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A ttew CE REFRESHER starts in this issue on

iI'¡~trumentation and techniques applicable

to the control of processes. The subjects to
be covered are:
• Basic concepts
• .Basic control modes
• Tuning process controllers
• Techniques of feedback control
• Combining feedback control loops
• Instrument scaling
• Advanced control techniques
• Advanced control
• Microprocessor regulatory control
• Process control computers

Basic concepts, terminology and

techniques for processcontrol
How the interplay among the measured, load and control
, variables is established in orderto achieve requited .
objectives forcontrolling process operations.v

Lewis M. Gordon, The Foxboro ea.

o Any study of process control must begin by investigar- In this example, the control system manipulates the
ing the concept of a "process." From a production position of a steam valve. However, the ternperature of
viewpoint, it is gene rally thought of as a place where the water depends not only on the position of this valve
materials and, most often, energy come together to but also on the flowrate of the' water, its inlet tempera-
produce a desired product. From a control viewpoint, ture, the enthalpy of the steam, the "degree of fou'ling in
the meaning is more specific. A process is identified as the exchanger, and the ambient temperature.
having one orrnore variables associated with it that are This simple example illustratescontrolled, manipu-
important enough fortheir values to be known and for lated and load variables-the three categories associated
them to be controlled. with every process under control (Fig. lb). T~e parame-
Initially, in this new CE REFRESHER (see accompany- ters that indicate product quality or the operating condi-
ing box for series topics), we will concentrate on proc- tion of the process are called controlled variables, such as
esses having only one controlled variable, such as the pressure, level, ternperarure, pH, specific gravity or den-
heat-exchange process shown in Fig. la. To maintain the sity, composition, moisture content, weight and speed,
temperature of the product (hot water) in this process, and other variables, depending on the process.
another variable influencing the variable being con- Manipulated variables include valve position, darnper
trolled must be available for manipulation by the control position, motor speed and blade pitch. Further, one
system. control loop is often rnanipulated fOI"controlling another


variable in more complicated control schcmcs. For cxam- signal based 011 the diffcrence bctween thc actual and
pie, a Ilow variable is manipulatcd lo COII( rol a icmpcru- , refereuce-mensurerneut values, For [cedjonoard systerns,
ture 01' a lcvcl, (he control sigual is gcucrated lrorn values based on the
All variables alfecting a cout.rolled variable, ot hcr than various loacl variables as they affcct the process.
the 011C being manipulated, are dclincd as loads. Bot h
loads and the manipulated variable may influcnce a
controlled variable from either the supply sidc or the
Feedback svstems .
Feedback svsterns are more cornmon than Ieedfor-
dernand side of the process. For cxample, thc outlet ward ones. The structure of a feedback loop is shown in
temperature of a heat exchanger can be controlled by Fig. 2. Here. the value of the controlled variable re-
manipulating the stearn valve, while tank leve! can be sponds to the net effect of the loads and the manipulated
controlíed by manipulating a valve on thc outflow from variable. A sensor/transmitter rneasures the current
the tank, al'ten, a controlled variable in one process is a value of the controlled variable and sends a signal to the
load variable for another. For example, the temperaturc feedback controller, where the signal is comparecl (by
of the outlet stream from a heat exchanger will almost subtraction) to a reference value. The control function
certainly affect other plant variables-otherwise, it would within the controller generates a signal, which positions a
not be important enough to control. valve on the basis of the sign and magnitude of the dif-
ference between the measurernent and the reference or
The control problem setpoint values.--
The relationship among controlled, manipulated and In the exarnple for the heat exchanger, a temperature
load variables qualifies the need for process control. The transmitter continuously generates a signal that repre-
manipulated variable and the various load variablesmay sents the actual temperature of the hot water. At the
either increase or decrease the controlled variable, de- controller, this signal is subtracted from an operator-set
pending on the design of the process. Changes in [he value that represents the desired temperature. 11' these
controlled variable reflect the balance between the loads values are the same, the current position of the steam
and the manip~lated variable. valve is correct, and the controller will not change its
For the heat exchanger, increases in stearn-valve open- output.l However, if the actual value is below the refer-
ing, steam enthalpy, inlet temperature and ambient tern- ence value, the controller will change its output in the
, perature tend to raise the product temperature, while it direction that opens the steam valve and raises the actual
isIoweredby increases in flowrate and exchanger foul- ternperature. Conversely, if the actual temperature is
ing. The temperatureresponds to the net effect of these above the clesired one, the controlIer wilI change its
influénces. If the positive influences are greater than the output in the direction that cIoses the steam valve, to
negative.jhe temperature will rise. If the reverse is true, lower the actual temperature.
l the tem perature will fal!. If all the load variables were to Thus, a feedback controlIer solves the control prob-
', remain constant, the steam valve could then be adjusted lem through a trial-and-error proceclure. Assume that a
,until the product ternperature was constant at the de- change in the loacl variablesupsets the temperature, ancl
'sired value, and would rernain there indefinitely. a new valve position is required. The controller becornes
i Process control equipment is needed beca use these aware 01' the upset when the imbalance between the
variables do not rernain constant. For example, varia- loads and the manipulated variable begins to change the
tions in inlettemperature and flowrate both upset prod- controlled variable. The controller immediately begins
uct temperature, and require a different stearn-valve to make corrective changes in its ouputs-even as it
position in order for water temperature to be maintained monitors the effect of these changes on the controlled
at the desired value. The job of the control system is to variable. When the controller sees that its corrections
determine and continuously update this valve position as have returned the controlIed variable LO the desired
load conditions change. value (i.e., clifference equals zero), it holcls the output
Generally, the control problem is to determine the one steady and continues to observe the controlled variable,
value of the manipulated variable that establishes a and waits for the next upset. .
balance ~mong all the influences on the controlled vari-
able and -keep the variable steady at a desired value. Feedforward systems
Other factors such as speed of response, shape of re- While .feedback control is reactive in nature and re-
sponse, and operator interface are also important in sponds to the effect of an upset, feedforwarcl schemes
designing control systems. respond directly LO upsets and, thus, offer improved
No matter how cornplicated, every control system control.
solves this same basic problem, and for a given process The block diagram of a feedforward-control scheme is
ami load conditions must arrive at the sarne result. shown in Fig. 3. Transmitters measure the values of the
The control problem can be solved in only two ways, load variables, and a ca1culiHion unit computes the cor-
each of which corresponds to a basic control-systern rect control signal for the existing load conditions and
design philosophy. Feedback systems generate the control reference value. In this way, changes in load conditions


CE REfRESHER < - , - ¡~,

Inside a feedback controller

Signal from Signal to Regardless of the hardware used for implernentatiou,
control room T ,mp",,",,.~,W"'!,,~::~'''' control room
the conccpt of feedback control remains the same. The
first feedback rncchanisms were mechanically connected
Steam " directly to the process and the manipulated variable,
_-"':":';":';';";"'--{>I(]~---, ¡'"
When pneumatic .md electronic transmission made cen-
TT Hot
Cold water water
tral control rOOll1Spossible, pneumatic and electronic
controllers were developed.
, The state of the art today is distributed control
through digital systerns, and controllers now often exist
in software. Digital systems may have an extensive selec-
Condensate tion of features such as autornatic alarming, output
a, Process damps, and built-in linearization or signal compensa-
tion. However, none of these change the basic function
of the feedback controller-to solve the control
Manipulated variable problem.
Process Al! feedback controllers must have certain common
Load variables variable elements (Fig. 4). The feedback-control function always
has two inputs and one output. One input will be the
b, Variables measurement signal from the transmitter; the other, the
reference value. For feedback controllers, the reference
signal is called the setpoint,which usually represents the
Heat exchanger represents a simple process Fig.1 desired value of the measurernent.
For simple loops, the reference signal may be entered
directly by the operator and is called a "local" setpoint.
In complicated schemes, this signal can come from
cause a direct change in the control signal without another instrument and is defined as a "rernote" set-
waiting for the control!ed variable to be upseL point. Often, the control!er can accept both types of
In general, this technique is more complicated and setpoints, and a remote/local switch is available for the
moreexpensive, It requires greater process understand- operator to select which one the controller wil! use.
ing than trial-and-error "feedback, Therefore, feedfor- Within the controller, measurement and setpoint val-
ward control is-usually reserved for difficult and critical ues are cornpared -'by subtraction, The difference is
applications. called the error and is the input to the mechanism, circuit
or algorithm that generates the output. Generally, this
response contains proportional, integral and derivative
(PID) components, although they may not al! be present
,Desired in every control!er. Proportional or integral responds to
I:I_~~~ ~' ~-----------------------TCI~·'-te~m~p~e~ra~t~ur-e
@ error, while derivative usually responds directly to mea-
;r; surernent. The sum of the individual responses forms

'" Steam --c. __Actual
the automatic control signaL
Startups andemergencies
Cold water
water For startup and emergency conditions, the control!er
will also indude a manual control-signal generator that
can be driven by the operator. When the output comes
from the PID response generator, the controller is said
Condensate to be in "autornatic." When the output comes from the
, a. Process and variables manual generator, the control!er is said to be in "man-
ual." The procedure for switching between these two
outputs will range from fairly involved. to virtually trans-
parent, dependirig on the sophistication of the control-
..-----i Feedback
control ~---< Reference
L ~--;.;.;;.;;;.;.;=.;;. ler. The important thing is not to "bump" the output
function signal and cause an upser to .the process.
In simple loops, this signal will directly position a
Transmiher valve, while in more-complicated schemes, the signal will
Manipulated be an input to another instrumento Typically, the con-
Controlled troller will have an associated operator interface. As a
Process minimum, this interface will display the setpoints, mea-
Loads variable
surement, current output, and the remote/local and
b. Feedback loop autornatic/manual status.
Just as all feedback controllers have certain elernents
Feedback control uses, ..' in common, so do al! feedback-controlloops share three
measurement of.controlled variable Fig.2 important concepts: open vs. dosed loop, positive vs.


negative feedback, and oscillation. Lct us now examine
in some detail thc significance of thesc characteristics for
feedback loops.
Feedforward Reference
Open vs. closed loop
Fig. 2 also illustrates the first ofthesc concepis. Once a
feedback controller is installed on a process ami pl.iced
in autornatic, a closed loop is created .. The controller
output affects the measurernent, and vice versa. This
closed loop creates the possibility 01' control through
Should this effect be broken in either direction, the
loop is said to be open, and feedback control no longer
exists. Several events can open a feedback loop:
v ~
• Placing the controller in manual. This causes the Process
Loads variable
output to remain constant (unless changed by the opera-
tor) even if the measurement changes.
• Failure of the sensor or transmitter. This ends the
ability of the controller to observe the controlled Feedforward control uses
variable. measurements of load variables Fig.3
• Saturation of the controller output at O or 100% of
scale. This ends the ability of the controller to influence
the process. reinforced the change in measurement. This is positive
• Failure of the valve actuator beca use of friction or feedback.
debris in the valve. For a feedback loop to be successful, it must have
When a control loop does not seem to be operating negative feedback. The controller must change its out-
properly, the first thing to check is whether 01' not the put in the direction that opposes the change in measure-
loop is closed, Often, a great deal of time is wasted trying ment. Fig. 5b shows the same loop, except that the
to adjust a controller when the problem is elsewhere in controller has been set to increase-decrease action. The
the loop. controller then responds to increases in temperature by
closing the valve. A decrease in temperature causes the
Positive vs. negative feedback controller to open the valve. These responses tend to
Connecting a controller to a process, as shown in Fig. drive the measurement back toward the setpoint. Select-
2, creates a closed feedback loop. However, feedback can ing the proper control action is as fundamental as mak-
be either' positive 01' negative, and the difference is ing sure the loop is truly closed. The wrong choice
crucial to thé loop's performance. .- destroys contro\.
Every feedback controller will have a means of chang- The correct choice for feedback wiU depend on the
ing the controller action, which defines the direction of f

. the controller response to a change in the measurement.

Increase-increase (orvdirect) action causes the control\er
to increase its output iri respo{lse to an increasing mea-
surement. Increase-decrease (or, reverse}action causes Operator interface
the controller to decrease its output when the mea-
.surement increases. Choósing the wrong action will Local or
make control impossible. remote
Fig. 5a shows a possible record of an output-tempera- setpoint signal
.ture control loop installed on the heat exchanger of Fig.
2. The steam valve is set air-to-open (i.e., fail closed). +
This means that an increasing control signal will open response ¡.,......;----{ L
. the valve to increase steam flow. The controller action is Control
set to increase-increase, which is incorrect.
; The measurement may be brought to the setpoint
under manual control, but as soon as the controller is
placéd in autornatic, the loop becomes unstable.Any

- generator '1' -1_'


small disturbance that increases the ternperature will

also cause an increase in controller output. This opens
the valve, causing the ternperature to increase further generator
and the valve to continue opening. The result is a
runaway ternperature. If a small disturbance caused the
temperature to drop, the controller would close the P! o = proportional + integral + derivative
valve, and the temperature would fall even more. In turn,
this would cause the valve to close even more. Basic elernents of a feedback controller Fig.4
In both cases, the response 01' the controller has


,., •••ii j" i1-t-lllj.

cause 01' the lags within the process, the outlct ternpera-

'"""IA7 1 ..
turc does not rcspond irnmediately. In tact, it continucs
to movc away Irom thc setpoint. The controller thcn
continuos to change its output until the mcasurcment
turns around and begins te return tu rhe setpoint,
I . When the measurernent reverses itself, so will the
'-_+-1 _ controllcr output, but the effect of this reversal will also
be delayed. Later, the rneasurement may reverse a scc-
. ond time and cause another reversal in the controller

cñ 1
output. In turn, this causes another revcrsal in the
rneasurernent, and so on. The result is an oscillation in
both the measurement and the controller ouput,
Thus, the cornbination of negative feedback and lags
Time- Time-
in the process means that oscillation is the natural re-
a. Positive feedback causes instability
sponse of a feedback control loop to an upset. The
characteristics of this oscillation are the primary means
for evaluating the performance of the control loop.
e I I
I Specifically, an instrument engineer will be interested in
~~ I I . the period and the damping ratio of the cycle.
;~~~- ~-SetPOlnt
0E I Fig. 5c shows a typical oscillation, The period of this
~ L..-_--'-I ------ I cycle may be measured as the time (usually in minutes)
I between any two analogous points, such as between two
I ~-.\.--
E ~.
positive or negative peaks. Fig. 5c also shows another
oscillation that is steadily decaying to a constant signal.
The damping ratio measures the rate of decay.
II Although there are mathematical definitions of the
------ damping ratio, practically it may be measured as the ratio
Time- Time-
of the deviations of any two successive peaks from the
b. Negative feedback causes stability estimated final 01' average value. These measurements
are usually taken from a record of the controlled variable
because it is often recorded. However, the same cycle
qampin_9 ratio = B/A
can be observed in the controller output, or in any
measurement directly affected by the control signal. For
example, if a record were kept of the steam flow to the
heat exchanger, the cycle would also appear there. Fre-
quently, other variables will provide a more sensitive
representation of the cycles within a loop, and these will
Time--;--- Time~ allow more accurate evaluation of loop performance to
c. Oscillating signals
be made.

'Control actions affect performance Characteristics of the oscillation

. o! ir closed feedback loop . Fig.5 The exact characteristics of the oscillation in a particu-
lar loop will mainly depend on the adjustments to the
proportional, integral and derivative responses within .
application. For example, if tank leve! is controlled by the controller. Incorrect adjustments can make this pe-
manipulating an air-to-open valve on the outflow, in- riod too long or too short. Even worse, they can make the
crease-in crease action will be needed. Moving the same cycle grow larger instead of smaller.
control valve to the inflow requires increase-decrease For good control, the cycle in the measurement signal
action. Reversing the action of the valve to air-to-close should steadily decay, and end with the measurement
(i.e, fail open) can reverse the required control action. returned to the setpoint. Simultaneously, the cycle in the
. A controller taken out for maintenance might not be controller output should also steadily decay, and end
set correctly when it is reinstalled. Sometimes, position- with the output at the new value. This re-establishes
ers on valves can reverse the response of the valves to-a balance among the load variables and the manipulated
change in the control signal. The penalty for not think- variable.
ing this out is a control loop that drives the measurement In fact, this oscillation represents the trial-and-error
to one of its range limits. search for the new solution to the control problem. The
controller is not aware of the load variables. Hence,
Oscillation when it sees the measurement begin to change, it tries
While negative feedback is necessary for control, it new output values until it narrows in on the one value
also leads to oscillation within the loop. Once again, let that returns the measurement to the setpoint.
us consider the temperature control loop in Fig. 2. When If the controller in a particular loop responds tu au
the measurement begins to move away frorn the set- upset with an oscillation in which each successive peak is
point, the contraller begins to change its output. Be- one-fourth as large as the preceding one, the loop is said


to have quarter-wave clamping (i.e .. BlA = 114 in Fig.
Se). Depending on the pcriod, a loop having quarter-
w.ivc damping stabilizes Iairly quickly following an upset.
o ttc n , this is takcn as an indication of goocl control.
Dct.crmining propcr controllcr acUusl.rnents is somcwhat
[llore complicated th.m achicving this one objcctive.
Nevertheless, quarter-wavc dumping may be uscd for a
rough evaluation 01" controller performance.

Process characteristics
The existence of lags in thc proccss has a fundamental
? U Measurement;
weight siqnal

effect on the performance of the feedback loop. Without

under standing' the causes and characteristics of these
lags, it is impossible to evaluate which control modes /T\. /"\.~Co~n~trol

(proportional, integral, derivative) will be required, or

I :
, IV ~al

whether feedback control will be successful in any partic-

i--L-l ~---Deadtime, TDT

ular application. Basically, lags may be considered in two
categories: deacltime and capacity.
E ro§,
.~ I --..r-

A'\J r\.eas;;,Ugre~m,ent

~'¡;; ,
Deadtime ~--------------
A process 'thachas essentially pure deadtime response Time- Time-
Step change Cycling ,ignal,
is shown in Fig. 6a. A hopper valve deposits material on a a.Deadtimedelays
r moving belt. A weight transmitter measures the amount
ofmaterial. How does the weight measurement respond
to changes in the control signal to the hopper valve?
As shown in Fig. 6a, a step change in the control signal Temperature
will immediately begin to deposit more material on the
r---€) signal

belt. This step change will appear in the measurement
after a clelay (deadtime) that corresponds to the time
Level I
Vessel I
e necessary for the material to travel from the hopper to .. signal
e the senso:r. LT 000 ~OO ~_....;F..;;:,;ue;;..;;:1 9=-as
y In gene:ral, deadtime is I defined as the time delay
r between a change in the cont:rol signal and the beginning Energy storaqe
e of its effect on the measu:rement. The shape of the Outflow
Material storaqe
change in the .control signal is not relevant. Fig. 6a also

. shows al). óscillating control-signal input delayecl by the
Il same time inte:rval.
J Becausedeadtime is often caused by the time requi:red
to move material f:rom one point to anothe:r, it may be
referred to as t:ransport lag or distance/velocity lag. The
actual time depends on the-.distance traveled and the ~

'.'-.;",' ','. . --

velocity of the material. '

e Delay in the p:rocess response can be c:reated in othe:r -~.""","-.'-"',,','-<.
n ways. The perfo:rmance of mixers (i.e., agitators) has a ,


large influence on the deadtime in loops monitoring

e composition, such as pH, density, or oxidation-reduction Time- Time-
potential. .The sampling operation of a chromatic aria- Step change Cycling change
11 lyzer will also create delay in the perceived measurernent.
b. Storagecapacities
lt And, significantly, a combination of a number of capac-
e ity-lag elements will al so crea te deadtime.
el . From a control point of view, what is important is the
:5 length of the delay. Deadtime represents an interval 100
ti- ?f<
during which the controller has no inforrnation about ~... , jlj ..

the effect of a control action already taken. ' ~ es.z

Deadtime cloes not slow down the rate at which the ¡;.

.c measurement can change. Except for the delay, the a:

measurernent changes at the .sarne rate as cloes the
control signal. Still, the longer the delay, the more
clifficult it will be to control.. As will be shown, the Time-
amount of deadtime in the process has a strong effect on c. Timeconstant
n the controller acljustments and on the performance that
15 can be expected from the loop. Process characteristlcs affect type
el of control mode and feedback Fig.,6 ..
Because cleadtime interferes with good control, evcry


l'"A-I ,i 1".1 -Cl.! , I

Point1•.~ Tr_C__ f----2-.~II.___ T_r_C ----3- I__

••. r_r_c _ ___I __ ••
4 ~

Capacities in series

~ Individual time constant

. l. rrc. I
Step cnanqe-, ..•••' I

*'~. Points I

. . .
Capacities in series enlarge the delay in response time whenever a change in the input signal occurs Fig.7

attempt should be made to reduce this delay by properly 2. The capacity inhibits the rate at which the measure-
locating transmitters, specifying sufficient mixing, de- ment can change.
signing proper tankage, and minimizing transmission Because level is a measure of the liquid stored in the
lags. tank, and because the rate of accumulation (positive or
negative) responds to the difference between infIow and
Capacity and its effects outfIow, level cannot change instantly even if the control
\ .". Pure deadtime processes are rare, and virtuaily every signal does. The bigger the tank in comparison with the
control loop wiIl inelude, and wilI be dominated by, fIows, the slower the level wiIl change. Therefore, the
capacity elements. . capacity element in the process tends to attenuate distur-
A capacity element is that part of the process system bances. This makes control easier, whereas deadtime
where material or energy can accumulate. The tank makes control more difficult.
shown in Fig. 6b represents a single capacity (material The size of a capacity is measured by its time constant.
storage). Flow into the tank is manipulated to affect the Fig. 6c shows, in more detail, the leve! response of Fig.
level; fIow out of the tank is the load variable. Initially, 6b. Since the two fIows (in and out) approach equality
the leve! remains constant because infIow and outflow asymptotically, they never quite become equal-at least
are equal. How does the response of this process differ in theory. The leve! never stops changing and, therefore,
from that of a deadtirne element? the response cannot be measured by the time to
Let us assume that the valve and fIow respond in- completion.
.stantly to changes in the control signaI. When a step Instead, the response is quantified by a time constant
change occursin this signal, the difference between in- that is defined as the time required to complete 63.2% of
fIow and outfIow wilI immediate!y cause an increase in the total response. (This number is not arbitrary. It has
level. However, as level increases, the graduaIly increas- significance in terms of the differential equations that
ing pressure across the drain valve raises the outflow. mode! the process.) As a first approximation, the time
This tends to bring the two fIows back into balance, with constant of a capacity element will be roughly equal to its
.the net result that level rises more rapidly at first, then residence time, which is defined as the volume divided
more slowly, and finaIly stops as the fIows becorne equal. by the throughput (in consistentunits). Thus,if the tank
The other vessel shown in Fig. 6b also represents a in Fig. 6b holds 1,000 gal, and flow through the tank is
single capacity (energy storage). Ternperature responds LOO.gpm, the residence time becomes 1,000/1 00 = 10
to the accumulation of energy in a process just as leve! rmn,
responds to the accumulation of material. The res pon se Fig. 6b also shows the response of a capacity e!ement
of the temperature to a step change in heat input will be to a cycling control signal. If the signal cycles the inflow,
the same as the response of the level to a step change in the outflow will approach the average value of the intlow.
tlow input. The leve! will rise while the inflow is greater than the
The responses of these capacity clernents differ from outflow: and it will faIl while the inflow is less than thc
that of thc deadtime element in two significant ways: outflow. In short, for a cycling input, the measurerncnt
1. No delay occurs before the measurement begins to signal from a capacity element will also cycle at the same
change-i.e., no deadtirne is associated with a single- periodo
capacity e!ement. The variation in the measuremcnt signal, in compari-


Input ".1, Oynamic
element ,
I--~." Output

Process modul

!I ~ l~(In)
~ '-Step change
Steadv-state qain,
I ~
Gss = l1(Our)/A(ln)


<l" 100 O

Z", 63.2 Time-

<1> Steadv-state gain
Apparent dead 'time. TOT

<"'APparent time constant. T,
e I
Open-Ioop response of heat exchanqar I
to a step change in controller output Fig.8 -1

son with the vana Don m the control signal, depends ou,
strongly onthe periodo If the control signal cyeles very
rapidly (with a short period), the swing in the leve/ will be
very smal!. Converse/y, if the same variation in the ~----------------------
d control signal occurs at _amuch longer period, the swing Dvnarnic gain
in the level will be much greater.
e Dynamic elements have both
e Modeling the process gain and phase properties Fig.9
. Single-capacity and pure deadtime processes exist
e onlyintheory, Any real processes will inelude a number
of each of these dynamic elements. For example, the heat The open-loop response of a heat exchanger to a step
t. exchanger, shown in Fig. la, ineludes a deadtime associ- change in the controller output is shown in Fig. 8.
" ated with the time it takes for the hot water to flow from Initially, the temperature remains constant but later
y .the exchanger to the sensor. In addition, the identifiable begins to rise and approaches a new steady-state value.
capacities inelude: "- '. Although a process may actualIy be an intricate collec-
'o .• Volumeof the air acttlator for the controlvalve. tion of deadtime and capacity elements, it can usualIy be
o , • Volume of the exéhanger shel!side. represented by a deadtime-plus-capacity model in order
• Energy stored in the tubes. to design the feedback loop. The pararneters for this
• Energy stored in the water in the tubes. model may be taken as the apparent deadtime and the
• Energy sto red in the thermowel! and sensor. apparent time constants.
.s If the controls are pneumatic, an effective deadtime While mis representation may be obvious to the de-
rt and capacity are also associated with each transmission signer, the controller cannot tel! the difference. Since
e !ine. This is a typical situation-one or two identifiable deadtime makes control difficult while capacity makes it
.s '.deadtimes, and a number of large and small capacities. easier, an estimate of the difficulty of control can be
rJ made by calculating the ratio of the apparent deadtime
Deadtimes in series are additive-a l-rnin de/ay fol-
k lowed by a 2-min delay combine to form a 3~min delay. to the apparent time constant. This ratio, TDThl, will
s However, the combined effect of a number of capacities also have a strong effect on the control adjustments.
O '. 'jn series is not so obvious. Fig. 7 shows a series of three The behavior of ft;e<:l9~ckcontrolloops can be under-
capacities having an equal time constant, TTC, along stood from practical or theoretical points of view. AI-
.t with the responses at various points to a step input. The though we have thus far emphasized the practical, under-
step input appears at Point l. Point 2 shows the response standing the two mathematical concepts cf gain and
of a single capacity to a step input, as shown in Fig. 6c. phase is essential to a fundamental knowledge of feed-
e Points 3 and 4 show the effect of subsequent capacities. back control.
e The net effcct is that a scquence of capacities looks (to
the controller) like the combination of a deadtime de/ay, Gain and phase
followed by a single capacity with a time constant, TI, that An element from a feedback control loop is repre-
is largcr than the time constant of the individual sentcd in Fig. 9. This elernent could be the process, the
capacities. valve, the transmitter or the controller. Each of these ele-


., ...
ments has an input aud an out put. Thc Iirst pararnetcr, Beginning at an)" point in the loop, lct lISconsider the
gain, describes the amount 0(' changc in thc output that cffects on that signal as it travels once .uouud the loop.
will be caused by a given chango iu thc input. Both The signal is made larger or smal!er as it passcs through
steady-state and dynamic gaills must be cousidered. For cach elernent, according to the gain of that clcrnent. At
a step input, the output of thc elerncnt begins to change the same time, the signal will be somewhat displaced,
and approaches a new value. The steady-statc gain, C", is accorcling to the magnitude of the phasc angle associatcd
defined as the ratio of the final change in the olltput 1:0 with. that element.
change in the input, or: FÓr the cycle to continué, the total effect of thcse
displacements rnust equal 360 cleg., so that the signal
C" = t:.(Out)/t:.(ln) (1)
returns to the beginning point. Therefore: a feedback
It is important to keep track of thc units lor gain. For control loop wil! cvcle at that period which makes the
example, if the steady-state gain 0(' the valve in the sum of the phase angles equal to 360 cleg.
temperature loop werc being deterrnined, the output More irnportantly, the net effect on the size of the
would be in units of stearn flow, while the in put woulcl be signal clepends on the product of the individual gains, or
percentage. Thus, if a 10% change in controller output the open-loop gain, GOL:
caused a change of 200 lb/h in steam flow, the steady-
COL = (GD)c(cD)JcD)p(c[)t (6)
state gain becomes:
where (cD)c is the dynarnic gain of the control!er, (cD)v is
ss 200110 = 20 (lb/h)/% (2) the dynamic gain of the valve, (Go)p is the dy-
However, the signals traveling around a control loop namic gain of the process, and (cD)t is the dynamic gain
usually vary cyclically. The sensitivity of an elernent to a of the transmitter.
cycling input is rneasured by its dynamic gain. When the The dimensional units for the individual gains must be
input cycles, the output will also cycle at the same period specified in such a way so that they cancel when the
(see Fig. tia and 6b). The dynamic gain may be computed open-loop gain is calculated frorn Eq. (6). If that gain is
as the ratio of the size of the output swing, Ao"" to the greater than 1.0, the signal will arrive at the beginning
size of the input swing. A¡m or: larger than when it started, As it continues to travel
around the loop, it will continue to grow. At any one
G» = AOu)A¡n (3)
point in the loop such as at the measurement input to the
For the heat exchanger, let us suppose that a 200 lb/h controller, the signal will appear as an ever-increasing
variation in steam flow caused a 20°F variation in outlet oscillation. Therefore, a feedback control loop will be
ternperature. The dynamic gain for this situation stable only when the product of the dynamic gains in the
. becomes: loop is less than 1.0.
Adjustments to proportional, integral and derivative
, cD = 20°F/200 ib/h = O.loF/(lblh) (4)
responses affect the gain and phase parameters of the
The second parameter of the response of an elernent . controller and, in turn, the behavior of the entire loop.
to a cycling input is the phase angle, which is illustrated These concepts will be explored in subsequent artic!es of
in Fig. 9. Because of the lags (i.e., delays) within the this series.
elernent, the peak of the output does not coincide with
the peak of the input. The phase angle, 4>, of an element Summary
measures this displacement. One complete cycle in any The purpose of every control loop is to find the one
periodic signal is considered to be composed of 360 value for the control signal that holds the measurernent
degrees, If the peak of the output cycle occurs one- at the setpoint for the existing load conditions. A feed-
quarter of the way through the input cycle, the phase back or feedforward approach may be used. In this
angle is: artiele, we have concentrated on feedback techniques. In
a later artic!e, we will cover the feedforward approach.
4> = (360)( -1/4) = -90° (5)
The next article in this CE REFRESHER will appear in
In Eq. (5), the negative sign indicates that the peak of the Aug. 8 issue, and will analyze the actions and reac-
theoutput occurs after the peak of the input. This is tions for basic feedback-control modes.
térrned a phase lag. It is also possible for the output peak Steven Danatos, Editor
to occur before the input peak; and this is called a phase
The author
Closed-loop applications Lewis M. c6rdo;' is a systems
application engineer at The Foxboro
The parameters of gain and phase are fundamental for Co., Foxboro, MA 02035. Currenüy. he
is in volved in advanced control systerns,
understanding the behavior of a feedback loop. They are including process investigation, control-
especially important in the study of controller tuning syslem designo docurnentation and
startup. He also conducta serninars Ior
because both are functions of the period of the input pcrsonnel at Foxboro and offplant sites,
signal. Previously, Mr. Gordon spent sevcn
yeao~ wirh Foxboro Educational
When a feedback control loop is upset by a change in Services. He has a B.S. and and M.S. in
mechanical engineering frorn me
either the load conditions or setpoint, it will begin to University of California (Davis),
oscillate at some period characteristic of that loop. Every
elernent in that loop sees an input signal varying at that


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