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Teacher: Miguel Rojas
Lesson Plan

Group (write an X) Children Adolescents Adults X

Level (CEFRL): A2

Topic: Weekdays

Objective: Identify each day of the week and its pronunciation


Warm-Up (Pre): e

The teacher will greet the students, the prayer will be raised to Attendanc Ten minutes
God, the list will be called, and he will ask them to remember the Orality
topic they talked about in the previous class.
Presentation (Pre):
The teacher will indicate the topic to work on.
Then he will ask the students questions about the weekdays and
after that he will explain the conceptualization. Dashboard. Twenty minutes
The teacher will ask some students to make oral sentences about Markers.
the topic.
Practice (While):
Teacher will put a clamp on one of the days of the week on the
roulette wheel and then he will ask the students:
" What day is today?" (¿Qué día es hoy?) "What day will be
tomorrow?" (¿Qué día será mañana?) y"What day was
yesterday?" (¿Qué día fué ayer?). Activity Ten minutes
In this way, students will begin to learn the concepts of time in
English and to chain the days of
the week.
Production (post):
Students should produce a short text using the weekdays. This
text will be like a routine and they should write what they do
each day of the week. Written exercise Ten minutes

Assessment (post):
The teacher will form pairs, they must present the following dialogue.
In this way, the teacher will rate the pronunciation, fluency and vocabulary of the topic.
A: Hi
B: Hi. How are you?
A: Fine, thank you. How about you?
B: Fine thanks. Are you from here, from Colombia?
A: No, I am Chilean, I am here on vacation, and you, are you Colombian?
B: No, I am Panamanian and I am here on vacation too, I want to know Cartagena.
A: Oh, that’s interesting! Cartagena is a wonderful place.
B: Nice! Well, I have to go.
A: Ok, see you around.
B: See you.
A: Take care.
B: Bye.

 Los saludos en inglés y otras frases de cortesía. 2019. Español

G. Global Link Idiomas. Recuperando de

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