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What do you think are the future challenges of the economy to reduce social inequality and
provide better solutions to the distribution of wealth?




 Create opportunities for the women like jobs and encourage them by various campaigns.
 Ensure equal opportunities and promoting appropriate legislation and polices.
 Reduce income inequalities.
 Promote social integration which is based on protection and promoting human rights.
 Enable everyone to have an equal access to primary, secondary education and health care.
 Government should take action against the countries that manage their finances to fund
their shipments to us and pay for our shipments to them. Such actions may include the
revocation of trade rights, allowing for a return on revenues, and the imposition of taxes
on subsidized assets.
 Provide paid sick leave.
 Provide families with the tools to manage most of their responsibilities - providing at
least 12 weeks of paid family and medical leave, general primary education and care,
income extension, child support, and comprehensive family planning services.
 We have to consume more than saving.
 Governments must establish and enforce a living national wage, and companies must
also prioritize the living wage of their employees and suppliers, consumers, and other
business partners. Low and inadequate wages are the result of labor and wealth
accumulation - the hallmarks of unequal societies. As people with basic needs, all
workers should earn enough to support themselves and their families. Governments and
companies must be responsible for protecting the right to a living wage; companies must
be committed to responsible behavior that respects the dignity of all employees.
 Decision making strategy focuses on increasing the voice of the poor. Poor people often
face inequality in participating in policy-making. Designing participatory mechanisms to
actually incorporate their vision into community policy can help reduce the gaps in
decision-making power that affects them and their communities. Participation is not
limited to decision-making; it can also monitor and evaluate the impact and impact of
public policies.
 Provide better and equal education in both private and government schools.

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