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Oral Presentation Outline

Use the outline format below to plan your presentation. You may use this sheet of
paper (and only this) when recording your presentation. Take into account the
following instructions:

● Use signal words/phrases to help you remember major key points you want
to make.
● Avoid using complete sentences as you will be tempted to read these.

I. Introduction

Your name(s): Fabian Danilo Ardila Guevara

Title of presentation: GEOTRANS

Presentation topic, purpose or objectives, and main idea:

"GEOTRANS" Information system for the systematization of the load in a

cartographic network of data taken in the field, in studies of dimensioning
the supply and demand of public transport.

II. Body

Background information about topic:

The large amount of information resulting from the field studies is reviewed
and processed by an analyst engineer in charge, this procedure is done
manually and consists of comparing the information and its location to be
loaded to the vectors and points that represent the urban network of the
study area, the procedure is done point by point and vector by vector taking
into account the location and direction of travel of the routes, the person in
charge must be very careful with the processing of information, as the result
will be delivered to model future scenarios and the resulting information is
used to make decisions in government.
Specific details, explanations or descriptions of topic (there may be more
than three).

● Explanation and detail of example #1:

How the data collection process currently works:

The surveys are captured on paper forms by interviewers who are located in
the place where the field studies are developed, then the information is
captured and digitized so that it can be related in a cartographic network by
the analyst engineer.

● Explanation and detail of example #2:

Development of the information system:

The analysis made for the development of the information system involves
understanding the entire process and simplifying it to implement a functional
information system.

● Explanation and detail of example #3:


The class diagram explains the database structure that was developed in
MySQL and the GIU has made with the framework bootstrap with CSS/HTML
and PHP.
III. Closing

Closing statement or summary about your topic or assignment:

Without care of the technologies, the Information systems are developed by

humans for humans is because of that some times the simple solutions are
the best


What is metadata and what is it used for?

what is the purpose of the information system information?

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