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Kelas : 2A

1. What part of the body is it?

A. It is nose 
B. It is eye  
C. It is Head  
D. It is arm

2.    It is…….
A. Nose
B. Eye
C. Lip

3.      It is …..
A. Ears
B. Hea
C. Eyes

4.    It is ……
A. Chin
B. Leg
C. Ears
5. It is …….
A. Forehead
B. Forearm
C. Hair

6. It is …….
A. Mouth
B. Hair
C. Teeth

7. What part of the body is it?

a. It is leg 
b. It is lip  
c. It is head  
d. It is arm

8. Nose is part of our ….

a. Leg  
b. Foot  
c. Face  
d. Stomach

9. Ear is part of our ….

a. Mouth  
b. Head  
c. Back  
d. Fingers

10. My head is covered by ….
a. Arm  
b. Hair  
c. Elbow  
d. Teet
11. Every hands have ….. fingers
a. Ten  
b. Five   
c. Seven  
d. One
12. We have …. ears.
a. Two  
b. Three  
c. Four  
d. Five
13. We have …. lip.
a. Four  
b. Three  
c. Two   
d. One
14. Saya punya dua kaki. The English sentence is ….
a. I have two ears    
b. I have two Foots    
c. I have two elbows
d. I have two heads
15. Mulut adalah bagian dari wajah. The english sentences is ….
a. Mouth is part of face   
b. Teeth is part of face   
c. Lip is part of face
d. Chin is part of face
16. Kita mempunyai satu kepala. The english senteces is ….
a. We have one forehead   
b. We have one knee   
c. We have one back
d. We have one head
17. Santi is listening radio with her …..
a. Eyes  
b. Ears  
c. Heads  
d. Legs
18. Dika is watching television with his ….
a. Eyes  
b. Ears  
c. Cheeks  
d. Arms
19. We talk wit our ….
a. Cheek  
b. Head  
c. Knee  
d. Mouth
20. Above your eyes, there is ….
a. Leg  
b. Finger  
c. Stomach  
d. Forehead
21. Our ears are on the …. and …. side.
a. Right and above
b. Right and left 
c. Left and under  
d. Under and above
22. is – this – my – elbow. The correct order is ….
a. This my is elbow    
b. My elbow this is    
c. This is my elbow
d. Elbow my is this
23. have – two – I – hands. The correct order is ….
a. I have two hands    
b. I have hands two    
c. I two have hands
d. Hands I have two
24. that – is – knee – your – ? The correct order is ….
a. That is your knee?    
b. Is that your knee?    
c. Your knee is that?
d. Knee is that your?
25. I always wash my face. The Indonesian sentece is ….
a. Aku selalu mencuci mulutku  
b. Aku selalu mencuci mukaku
c. Aku selalu menuci kakiku   
d. Aku selalu mencuci tanganku
26. My lip is red. The Indonesian sentence is ….
a. Bibirku ada dua    
b. Gigiku berwarna putih   
c. Bibirku berwarna merah
d. Rambutku berwarna merah
27. Sania  : “Deni, what is an ear for?”
Deni : “It is for ……. to something.”
a. Watching 
b. Listening 
c. Catching 
d. Jumping
28. Raka  : “Selly, what is an mouth for?”
Selly : “It is for ……. to something.”
a. Shooting 
b. Singing  
c. Talking  
d. Talking

29. Bahasa inggris dari punggung adalah ….

A. back
B. stomach
C. chest
30. Bahasa inggris dari dada adalah ….
A. stomach
B. chest
C. back
Arrange the letters bellow! (Susunlah huruf-huruf berikut!)

1. n - c - h - i = CHIN 4. c - a - b - k = BACK
2. e - k - n - e = NECK 5. a - n - d - h = HAND
3. o - n - e - s = NOSE

Write "T" for True and "F" for False for the following sentences!
(Tulis "T" untuk benar dan "F" untuk salah sesuai dengan kalimat!)

1. I have seven fingers. (F) 4. I have one hand. (F)

2. I have one head. (T) 5. I have two neck. (F)
3. I have ten toes. (T)

Silahkan di isi!

Alat Terjemah Fungsi

Bandage Gunting perban The tool used to cut bandage
Bandage Perban A cold covering is placed over the wound to prevent
bleeding sweeling and invenction
Gauze Kain kasa Net material used to bandage the wound
Forceps Forceps (gunting Instrument used during operation and medical
tang) procedures
Miscroscope Mikroskop Equpment that makes small object apear large than
Otoscope Otoscope The tool used to look into patients ear
Balance Timbangan A device that mesure body wight someone

Privacy screen Layar privasi Object used to separate doctor and patients from
orders in open spaces
Stethoscope Stetoskop Equipment for listening to a persons hert and lungs
Syringe Jarum suntik Cylindrycal part that attaches to the nadle and can be
filled with liquid
Thermometer Termometer An instrument used to check a persons body

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