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Manufacturing & Service Operations Management

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Erratum: Optimizing Strategic Safety Stock Placement in

Supply Chains
Stephen C. Graves, Sean P. Willems,

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Stephen C. Graves, Sean P. Willems, (2003) Erratum: Optimizing Strategic Safety Stock Placement in Supply Chains.
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 5(2):176-177.

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Erratum: Optimizing Strategic Safety Stock
Placement in Supply Chains
Stephen C. Graves • Sean P. Willems
Leaders for Manufacturing Program and A. P. Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139-4307
Boston University, School of Management, Boston, Massachusetts 02215 •

I n Graves and Willems (2000) we consider the prob-

lem of finding the optimal placement of safety
stocks in a supply chain with bounded demand and
tion of the node with the higher label that is adjacent
to k. If this adjacent node is downstream (upstream)
of node k, then we evaluate fk S
gk SI

. For node N ,
guaranteed service times. We develop a dynamic pro- we can evaluate either functional equation.
gramming algorithm for supply chains that can be To develop the equations for fk S
and gk SI
, we
modeled as spanning trees. define the function ck S SI
to be the minimum inven-
The intent of this note is to correct an error in tory holding cost for the subnetwork with node set
the algorithm. Ekaterina Lesnaia of MIT and Dr. Nk , where node k has inbound service time SI and the
Salal Humair of Optiant independently discovered outbound service time S. In Graves and Willems (2000)
the error. We wish to acknowledge and to thank the equation for ck S SI
is incorrect as it is based on
Ms. Lesnaia and Dr. Humair for uncovering the error faulty assumptions, namely the assumptions that fk S
and for bringing it to our attention; they have also nonincreasing in S and that gk SI
is nondecreasing in SI.
identified how to correct the error. The correct expression is as follows:
To describe the error and its correction, we will ck S SI
= hk Dk SI + Tk − S
− SI + Tk − S
repeat part of the algorithm from Graves and Willems  
+ min fi x
 + min gj y

(2000). The dynamic program evaluates a functional 0≤x≤SI S≤y≤Mj −Tj
∈A kj
equation for each node in the spanning tree, in which i<k j<k
the nodes have been labeled 1 2     N by the label- The first term is the holding cost for the safety stock
ing algorithm in Graves and Willems (2000). We at node k as a function of S and SI.
define Nk for each node k to be the subset of nodes The second term corresponds to the nodes in Nk
1 2     k that are connected to k on the subgraph that are upstream of k. For each node i that supplies
with node set 1 2     k. There are two forms for node k, we include the minimum inventory holding
the functional equation. First, the function fk S
is the costs for the subnetwork with node set Ni , as a func-
minimum holding cost for safety stock in a subnet- tion of SI. Because the inbound service time to node k
work with node set Nk , where we assume that the (SI) is an upper bound for the outbound service time
outbound service time for node k is S. Second, the for node i, we need to minimize fi 
over the range
function gk SI
is the minimum holding cost for safety of feasible service times for node i. In Graves and
stock in a subnetwork with node set Nk , where we Willems (2000), we had erroneously assumed that the
assume that the inbound service time for node k is SI. minimum occurs at fi SI
At node k for 1 ≤ k ≤ N − 1, the algorithm deter- The third term corresponds to the nodes in Nk that
mines either fk S
or gk SI
, depending on the loca- are downstream of k. For each node j, j ∈ Nk and

Manufacturing & Service Operations Management © 2003 INFORMS 1523-4614/03/0502/0176$05.00

Vol. 5, No. 2, Spring 2003, pp. 176–177 1526-5498 electronic ISSN
Erratum: Optimizing Strategic Safety Stock

k j
∈ A, we include the minimum inventory hold- ck S SI
by making this part of the determination of
ing costs for the subnetwork with node set Nj , as a the functions fk S
and gk SI
 Thus, the computa-
function of S. The outbound service time for node k tional complexity of the algorithm remains of order
(S) is a lower bound for the inbound service time for NM 2 where M is the maximum service time, which
node j. Thus, we now minimize gj 
over the range is bounded by the sum of the production lead-times
of feasible inbound service times for j. In Graves and j=1 Tj .
Willems (2000), we had erroneously assumed that the
minimum occurs at gj S
The rest of the algorithm remains the same. The Reference
computational complexity of the algorithm does not Graves, S. C., S. P. Willems. 2000. Optimizing strategic safety stock
increase with this correction, as one can avoid the placement in supply chains. Manufacturing & Service Oper. Man-
additional minimizations within the calculation of agement 2(1) 68–83.

Manufacturing & Service Operations Management/Vol. 5, No. 2, Spring 2003 177

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