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Operator : nine one one What is your emergency?

Woman : It's my son! He was rollerblading and he ... on the sidewalk! What should I do?

Operator : calm down ma'am. Is your son conscious?

Woman : Is he what?

Operator : Is he awake? Are his is open?

Woman : No, I can't wake him, and there is blood coming out of his Nose! I told him to

wear his helmet but he just wouldn't listen! Help me please!

Operator : Is he breathing ma'am?

Woman : Yes, but it not very well! He's coughing blood. Here it please!

Operator : What is you location ma'am? Where are you and your son now?

Woman : in fornt of our house!

Operator : No ma'am, I mean what is your address?

Woman : It's 4114 maple cresent in maple ridge

Operator : An ambulance is already on its way ma'am. Please stay on the loc . How is

your son's breathing now?

Woman : It's still not good! I want to take him inside the house !

Operator : Don't move him ma'am. Wait for the paramedics. What's your son's name?

Woman : Bobby. He's only 12! I didn't want him to have rollerblades. I said they were too

Dengerous But, oh no, his father had to buy them for him! Now look ! Where is the

ambulance? Oh, I hear the sirens. That must be them! Thank good!

Operator : I sure Bobby will be fine ma'am. Just stay calm

Woman : The ambulance is here and there are 2 paramedics.

Operator : Okay ma'am. You can hangup now.

Woman : Thank you. Good bye!

Part 2. After listening please answer the question 

1. What is the emergency telephone number in Canada?

[1] 9 - 9 – 9 [4] 9 - 1 – 1
[2] 9 - 9 - 1
[3] 4 - 1 - 1

2. Who is buy the roller blades for her?

[1] Mother [4] father

[2] Grand father
[3] Brother

3. how many paramedics come there?

[1] 2 [4] 3
[2] 4
[3] 1

4. Where did the accident happen?

[1] In front of our house [3] On the sidewalk

[2] On the street [4] Behind the house
5. What is the address where the accident happened?

[1] 4414 Maple Crescent [3] 4111 Maple Drive

[2] 4114 Maple ridge [4] 4114 Maple Crescent
6. What's your son's name?

[1] Boobbb [3] Doddy

[2] Bobby [4] Dido
7. What didn't the boy wear?

[1] Pants [4] Rollerblades

[2] Elbow pads
[3] A helmet
8. Conscious means

[1] Asleep [3] Bleeding

[2] Dead [4] Awake
9. How did mother know that help was coming?

[1] She saw the police car [3] She saw the helicopter
[2] She heard the siren [4] She heard her neighbor call for help
10. How old is he?

[1] 12
[2] 14
[3] 17
[4] 20
11. What happened with her son?

[1] He was rollerblading and he fell on the [3] He was broken in school
sidewalk [4] He was blood coming out of his nose
[2] He was accident in house
12. Where is he blood coming out?

[1] Mouth
[2] Nose
[3] Teeth
[4] Ear
13. Why is mother dislike roller blades?

[1] Because it is nice [3] Because it is bed

[2] Because it is very dangerous [4] Because it is good activity

Part 3 . reading (silahkan reading rekam suaranya)

Medical care

Last week, I suddenly became really sick, and I was feeling a great deal of pain in my
side, so my father rushed me to the emergency room at the nearest hospital. I started
feeling a strong pain in my side, and there wasn't any sign that I was getting better.
We didn't feel that we needed to call an ambulance because we lived so close to the
hospital. When we arrived, my dad helped me into the emergency room, and the
doctor on duty realized I had appendicitis. I was quickly admitted to the hospital. A
nurse took my vital signs (blood pressure, temperature, and pulse) while my dad filled
out all the necessary paperwork. Soon thereafter, I was prepared for emergency
surgery. The surgery didn't last that long, but I felt sore afterwards.

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