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Name: Mohid Yamin

Roll no: 20I-1818

Section: F

Theme of Article: Should new Grads take any job or wait for the right one.

Final Project- Phase I

English Composition and Comprehension Lab

The subject of the article is about fresh graduates, who are in search of jobs. The
article mentions a 26 year-old girl, Luisa Kloep, who has recently completed her
master’s degree and is looking forward for a job that suits her.

The article might address whether the fresh graduates should do jobs with low
wages which certainly do not suit there caliber. It may discuss whether or
whether not the grads should fetch a dream job or take any opportunity they

Yes, the article does not mention why most of the grads find it difficult to get a
dream job or the number of grads that stay jobless after graduation.

No, the article does not contain any asymmetry in male-female relationship nor
are there any trace of sexism. The article is not referring to any individual but to
a general audience which includes both, male and female.

No, there are no signs of stereotyped attitude throughout the article.

The article was written in Germany back in September 27th, 2019.

The article has used past continuous tense to describe the situation of that girl
who could not find a job she wishes to get. It has also used preset perfect tense
which is evident that how many grads miss the job opportunity they get in order
to attain their dream job. It further extends that how doing jobs which you had
not wish to will help in future using simple future tense.

The author has established an interactive, friendly relationship with the reader
as he explains that not everyone gets a dream job of their choice and also tells
that how doing other jobs can help you in different ways. The tone he has used
is persuasive.

The vocabulary used by the author is technical/formal. It appeals to a logical
discussion where the author consoles the fresh graduates and tell them to find
other jobs which will benefit them in form of experience, money and will save
their time from getting wasted.

This article was written to create awareness amongst the young generation that
do not stick to one thing. You might or might not get what you desire in life like
a dream job. It tells that you should explore other opportunities to save your
time and learn other things from the opportunities offered.

The purpose of the author is to insist grads to not give up if they don’t find their
desired job, instead explore other opportunities to build a ladder to attain your
desired will.
The author has successfully achieved what he wanted to by developing a logical
discussion with facts.
The text is addressed to all the youngsters who have or have not graduated yet.
The ones who will read it the most would be the ones failing to find a job after
their graduation.
In this article, the writer has given no evidence, instead she has experienced her
personal experience.


The article talks about the graduates that are unable to find a job that meet
their hopes. Most of the grads waste their time finding a job they desire which
consequently leads to wastage of time. The writer is suggesting those grads to
avail other opportunities in order to explore and learn things. It will help them
experiencing things which might help them in future. They can even generate an
income which can help them financially. Moreover, they can also build trust in
themselves which is referred to credibility.


This article is published by Jodi Glickman in an opinion magazine on 27th of

September, 2019. She is ambitious in her primary focus that is based on how a
newly graduate should proceed with all the options they have laid out for
themselves. She began the article with a condescending tone however, she made
her point of view clear in the next half of her article. The article was started off
with an example of a girl who looked into all her options after she graduated
nonetheless she still ended up with no job, and the reason for this that the writer
has given is that the girl fell for her passion instead of what people really has to
offer her. This article is mainly to persuade the sophomores to broaden their frame
of mind when it comes to looking for professions or jobs. The author had a very
noteworthy point of view, she said in her article that “there is value and learning to
be had from almost any job” this clearly depicts that if one goes for what have their
heart and still does not manage to get a job according to their credibility they
should draw out their options and go for something even small if it has gains that
would be helpful for them in future. She even mentioned that such young grads
should not be worrying about long term, they should always look for three
elements in a job experience, reliability and income. If the job has to offer all three
of this one should go for it because actually this would prove to be beneficial for
them in long haul. The writer has delivered her convictions in a very theoretical
tone. However, the article only included her own personal experience and of an
individual struggling to look for job. She even focused upon only making money
whereas a newly grad should always kingpin the fact that what learning will they
get by indulging into a field. Moreover, there were on no further references of any
other individual, no out of book thoughts. Merely, it seemed like she was trying to
divert sophomores from investing into something that has their and instead give
way to making money. Her article even seemed a bit ironic as she started off the
article with making a point on how one should broaden their opportunities and look
into everything but in the later part her statements were depicting that one should
go for any option that’s comes their way, which is not a sensible point of view
especially coming from a writer as mature as her for we know good thing takes
time and so one should always be specific and should not rush in things specially
in matters as significant and important as this. Since I myself am a newly graduate
I was not really happy after her article as it somehow tried to persuade me from my
own choices they I have made for my own future. In my point of view I guess half
of the readers would not be assured with her piece of writing. Overall, the language
used was not very inducing at many parts she added on some vague terms which
made her point of view debatable, still she did an acceptable job but it would have
been better if there were more references and staunch points so one could make up
their mind and undertake her opinion.

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