for any damages that might happen. It paved the path for acceptable
behavior of the audience to the performance.
2. The "power" inflicted on each individual signifies satisfaction to the audience. However,
the results do not derive into individual fulfillment as it resulted into two reactions. Whereas
others envision themselves that they want to harm Marina to feel the pleasure of hurting and
know how far she will push her limits. Some foresee themselves as a person who feels
sympathy for Marina because they knew that everything that happened was already beyond
the limit.


SIMILARITIES (Write 2 to 3 similarities)

1. The "end" part of Rhythm 0 does not just tell us about how the audience is afraid to
confront Marina. For me, the ending part of the performance does not just fulfill the
satisfaction level of pleasure-pain. Instead, it says something that Rhythm 0 leaves marks of
continuous pleasure and pain to me. It haunts me how "power" affects my personal decision
and choices, which allows me to change my perspective about life.
2. The Rhythm 0 left me realize that I should be more educated and continue to educate
myself about something morality. That no matter how many temptations life could give, with
or without being accountable for it, always keep in mind that every human deserves to treat
like one.


Formative Assessment 5 Module 4: Art, Artist, and Audience


How does the connection/ interaction between the you, as an audience, and the artist works
in ‘Rhythm 0? / How did you, as an audience, react in this performance? (Write 2 to 3
1. The "Guilt" that the performance left into us and struck within us gives a connection to the
audience and me. That through the temptations and fulfillment of your pride and ego, every
human is capable of doing things that results in morality and immorality without being
bothered to its outcome but later on could haunt us on the things that we can't control and
cannot change.
2. The Rhythm 0 leaves me and the audience the most significant responsibility with our
actions based on our physical and mental decisions. Doing something horrible, with or
without being responsible for it, leaves a feeling of being terrified from it for the audience,
similarly, as it scares me if I tolerate those wrongdoings without doing anything to correct
them and fight for them.


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