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Harris lines in subadult and adult skeletons from the mediaeval and Evolution, 33
2001, Vol. 9: 33–43
in Cedynia


Adam Mickiewicz University,
Istitute of Anthropology, Department of Human Evolutionary Biology, Poznañ, Poland



P IONTEK J., JERSZYÑSKA B., NOWAK O. 2001. Harris lines in subadult and adult skeletons from the
mediaeval cemetery in Cedynia, Poland. Variability and Evolution, Vol. 9: 33–43, Tabs. 2, Figs. 3.
Adam Mickiewicz University, Faculty of Biology, Institute of Anthropology, Poznañ.

Abstract. Harris lines are considered to be a measure of morphological reaction to

pathological or nutritional stress. An analysis has been carried out of roentgenograms of
the tibiae of 91 subadult and 233 adult individuals from the mediaeval burial ground in
Cedynia (Poland). Occurrence and intensity of HLs in successive periods of ontogenesis
has been observed. The analysis of the frequency of Harris lines in age groups revealed
absence of the lines from the initial period of ontogenesis (0–3 years of age) in adult
(both male and female) individuals. Harris lines formed in the age range of 6 to 12 years
are the most frequent ones in both studied groups (subadult and adult).
Key words: transverse (Harris) lines, long bones, subadult, adult


Transverse lines present in the radiological picture of bones have been known
for over 70 years. Harris lines (Harris 1926, 1931, 1933) are transverse sclerotic
layers in the metaphysial parts of long bones, reflecting the episodes of delayed or
arrested development of the longitudinal growth of the bone. Before they were dubbed
Harris lines (HL) (Wells 1967) they had been called: growth arrest lines, bone scars,
transverse lines or transverse lines of mark (Park, Richter 1953; Acheson 1959;
34 J. Piontek, B. Jerszyñska, O. Nowak

Platt, Stewart 1962; Byers 1991). The mechanism of their occurrence was described
by Park and Richter (1953; Park, 1954). Harris himself (1926, 1933) and later on
also other authors (Asada 1924; Harris 1931; Park, Richter 1953; Stewart, Platt
1958) ascribed the presence of majority of the lines to the occurrence of the episodes
of arrested bone growth caused by infection, starvation or other less extreme
nutritional deficiencies. Wells’ research (1961) confirmed that the lines resulted from
nutritional stress, and were due in particular to vitamin deficiency and considerable
protein deficiency resulting from the lack of this basic highly caloric nutrient in the
diet. Also other authors (Acheson 1959; Platt, Stewart 1962; Park 1964) arrived at
the same conclusion on the basis of their research. Subsequent works indicated the
existence of a relation between the occurrence of HLs on bones and episodes of
childhood illness (Hewitt et al. 1955; Acheson 1959; Garn et al. 1968; Marshal
1968; Gindhart 1969). Factors such as acute disease, malnutrition (e.g., late winter
spells of hunger), dietary imbalance (protein or vitamin deficiency), poisoning and
birth trauma were identified as factors responsible for the development of these
marks (Platt, Stewart 1962; Dreizen et al. 1964; Garn, Schwager 1967; Gray 1967;
Allison et al. 1974; Clark 1978; Cook 1979; Goodman, Clark 1981).
An analysis of HLs is best carried out with the use of roentgenograms of bones
presented in the anteroposterior position. Uniform types of X-ray films were used
and the same parameters were applied when taking all the photographs. Feasibility
of long bones for Harris lines research was assessed. Transverse lines are most
frequent on ribs, on both ends of the tibia and on the distal end of the femur; they
are less evident on the proximal end of the femur and on the distal end of the radius
(Park 1964). In general, a majority of researchers (after Garn et al. 1968) agree that
the greatest number of HLs can be found on the distal end of the tibial bone (femoral
and radial bones come next) and for this reason this bone is considered to be the
most suitable material for the assessment of dysosteogenesis (Wells 1967; Garn,
Schwager 1967; Garn et al. 1968; Allison et al. 1974; Clark 1981; Hatch et al. 1983;
Maat 1984; Hummert, Van Gerven 1985).
An attempt was made to define the criteria for the identification of Harris lines.
As a result a number of marks were distinguished that were qualified as HLs. These
are: (a) a single line extending for at least 5 mm from the endosteum border towards
the diaphysis (Garn et al. 1968); (b) a line extending across at least half of the
diaphysis and observable with the unissisted eye (Clark 1978); (c) distinct contrast
of the bone substance extending across one-fourth or more of the width of the tibial
bone diaphysis (Goodman, Clark 1981). There are no major disputes between
researchers as to the qualification of transverse lines as HLs.
It is not always the case in the radiological picture that HLs cross the diaphysis. This
is due to the fact that depending on the year of life in which the dynamic bone remodelling
took place the lines may be oblique or incomplete (Park 1964; Garn et al. 1968).
Harris lines may be formed only in the period of the longitudinal growth of
bones. Successive episodes of malnutrition and infection in this period manifest
themselves in the formation of the lines; while disease or nutritional stress do not
Harris lines in subadult and adult skeletons from the mediaeval cemetery in Cedynia 35

result in their sequential appearance; the lines form also with no preceding episodes
of disease or nutritional stress (Hewitt et al. 1955; Gindhart 1969; Garn et al. 1968).
Also, one should not forget that the lines undergo resorption (see Marshall 1968).
Bones of younger individuals have a greater number of lines than the bones of older
people (McHenry 1968). The marks disappear with age, and the pace of their
resorption depends on the bone mineralisation process (Garn et al. 1968). Resorption
of HLs is probably also related to their thickness.
In paleoepidemiological research in which on the basis of the intensity of HLs
occurrence an assessment of the health status of a given population is made two
methodological approaches towards the assessment of this phenomenon have emerged
among researchers. Some of them take into consideration an aggregate number of
lines present in a given individual (Mc Henry 1968; McHenry, Schultz 1976; Cook
1979; Clark 1982), while others estimate the year of individual’s life in which the
lines were formed and then carry out an analysis of their frequency (Wells 1961,
1964, 1967; Allison et al. 1974; Hunt, Hatch 1981; Hummert, Van Gerven 1984,
1985; Maat 1984; Byers 1991).
Harris lines reflect a system’s reaction to a variety of factors disturbing its
ontogenesis. Thus a question arises whether the adverse influence of the factors
disturbing the development within the period of progressive ontogenesis are also
reflected in the further stages of the individual’s life.
The purpose of the present study was to find, based on the analysis of the
occurrence of Harris lines insubadults and adults, answers to the two following
questions: (1) Is the frequency of the appearance of Harris lines the same in both
groups?; (2) Is the pattern of the occurrence of Harris lines in subadultus and
adultus similar?

Materials and methods

The skeletal material used in the study was collected in the mediaeval burial
ground in Cedynia (Poland). Cedynia lies approximately 70 km south of the city of
Szczecin, on the Oder river in Poland. The cemetery was discovered in 1966 on
a hill situated around 200 m north-east from the ruins of an early mediaeval castle.
It is dated back to the period from the end of the 10th century to the first half of
the 14th century (Malinowska-£azarczyk 1982). Skeletons of adult individuals from
the Cedynia burial ground were the basis for detailed reconstruction and description
of the biological status and socio-economic structure of the population (Mucha,
Piontek 1983; Mucha 1987).
The material under the present study was made up of subadultus and adultus
The subadultus group included 119 skeletons out of which 91 skeletons aged
from 0 to 17 years at the moment of death were selected for the study. The chosen
skeletons satisfied the basic material selection criteria. This means they were complete
36 J. Piontek, B. Jerszyñska, O. Nowak

with long bones: femur and tibia, whose total length could thus be measured, and
with skulls which due to their teeth content made it possible to estimate the age of
individuals. The age at death of individuals up to the 14th year of life was estimated
on the basis of the degree of formation and a number of teeth present in the maxilla
or mandible, according to Ubelaker’s diagram (1978); (Saunders 1992). The
estimation of the age of individuals older than 14 years was based on the assessment
of the degree of ossification of the distal fragments of the long bones in the postcranial
skeleton. (Brothwell 1965; Wolff-Heidegger 1954; Rauber, Kopsch 1952; Haret et
al. 1927; Gray’s Anatomy 1967) and on mean values of diaphyses, according to
Stloukal, Hanáková (1978).
The group of adult individuals contained 233 skeletons, including: 120 male ones
(73 in the adultus age group and 47 in the maturus age group) and 113 female ones
(70 in the adultus age group and 43 in the maturus age group). The sex of the adult
individuals was established on the basis of the degree of development of numerous
descriptive and metrical traits of the cranium and pelvis (using standard osteological
criteria by Brothwell 1981; Buikstra, Ubelaker 1994; Skeletal... 1991; Workshop...
1980). The age at death of adult individuals was estimated based on the degree of
obliteration of cranial sutures, the degree of dental crowns’ attrition and based on
the intensity of involution changes on the surface of the pubic symphysis.
(Workshop... 1980; Buikstra, Ubelaker 1994). Only adult individuals with age at
death falling into 19 to 40 and 41 to 56 years age category were examined.
X-rays of the tibia (right) were taken in a specialist X-ray laboratory, with a four-
valve Siemens unit, from a 1-m distance with the voltage of 45–50 kV (smaller or larger
bones) and 17 mA intensity, with the exposure time of 0.1 s. Standard 30/40-cm
cassettes and Fotopan X-S1 films were used. The number of HLs present was
identified with the use of a negatoscope. As a criterion of HL identification “a visible
contrast of increased opacity extending across a fourth or more of the tibial shaft”
(after Goodman, Clark 1981) was assumed. Both proximal and distal end of each
tibia was examined in this way. Then, the maximum number of Harris lines in
a given individual was calculated. This was subsequently used to compute mean
numbers of lines for the age groups under analysis. The frequency of HLs appearance
was calculated comparing the number of lines observed in particular categories of
the age of their occurrence to the total number of lines registered in particular
groups of individuals (subadultus, adultus and maturus).
In the next step we estimated the age at which subsequent Harris lines had been
formed. In children the estimation was made with the use of Hunt and Hatch’s
method (1981). In adults the age of formation of the lines was estimated by means
of Byers’ method (1991). This method has an advantage of being easy to use and it
requires taking only two measurements of the long bone under study. We applied
the method also to the study of the skeletal material coming from adult individuals
from the burial ground in Cedynia (Jerszyñska, Nowak 1996; Nowak 1999).
The statistical analysis was made with the use of the Microsoft Excel 97 calculation
sheet and the Statistica 5.1 Pl statistical package.
Harris lines in subadult and adult skeletons from the mediaeval cemetery in Cedynia 37


In the subadultus group 851 Harris lines were recorded in 78 individuals. In the
adult males group 450 lines were recorded: in the adultus age group there were 340
lines (75.5%), while in the maturus age group there were 110 lines (24.4%). In the
adult females group 493 lines were recorded: in the adultus age group 388 lines
were found (78.7%), in the maturus age group 105 lines (21.2%) were recorded.
The proportion of individuals with lines is as follows: in subadultus – 85.71%, in
males 66.66%, in women 72.56%.
Table 1 presents mean values calculated from the maximal number of Harris
lines in subadult and adult males and females. The first mean calculated for all
individuals in a given age category informs us about the epidemiological nature of
the phenomenon under study. The other mean computed for individuals with HLs
reflects the intensity of the occurrence of Harris lines in the studied groups.

Table 1
Average number of Harris lines

Males Females Subadultus
Total individuals
N 120 113 91
x 3.83 4.24 6.04
SD 3.53 3.37 5.52
Individuals with HLs
N 80 82 78
x 5.73 6.09 7.05
SD 2.77 2.33 4.21

Statistically significant differences were observed between the number of

individuals with HLs and those without HLs in the adult males group (c 2 = 8.99),
while in the adult female group these differences were not found ( c 2 = 4,34).
Table 2 shows the frequencies of Harris lines’ appearance in particular categories
of age at which they were formed in male and female subadultus.
The division into age categories including individuals between 0–1, 1–3, 3–6,
6–12 years of age and individuals over 12 years of age was to reflect subsequent
stages of ontogenesis important from the point of view of developmental changes
taking place in the progressive period of growth. (see Bogdanowicz 1966; Bogin
1984). Figures 1 and 2 represent graphic analysis of the frequency of lines in the
subadultus and male groups – Fig. 1, and in subadults and females – Fig. 2.
In the subadultus group the frequency of HLs increases in subsequent age
categories to reach the highest value in the 6 to 12 years range, and then to drop
38 J. Piontek, B. Jerszyñska, O. Nowak

Table 2
Frequencies of Harris lines in the age categories of their formation

Frequency of Harris lines [%]

Age category
Males adultus Males maturus Females adultus Females maturus subadultus
n1 [%] n1 [%] n1 [%] n1 [%] n1 [%]
0–1 0 – 0 – 0 – 0 – 68 7.99
1–3 5 1.46 0 – 10 2.55 1 0.93 201 23.61
3–6 61 17.88 10 9.4 84 21.68 15 14.01 249 29.25
6–12 242 71.26 82 74.35 294 75.76 88 84.11 291 34.19
> 12 32 9.38 18 16.23 0 – 1 0.93 42 4.93
Total 340 100.00 110 100.00 388 100.00 105 100.00 851 100.00

significantly above 12 years of age. The tendency is confirmed by the test of the
significance of differences between two indicators of structure (p = 0.0152).
On the other hand, Harris lines formed at the initial stage of ontogenesis, that is
within the range between 0 to 3 years of age are absent in adult individuals (both
male and female). Harris lines formed in this age range probably disappear and are
not preserved in the adultus and, certainly not in the maturus stage.
In adult individuals (male and female) the most intensive influence of environmental
factors is observed in the late stage of progressive ontogenesis i.e., between the 6th
and 12th year of age. The patterns of the appearance of HLs in individuals of both
sexes in the early adult period (adultus) and in the mature age (maturus) are similar.

70 Males (adultus)
Males (maturus)

Frequency [%]





0-1 1-3 3-6 6-12 >12
Years of age

Fig. 1. Frequency of HL appearance in particular categories of the age of their formation in subadults
and males
Harris lines in subadult and adult skeletons from the mediaeval cemetery in Cedynia 39

Females (adultus)
70 Females (maturus)

Frequency [%]






0-1 1-3 3-6 6-12 >12
Years of age
Fig. 2. Frequency of HL appearance in particular categories of the age of their formation in subadults
and females

44 Subadultus

40 Males (adultus)
Males (maturus)
Females (adultus)
Females (maturus)
Frequency [%]

6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Fig. 3. Frequency of HL appearance in the age range of 6 to 12 years in subadults, males and females

In order to examine the changes in the frequency of growth disturbances in the

category of their most intensive occurrence, the 6 to 12 age range was further
divided into one-year periods (Fig. 3). In the subadultus group only individuals of
7 of more years of age at the moment of death were used for comparison.
40 J. Piontek, B. Jerszyñska, O. Nowak

The above categorisation revealed that the highest frequency of HLs occurred in
children of 9 to 11 years of age. In adult males, in turn, the strongest impact of
growth disturbing factors resulting in the formation of Harris lines occurred at the
age of 11 and 12 years, while in adult women the phenomenon was most evident at
the age of 8 and 10.


Analysis of the material under study in the subadultus group indicates that younger
individuals are more sensitive to the influence of stress factors. This greater sensitivity
is reflected by the increased frequency of arrested growth lines from birth up to the
age of 6 and then further to 12 years. This tendency was observed also by other
researchers. On the basis of Iron Age skeletal material collected in England, Wells
(1961) distinguished the period of 2 to 7 years of age as the years of the most
frequent appearance of lines. Goodman and Clark (1981) noticed the greatest intensity
of line occurrence at the age of 2 to 3 years and at the age of 13. Also Gindhart
(1969) noticed on the basis of a long-term contemporary populations research that
the highest frequency of arrested growth lines in boys occurs between the 1st and
the 4th year of age with a long peak at the age of 5, while in girls the greatest
number of lines form at the age of 1 to 3.5 years.
Analysis of mediaeval (10th to 13th centuries) material from Toulouse (Grolleux-
-Raoux et al. 1997) revealed that the number of Harris lines was growing up to 5 to
9 years age range to assume a downward tendency after that period. In turn, Hughes
et al. (1996) examining a material from Ireland (11th–13th century) noticed the
highest number of HLs formed at the age of 10 and 11 years, which was considerably
greater than the numbers of lines appearing both up to the 5th year of age and after
the growth spurt.
The differences evident in the age ranges where the greatest number of arrested
growth lines is observed are likely to result from the differences in economic progress
and social status of individuals as well as incidence of child disease. Our conclusion
is that in the subadultus age group under analysis (no distinction into sexes) it is not
that much episodes of child disease and cumulative effect of preceding events (Hewitt
et al. 1955; Acheson 1959; Marshall 1968; Garn et al. 1968; Gindhart 1969) but
rather stress suffered at peripuberal age that is responsible for the high frequency of
lines. The fact that this frequency is the highest at the age of 9 and 11 years, which
reflects the entrance of girls and boys into puberal period, corroborates this thesis.
(see Fig. 3).
In the group of men and women who died at the mature age Harris lines formed
in early childhood (0–3 years) were not found. This can be explained with bone
resorption and remodelling processes (Gindhart 1969). Impact of stress factors
both in the male and female group starts being visible as late as at the 3 to 6 years
age range, but it is most evident at the 6 to 12 years age range. Similar intensive
Harris lines in subadult and adult skeletons from the mediaeval cemetery in Cedynia 41

formation of HLs at the age of around 12–13 years was discovered also by Goodman
and Clark (1981) in the population from Dickson Mounds.
Tracing the variations in the frequency of growth disturbances in the category
of their most intensive occurrence i.e., in the period between the 6th and the 12th
year of life one can see that the strongest impact of growth disturbing factors
occurred in the group of males at the age of 11 and 12 years, in the group of
females at the age of 8 to 10 years, and in the group of subadults at the age of 9 to
12 years.


1. The frequencies of HLs in the subadultus group and in the group of adult
individuals are not identical.
2. In adult individuals, both men and women, there are no Harris lines formed
at the initial stage of ontogenesis, i.e., in the period between birth and the 3rd year
of life.
3. The patterns of HL occurrence in the 3 to 6 years and 6 to 12 years age
ranges in the subadultus group and in adult individuals (men and women) are similar
with particular intensity of line formation in the puberal period.
4. Disregarding the subadultus groups when conducting paleoepidemiology
research may result in obtaining too low values of HL frequency in the studied


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44 J. Piontek, B. Jerszyñska, O. Nowak

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