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Do you live in an apartment?

gVocabulary: Rooms and Furniture

& S¿ r Match clues 1-9 to the rooms. Listen to a guessing game to check'
I9 the basement D3 the kitchen
1 You sleep in... 6 Wekeep our cttr in.,.
I4 abalhroom- - n7 the lrr,,ing room
7 wcrlchfv in...
n5 -
Peoysle usuallS edf in.,, We

3 You cún cookin-. 8 You wash and drg clothes in... I abedroom the office
4 fake a shower in... 9 Storethings you don'Íneed,in., I2 rhe dining Ioom
- D8 the utility room
5 People workin... I6 tne garage

SA.Z Listen to Tom showing his house to Anna, a potential housemate. Number the rooms in A in the
order you hear them, 1-6. Which three rooms in A are not mentioned?

Match the familiar words and furniture, a-i. Then match j-r to the second group. In pairs, decide which
items are essential and which are optional at home. Make two lists.
[] abed I asora I ,r armchair I shelves
I a cnair f- a tab]e I abathtub n asink
I 'r'"
ln my opinion a
i_] acloseL I aTV i I storage space bed is essential.
i] arefrigerator I atoilet ! a fireplace i-''] a stove
[] a shower ! a microwave

e m S¿.2 Listen again. List the furniture in each room. Do you think Anna likes the house?
.)Our house in the middle of our street,
our house in the middle of our...'r 6,1

p Reading
AD'ó.3 Look at the photo, read this ad and answer 1-3.
What are riny houses?

2 Whal's good about them?

I J Find four things lay does.

;h My name is Jay Shafer and I make tiny houses. I like them because they
don't cause problems for the environment. And also because I don't want more
things than I need. I draw the plans, design the houses and make them. I sell
the plans too, so you can make the house yourself. Dream big. Live small.


B eó./- 8r Grr"r, which four rooms there are in his tiny house. Listen / watch to check.

C eó.4 flr Listen / watch again and complete the ad with these words. Is his house comfortable?
bed chairs oven rl:¿qeraftr shower sink space storage stoue table loilet window

ln the living room there are two and a fireplace. There's

space for your computer and there's a four people. ln the kitchen
there's a bar a double-burner , a little refriéeralor and a
toaster . The bathroom hasa and a The loft is
above the kitchen. The loft has storage -for for clothes and a
and there is a-,
small for air.

fi rhere u)as / There were

A SO.S Listen to Anna and her partner Leo after visiting the tiny house. Who wins the argument?

B Look at the common mistakes and complete the table.

There was /There were

I !oi o
ua+<re bathtub in,our old house.
lThere werc no
| ¡p*"ochairs in our'old house. ;;;;;;;|;;;;; I
There was no...

;;;;;;;; I
I!l-e-19..w-q-s-l l-!..e,,.,.. ...

'ii'.r"1*r\r r¡ntz
;;;;, |.
There weren't any...

@ Grammar p. 128

C O¡lfE]!?Efs0N[D Imagine you're now living in the tiny house. Compare it to your "]ast home."

ln my last apartment there was a... and there were...

ln this house there's n0..., there's a... and there are... Workbook p.29
§;t, Where were you last night?
bauoons n fireworks
Il-.-] r-^^. I napkins
Vocabulary: Party ltems f'lt_J glasses I plates
I acake n invitations I snacks
I In pairs, point to these items in the picture. l l candles L_.1 lemonade I wine


B f O.e Listen to Liz describe how to give a good party. Order the items, 1--\2, as she mentions them.

c f Listen again. Which five extra items (beginning with these letters) does Liz consider essential in
a party that are not in A?

ColChlCh. M. S... to d...

p In pairs, compare your last party. which of the items in A and C were(n't) there? I ivas at a fantastic
party last month.
There was a lot of ...

rverb Be - Past simpteO C O

A ry6.7 Listen to Martha and Rob and find Martha (1), Rob (2), Jane (3) and Rick (a) in the photos.

.) i wanna rock 'n roll all niqht ,
6 ' ^¿
and party every dayl')

B O¿.2 Order these words to make sentences. Who said them? Martha or RobT Listen again to check.
I was / il / birlhday / Jane Foster's / .

2 a iol of / lhere / were / people / ?

3 about 50 / were / there / .

ú. a / there / was / lol/ food / of / ? :

5 enormous / an / was / cake / there / chocolale / .
Xour brotherGra)at the partythe Iast weekend?
ó there / Jane's / was / partner / , ,
? t^/as

7 parents /)ane's / lhere /were / ?

I Were you alone? Yes, I r¿ers.
B they / no / weren't / .

9 boyfriend I I / beforelJane's / Rick /was /

10 parly / great / lhal / the / wasn't /

§ Complete this table. Use contractions where possible.

Yerb Be - Past Simple

io o Short Answers

j She .. he WAS.
Singular He was he : they
home. home. ' home?
Plural I They We were Were they No, -.
they weren't
Complete the e-maii with the verb be. Where were Martin and Stacey yesterday?

aoG :

To: Mart n

ar.,"t"l, R u oK?

Hi, Martin!
Where you yesterday evenrng? lt Lina's party and it There .,
greatl great
music and dancing and the food deliciousl you at home? Your cell phone on, so
I couldn't talk to you, You at school and you at the party Where you??? @

I hope you're OK. -

Write back,
Stacey .:.:4.:,/:,,rorark
about past times, use:
* yesterday + morning / afternoon / evening / night (+ at + time)
2 last + night/ Monday/weekend /week/ month /summer/year

@ Grammar p. 128

E M,A,KE l"i PERS0NAI In five minutes, find out aiI you can about your partner's past. Use Were you...?

or When / Where were you...? + past time expressions. Mime what you can't express in English.

Were you at
Yes, I was, all evening. Where were
home last night? you at (time) yesterday (morning)?
@ Workbook p.30

ó.3 How was Your last New Year's Eve?

Look at these photos. What is this celebration? What can you
see in the pictures?

feelings? Read and'write

B f wfro has good memories of New Year's Eve 1999 and who has negative
O or C next to what each Person saYS'
Billions of people around the world welcomed the New Millennium
some of the most spectacular celebrations ever. How was it for you?
It was a',',rr:somel Our city was the f irst place to Iwas three and I only remember the f ireworks' They
f irst bables of made me cry, I was terrif iedl
'eaL y celebrate the New Year' The
m lenn um were born herel L1ndsev, Anoeles,Tle
rhe fos -Uto
Kerry, Gisbourne, New Zealand. It was lust another day, lt wasn't really the
n.-l" l;rr ;;;;;i;;s"t it rhere were f antastic beginning of the new millennium and so much
flreworks in Sydney and there were hundreds of nnoney was spent for nothing
ru11v] s'n]lug":
boats on the waterl
-t l1l I
Dave, Sydney, Austral ia. Th-ore were f our tons of conf etti f alling on Times
It was dangerous and lt was cold I There were two Square, lt was a f abulous sight
million people along the RiverThames and there Kevin, N¡wYolulrnl rto.
was no organization!There weren't any toilets We were anxious, worried aboutY2K, but it was all
and there was no food, OK and it was my birthday Suddenly I was 12 and
Kirsty, London, England' we were in the new millennium,
Iwas at the concert at the pyramids of Giza lt Jodie, Berlin, GermanY'
was magical! Fantasticl l was on the beach all night There
Habibah, Cairo, Egypt. was dancing, drinking and then there was a
There were 20,000 lights on the Eiff elTower' lt terrif ic sunrise.
was absol irtely beaut if ul I
Luis, Guadalaiara, Mexico,
Sabine, Paris, France,

Say years as two numbers. 19-99

c Answer these questions with one or more names' (nineteen ninetY-nine).

Who.. Where... From 2000-2009, saY them as

complete numbers: two thousand, two
1 was cold? 1 were the first babres born?
thousand (and) nine.
2 was in a big citY? 2 was there music? You can also saY 2K9 (K = 1000).
3 was a child at the time? 3 was there no organization? After that you can choose! 2010 is two
4 saw the sun come up in the mornlng? 4 was there confetti? thousand (and) ten or twentY ten'

.::;t D uow was New Year's Eve 1999 for you? Write a post to the website'
.!oh, what a night¡ Late December back in 63. what - t 4
a special time for me. As I remember, what a nightl') O. J

E üAGlIlE!§g!!áÜ In small groups, talk about aparty you remember. Answer 1-6. Which do you think
was the best party? Why?
1 What kind of party was il? 4 What krnd of drinks were lhere? A party I remember
2 Where r,vas it? 5 Who was there? well was my wedding!
3 Was there food? 6 Why was it specral?

fl Prepositions of Place

A Q* C Where's the mouse? Match mice 1-l-0 to the prepositions. Listen to Mike to check.

i] above the TV [j i" the box

I uerrina rhe TV I next to the sofa
f] between the sofa [] or the bed
and the table [j opposite lhe people
Il in front of the TV I under the table
I in the bed

@ Grammar p.128

i .:: pairs, practice in three ways:

A: :ay whete the molse is. The three most common preposttions are to, of and in.
B: Poirt to Lhe cortecL p'ctlre. Prepositions of place can have one, two or three words. For
T - A: Point lo a piclure.
example, next to, in front of.

3: Describe where lhe mouse is.

- books and rememberl 1@:W@É
: ln texting we also use numbers Ru@homeor@school?
- ::ad Cyber English and say the text
to represent prepositions. Here'sagift4u!
,r-.:ssages in standard English. Write .2=lo Wan2come2aparty?
= srort text message to a partner. ,4=for UÜ

@ Workhook p. 31


6.1+ Were there trams in your city?

g Listening
ü¿.lO Listen to the couple and circle the seven mice
they mention in 74.

d)¿.ro Listen again. Draw the mouse's route on the

picture. Describe it to your partner to check.
First, the mouse was under the table, then it was...

Memory game. In pairs, put five objects on your desk and memorize where they are.
Take turns moving an object and playing.
A: Don't look.
The pen was next to the book,
B: Move an objecl. now it's under the book.
A: Look and say where it was and where it is now

A ffi¿.f 1 For two minutes, read and remember all you can about Pat's history of Lasso Lake. Compare in pairs.

Lasso Lake-Back Then and Now!

About twenty-five years ago, my hometown, Lasso Lake, was
a calm, clean little place. There wasn't a lot ofr-.;:.ffic downtown
and there were no stoplights. Today, it's a busy city and there
are lots of pedestrians, cars, stoplighcs and poliution.
Believe it or not, there was no supermarket in this area before
1990. There were only two small stores and one restaurant.
Now there are three big supermarkets, two international
restaurants, a lot of stores, and lots of people too!
There was also a movie theater next to the bank and a
theater opposite the park. Well, now there's a cinema cornplex
across from the bank, there's no theater anymore, and there's
a parking lot in the same place where rhe park was @.
But there are some good things! For example, there were no
secur"ity carneras in 1990 and now there are security cameras
And finally one of rhe most important changes: in '1990,
there was only a small bus station in Lasso Lake, now there's iH
also a subway station O.

a lot of / lots of large quantity II
.)The city, she loves me. Lonely as I am, togetherwe cry. I don't
¿v€r wanna teel like I did that day. Take me to th€ place I love...'.' 6"tr

B fft.ll Listen and re-read. Try to notice what you didn't remember. Any surprises in pronunciation?

c Re-read the blog and, in picture 2, circle five differences that are mentioned. Then complete the table.
Back then Today
There a lot of fráffic There a lot of
¡ There was supermarket. There three ones.
The movie theater next the bank. a cinema complex near there
There was a opposite lhe park. There's no and-.there's no
There security cameras. There lots of-
There was just - sialion. There's - stalion too.
- - -.
@ ,." -
one and ones to avoid unnecessary repetition. -.
>' ls there a bank near here? Yes, there's one on this street.
w Can you pass me those keys, please? Sure, which ones?

D Do you think Pat feels more positive about the city as it is now or as it was before?

talk about your town 20 years ago and now. Mention the traffic, the buildings,
E !y!-_4!fElfP_EB§9!!f, In pairs,
the landmarks. Identify two positive and two negative changes.

Twenty years ago there was a park near And near my house there
my house and now there's a swimming were lots of trees, now there
pool complex in the same place. are only two on my street. s€+úrgLo u"ur#
@ Workbook p. 32 ntHáttir" rgo.

tnere ardfifi of cars.(a lot of = Iots

ó.5 Do you enjoy the Oscars?

Predicti from context

A tvtatch the four events to photos L-5. What's the extra photo? What do you know about the five events?
i_i The Live Aid concert I Prince William and Kate it4 ddlelon's , dding
rl The first Oscar Ceremonv
r- -l I The 1970 World Cup

B 8¿.lz Read and match the reports to the photos.

was at the 'orIw-lll.*":=.?;:';nlli"*.J". private

i-. e., . r icketsbis
I"I:,:' Já" á"";';;hotel were
vTith 36 :::j;-árili.á the in
five dollar=' A:t:l^-^ r^,ére many
""- rans present to
I:::'.',.;ffi: ?t",::'::.-i: :f::?i"'x;ademv of
tX:1",i :i:::,,Hi "''':;' :::; I--I Hii"::: t:,;
and the cÉremonY wdb Juee

:l -4: There were about 2,000 guests at at
,á:- wes,;.minster Abbey in ¡,ondon. There \^/ere another
n:,ll-ion people i_n
li: nl:1ion i-n London between rha Abbey
hetweon the ¡¡Á the
ahl.ra¡r and
4; Sueen's residence, p¡alace.
Buckinoham ral
euckingham Mi .t I i nre more
l ar:é - Millions mn-
,: p:?91" watched the wedding live on rv. April 29,
2011 was even a blic liday and there were E
over 5,000 street parties in the United Kingdom
cülebrate the er.elt.

t""*"l"n"' I' =""tJ;# "tt""""l'

r rom
rl'-,1t ?'
in North
or Europe'
o'-o'.^-" ';:'; trre
rrnal, beatins
ft was their
rrtnt or
il:;;;-i-in cup --"I*pn-u'lo it yi:
third world rnl Brazirian ?"3i::li' una
' -'"?*'::?''
::::;;;;;Pelé's to'-titn-""O final world cup'
it was

l1¡as .j:ganized to colle5t money for the 1985

- fami-ne. There were t\^ro simultaneous
concerts. one in uiembley Stadium in London, the
other j-n JFK Stadium in Philade1phia. There were
72,000 people at Wembley and 100,000 at JFK. On the
same day, July 13, the event insnj-red concerts in
Aue+-t:a1ia and Ger:many. About 1.9 bíIli-on people, in
150 nations, watched it all 1i-ve on IV.

C Cover the text. Read only line 1 and guess what comes next. Uncover line 2 to check, then guess the
first word in line 3. Continue like this until the end. How many of your guesses were right?

Race the BeeplListen to L2 numbers from the text. You have only l-0 seconds to Got itl There
D O¿.1: were 36 tablesl
find the number and say what it refers to. =__\--
My favorite event is the World
Cup because I think Pelé was the
É Choose your favorite of the five events and s ay why.
best soccer player in the world.
7n! ---\-
How about a BBQ on Sunday? ó.5

A Od.ltr Read the invitations. What kind of event is each one for?

re(Fl('st tl'te plccrsure of your tutttpanL::l

at tlrc weddirtg of their claughter
; Cristinct to.Jtutrt' Do you want to come to a
tá barbecue on Sunday? 1 pm at my
On Nlarr'lt at 2 Pm at
house. Please bring something
$ St. lliclruel's Chtu"ch, " lTamPton eat and drink.
to follow ctt 4 pm «tJluntington'flall
F foce ¡ttion

tr _a* {
u ¡6USEWARlvllNc

'%. You are invited to

IT'5 LUCY'S B¡RTHDAY Our n-ew address: :á-: Laura's
come 95 Winton Drive
on FridaY, so Please

sn Diego §h0,',¡tr
celebrate with


St W hen: atu r d ay Septemb er
Nlhere: B4B Hudson

'1¡1 , on SundaY
at 3 pm.
from 9 Pm I
- lzon andlg Where:
lr§ Laurq's house ,te
E ü
t I,

sE Common Mistakes
ts 0¿ l5 Listen and match dialogs 1-6 to the invitation.
Diar.os 1[ 2A 3n 4a) 5n óE How about
W§ out?

s C O¿.lS Listen again. Who accepts the invitation and who refuses it? Check or cross.
il'¡ Diatos 1 ll 2:) 31 4,) 5I óI
D O¿.tS Listen again and complete the expressions with these words:

fl about can can't caurse good great have like loue think \)rant

*B Inviting Accepting Refusing

É Do you to come? Sure. That sounds I Thanks for lhe invitalion. Sorry, I

T How going...? Id tol Thanks. I'm sorry. We already p1ans.

you come? Sounds Whal can l bring? Thanks for inviting us.
Would you to come...? Of we can. Maybe next time
Do you you can come?
N4AKE l_T lqBS0t{At In pairs, imagine an event and write an invitation for it. Go around the class and
invite others. Note if they accept or refuse. Who has the most people going to their event?
@ Workbook p.33,67

Grammar Vocabulary

E tr¿atch the two parts to make activities'

A Picture dictionary. Cover the words on the pages
below and remember. cleaninga online / out with 'riends / to rhe gvm
b"_"b \\ vldeo games / soccer / cards
7 places around town ,'*".'.-...Ó\
¡¡¡:trhino museums/relatives/afriend
\ t the house / the bathroom / the car
6 vacatlon activities nler¡ino
Y'"f ""ó
6 lraffic signs taking TV/amovie/tennis
9 rooms and 18 furniture words doing a ciass / a shower/ a course
10 preposittons visiting the dishes / the laundrY / homework
5 differences between the plctures
F 0¿.1 Complete with a pronoun' Listen to check'
16 picture words for rows 1 & 2 of consonanls
1 Hi Mike, how are }lou ?

¡r pCnsou¡-t 'Think of examples for 1-6' 2 These are Nick and Steve, I work with =-'

Compare with a partner. Any surprises? 3 Your coat is on the floor. Please put ..- '- on
your chair.
1 One dangerous animal.
2 One polite Phrase 1n English. 4 That's ]essica. 1 was at school with _=-'
3 Two cheaP restaurants. 5 This is David's phone. Can you give it to
4 lwo messy Places. G Correct the mistakes. Check your answers in units
5 Three boring activities. 5 and 6. What's Your score, 1-10? -?
ó Three relaxing Piaces.
U Circle the correct alternative to complete 1-10'
1 bar near here?
a 1 Has one problem with my computer' ""11iiti"iii':)
a There is b Is there c Have 2 I love to walking in the beach' 1.'-t]1it1'zits'i
2 -40 years ago, no cell Phones'
3 To swim rs good for You. i1 mat2,ir:;
a there-- b there was c was
4 I enjoy to do the dishes. i; rritz.;'-ti
3 Are lhere cookies in the kltchen?
ba c any 5 Do you know where is the club? 'i*tx\zí*)
a have
ó When I was 15, had one cinema in my town ;iititlz\':'i
4. How manY PeoPle at lhe PartY?
a were theY b there were c were there 7 You were at school loday? ntitai*': ',1

5 a great store on lhe corner' B A, Were you on vacation the last week? i: :*n¡'av'*';

a There is bls c ls there B: Yes, I were. '11 ttÉt*:r*':

ó -It _- my sister's birthday yeslerday 9 Five years behind, there were a lot trees here' ''i'tli-\letet
als b were C WAS
10 A lot of time ago, my dad was young' í1 i1tt""e:?'s':

7 ---you at school last week?

a Are b Were c Was
B I don't like watching TV and my dad doesn't
a also b either c too
9 I love going to the gym and shopping
a also b either c too

10 I hate cooking and I hate washing the dishes ]i

a also b either c too I

- in

D It's Monday morning' Put time expressions 1-8

the timeline. u§ ,fi

1 Saturday morning 5 lonight 'i:


2 tomorrow afternoon ó next Thursday § {§} 4

3 Tuesday evening 7 yesrerday nighl


4 last lridaY B last ThursdaY

,rl Monday morn tng

S killc Wr*cLzxx

Listen to the texts on p. 56, 58, 66 and 70. Then D Look at the photo on p.72 and idenrify the bold
go back and read them. Was your iistening words from the text.
S*.: I-isten and foliow the directions. Write the
ir FER§&ttAt Do you like doing these activities?
',r.i',1 letter in the correct piace on the map.
In pairs, compare. Anything in common?
,4 The bookstore C the mall
B The movie theater D The gym
-3te don't mind lika love
bathroom tidy my roam shop
clean the ffi
¡ video qames exercise cook do the dishes
I B¡¡!4:U I

Lo the laundry go online sunbaLhe read ffitÉ#


6reen St.

I don't mind doing the N

Oh, no! I hate

laundry, what about you?
doing the laundry.
l.ead and answer true (T), faise (F) or not I-ffi
:rentioned (N). L&
-here weren't any women in the first Olympics.

fhere were more sports than countries in Athens, 1895

-n 1930, there weren't World Cup games in dlfferent cities
\rgentina won the first World

Cup. lEi:fffi

lhe winner's cup is lhe only award teams can get.
- here is the same number of countries in the World
rp [irars as -n Lhe O,ymp cs. :ffiffi F
-te Alymp\e*
--= irrst modern Olympics were in Athens, in 189ó, but iüAlI ir PERSOi¡AL Are 1-5 true or false for you?
' - : .'e many differences between In pairs, compare.
the early days of the
. -:s and the Olympics today. In the first games there were
'1 There's a very good restaurant near my house.
-: , , - '-smen from only 14 countries, and there were only 2 There are two nice parks at the end of the street
- : rerent sports. Nowadays the whole world parlicipates 3 There's no shopping mail in my town.
'r .-.Te are approximately 17,000 competitors from 205
-:- es-that
4 There are no inleresting museums on my street.
is a big change! Another big social change
-:-: numberof women involv-.d. In 189ótherewere no
5 There aren'l any modern clubs near here.
=- at all. Today there are sportswomen in all 2ó Olympic
- - .: cut men still win more medals because there are stili There are a Iot of excellent
Really?! Lucky
for men' restaurants near my house.
,.'t :""1:: you! There aren't
--'e WorEd üup
any near mine.
-- : rst World
Cup was in 1930 in Uruguay. There were
- =' i :eams and all of the games were in Montevideo. In G O¿.¡ PER§_0-!¡AI , euestion time.
"=' -. , Uruguay beat Argentina 4-2. These days, over 200 'l Lislen to and answer the l"2lesson tities in units 5 &
:: -': .ry to enter the competition, but only 32 teams get
2 In pairs, practice asking and answering. Use the
-:- to the finals. There are other differences too. Until map of the book on p 2 3 Where possible, ask
: -ere were no red or yellow cards. Nowadays teams
. ttl't get many cards can win the Fairplay award and -
fo11ow up questions loo. Can you comfortably
answer them all?
:': 3'e other awards too. ln 1930 there were only the
' - -- s cup and the Golden Ball for the best player.
ls there a mall
= - -. also the Golden Boot for the top goal-scorer and on your street? Do you go
= -: goalkeeper can win the Golden Glove. there often?

No, but there's a

big one downtown

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