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Managementul fluxurilor de operatii

Simona Caramihai

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Prezentari – bucata din nota

Tema de proiect -> proiectarea unui system de workflow management pt o intreprindere

Proiectare din punct de vedere al cerintelor functionale

5 pct din 10 acest proiect

Prezentare -> 3 pct din 10

Participarea active la discutii 2 pct din totalul notei

La examen doar venim cu carnetul

Cine nu se poate prezenta / face proiectul, ultiple 2 cerinte pot fi inlocuite printr-un examen

Proiectul nu se poate inlocui

Proiectul va fi un referat

Din carte pana la pagina 7 inclusiv => apoi discutam ce se poate extrage din carte


cooperative information systems

"one-stop shopping” place

—so-called workflow management systems (WFMS)—is particularly important in this respect.

They help in generating a generic software package

we first design business processes in a more abstract way, without considering implementation,
and then we design the information systems and the organization hand in hand. In fact, we decide
whether each task in a process should be performed by an information system or a person

Solution Engineer => information technologist

"workflow" is used here as a synonym for "business process."

employees clearly understand that they are working for a particular customer

process => tasks, sequence, optional tasks, order might or not matter

sequence, selection, parallelization, and iteration.

Workflow -> un model de process

De citit pentru saptamana viitoare: Tot capitolui 1

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