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“Trust takes years to build, seconds to break, and forever to repair”

One of the most valuable assets we can have in life is to be trustworthy.   When you can trust a person it creates a
bond of loyalty that runs deep.  And when someone can trust you it gives you that same bond of loyalty back.  It is more
valuable than any amount of money or power . Trust can be permanent if you do the right things and do things the right
way. It takes time and effort to build trust.  It takes going the extra mile to show that you are someone who can be counted
on.  And unfortunately it can be broken in a split second of doing something to let someone down.  That's why you have to
be careful with whom you swear your trust to and stay committed to it.

6. "Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible."

If you want to achieve success, you have to start from somewhere. Your dreams are
not going to stay for long, neither your chances. So if you want to pursue your dreams, you
have to start now. You have to do the necessary things. Basics first, remember? Success will
not come and knock on your door if you are just sitting back and relaxing on your couch.
There are various things you can start from. However, a lot of people do not understand
where to start from. This may be because their dreams are bigger, and they cannot find a
way to start. For them, this quote is a suggestion. It says, Start by doing what you feel is the
most important thing at this moment. Accomplish those necessary things first. This way,
you will get confidence that is going to help you in the upcoming days. Once you have got a
hold on your confidence level, then you have to move forward for the next level. Approach
the things that are necessary as well as possible. These things again will give your
confidence level a boost. And that is how you are going to progress with your goal. That is
how you are going to take another step closer to your dreams. This way, slowly but
steadily, you will do what seemed impossible at the beginning as well. However, always
control your patience level, because when you are after such a big dream, it is not coming
to you so fast. Therefore, take your time and enjoy your journey towards success.

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