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Chapter 2

Review of Literature


Varsity members expect the increasing tension between educational mission and the

powerhouse of sports. That is why some schools are in favor of sports because they bring much

revenue, benefits or guarantee for the school, in reality many school focuses more on sports than

academics it’s because sports have many contests to join that can bring or represent the name of

school. In fact, some student athletes actually did better academically when their sports was in

season and reported that the time and energy demanded by athletics provided the incentive to

become more focused and efficient.

Varsity membership doesn’t affect their academic achievements (Committee on

Athletics, 2005). Athletes should be discipline, responsible and know how to manage time (Lee

S. Sitkowski 2008). Student athletes’ goal is to maintain the high grades in order to meet the

qualifications of being a varsity member because student athletes must prioritize their study. In a

study conducted by Pascarella (1995) they found out that male athletes engage in sports suffered

in reading, comprehension and mathematics skills and discovered that an athlete struggled more

compared to non-athletes.

Researchers believed that sports may be the real source of the low progress of athletes

since the hours of practice and preparation for game taken away the time in studies. Student

athletes only have free time to study after their practice but can't focus since athlete are already

tired. For National Federation of State High School Association (NFSH) 2002, participation in

sports activities tend to achieve later success in life. NFSH appear to support extracurricular
activities, believing that it can improve or enhance the academic performance of an athlete.

NFHS also stated that, "student who participate in sport activities result to have a higher-grade

point average, better attendance record, and lower dropout rates, learn self-discipline, build self-

confidence, promotes citizenship, sportsmanship, lifelong lessons, physical and emotional

development and to develop the skills necessary to handle competitive situation of our nation's

youth. NFHS uses several sources to support their views on varsity membership. The Carnegie

Corporation of New York (1996) found out that students who’s involved in sport activities have

multiple benefits. The results indicated that "sports programs promotes responsible social

behavior, greater academic as success, appreciation of personal health, fitness and strong social

bonds between individuals and institutions".

Students who involve in sports activities have been shown to exhibit more active brain

function, better concentration levels and classrooms behavior and higher self-esteem than their

less-active counterparts. All of these factors seem to support better academic performance.

Review of Related Studies

Athletics and academic performance has been studied at length over the years in the

literature. Despite the mostly university level research conducted, no consensus has been reached

regarding the impact of athletic participation on academic performance at the high school level.

As a result, the relationship between the in season and out of season school academic

performance of high schools and juniors in one high school was investigated in this study.

(Sitkowski, L. 2008)
The complete data from the graduating class of 2014 are used to estimate the statistical

effect of participation in varsity athletics on academic performance of undergraduate students in

the class of 2004 at Becknell University. Results suggest athletic participation among male and

female athletics does not significantly affect cumulative in-major GPA. These results control for

the separate effects on grades arising from a student’s gender, ethnic group, U.S citizenship

status, participation in fraternal "Greek" organizations, high school academic index, and choice

of major (Committee on Athletics, 2005).

Howie and Pate (2012) indicated that physical activity including competitive sports,

positively affect results and suggested that further studies should be done in order to scrutinize

which kinds of activities and the needs to produce an improvement in academic performance. So

this study indicated that well developed academic identity which is reflected in strong academic

self-worth plays a critical role in academic success. Then their issue whether participation or not

in sports can lead to improved academic success. But physically active and fit children have

better academic achievement. So as a result provide only limited evidence that sports

participations leads to enhanced academic performance. And the important things in studies

showed that time and energy both required for the good performance in sports and in studies too.

There must be proper time management that helps to manage the studies and extra activities as


David and Bracken (2010) studies stated that the varsity membership doesn’t affect their

achievement in academic. According to the result of their research being athlete is beneficial not

only in physical but also in mental health. They know how to handle their schedules and has a

proper time management for both extracurricular and academic performance. Most of these

arguments have been based on what are termed the no cognitive benefits of sports, not only that
it builds character, but more importantly that sports, if not demoralized by win-only pressure, can

build self-esteem, confidence and motivation which can and do transfer over into academic


Sitkowski, L. (2008) has been studied the athletics and academic performances. Mostly

university level research conducted no consensus has been reached regarding the impact of

athletic participation on academic performances. As a result, the relationship between the in

season and out of season school academic performance of high school sophomores and juniors in

one high school was investigated in this study. It was determined that there was a significant

relationship that existed between academic performance, measured by GPA and athletic

participation had a positive impact on their academic performance in that maybe attributed.

There was an important relationship existed between academic performance measured by

GPA and athletic participation. It was found that being a varsity member had an impact benefits

for their achievements. Being varsity was full of sacrifice they live and die by the team success,

faults and failures.

Moreover, the motivation to participate in sports on a higher level (for high school

students, the motivation to move on to college or even professional sports), while deemed a

pipedream by some researchers, nonetheless has been found to keep many students in school. In

most cases, if these student-athletes did not have their eye on college sports participation, they

might have dropped out of high school. In this indirect manner, then, sports does lead to

improved (if still substandard) levels of academic achievement.


Review of Related Literature seized about the student athlete who often feel

pressure in performing both on the field and in the classroom. But the benefits an athlete’s

receives seem to reduce the challenges their facing. Some of the groups or school administration

focuses more on the sport programs as they bring benefits for the school. Those who are

involved in a varsity doesn't really affect their academic achievements unless an athlete knows

how to manage their time. Their goal is to maintain the high grades in order to meet the

qualification of being a varsity member. But somehow, there are literature stated that athlete's

suffered in reading comprehension and mathematics skills.

While the Review of Related Studies results suggested that athletic participation among

male and female athletics does not significantly affect cumulative in GPA. In short, researchers

found out that being an athlete doesn't affect the grade point average he/she has. Also, some

researcher results to have better benefits not only in physical but also in mental health.

The Review of Related Literature and Review of Related Studies are related in each other

as it seized about the benefits that an athlete may get such as it build character and it leads to

greater academic success unless they know how to manage time and to be able to balance

between on the field and in the classroom. Also, some literature and studies resulted that

engaging in sport activities may lead to low level of academic performance of an athlete.
Theoretical Framework

Academic Performance

Walberg stated the things that involved in academic performance which are the

ability, motivation and age that reflect characteristics of the students. As academic performance

talks about how do the students is accomplishing his or her duties, responsibilities, and studies.

There are some factors that determine the status and the rate of the student. Academic

performance is what you have shown you can do in a certain subject. Ability is a skills, talents or

flexibility in a particular area. It is what you can do given ideal circumstances and Walberg’s

group considered the representation of every student in psychological environment which are

they in classroom, climate, home environment and exposure to media. So clearly the most things

in student for the school learning is that characteristics but depends on the portion of the learning


Classroom learning is multiplicative and has a diminishing returns function and has four

essentials factors, the student ability and motivation, quality and quantity of instruction, possible

four supplementary nor supportive factors, the social, psychological of the classroom education,

stimulating conditions in the name and in the peer group, exposure to mass media. Each of the

essential factors appears to be necessary that insufficient by itself for classroom learning. All of

these factors required a minimum level. It also appears that the essential factors may substitute,

compensate or trade for one another in diminishing rates of returns. Immense quantities of time

maybe required for a moderate amount of learning to occur if motivation, ability or quality of

instruction is minimal (Hartel, 1983 p.76).

Varsity Membership

Involvement in extracurricular athletic activities was the focus of the study. (Austin

1999) defines student involvement as the “amount of physical and psychological energy that the

students provide to the academic experience” (p.518). Students will develop and learn more

when they are involved in social and academic part of college. A student who involved in social

and academic often obtains higher grades, graduation rate, as well as leadership and

interpersonal skills. He developed The Input-Environment-Outcome (I-E-O) model as a guiding

framework for the assessment of higher education. I-E-O model is utilized to emphasize the

influence students and institutional characteristics have on the development and learning of the


This theory discussed about the sports and the roles of sports for many different

participant; spectators, populations and athlete themselves. I would argue that the role of a

varsity or club sport for the spectator is entertainments, no matter the level of competition.

Varsity membership is that group of people that engage in sports. For all team members

meaningful contest participation will exist over the course of season, however a specified amount

of playing time is never guaranteed. (Dunning 2014)

Conceptual Framework

The idea of this research is to determine the statistical probability within quantitative

study, null and alternative hypothesis if there will be and there will be no effects in academic

performance of Senior High School and College students while participating in sports activities

and to have an definite or clear expression about an area of our concern which are the scope of

varsity membership, the level of performance of the participants, and the possible effects of

varsity membership.

The series of action that the researchers will follow to lead in a particular result is to give

a Letters of Request to the coach of Senior High School and Colleges players, to the advisers,

and also to the schools Administrators to have a fully consent of having the complete details and

exact list of the varsity members that the researchers use to get the names, age, genders, strands,

and courses of the respondents,20 from Senior High School and 10 from the Colleges students in

order to gather data and information in regards of knowing the effects of varsity membership

through survey questionnaire that will be answered by the respondents. The questionnaire is

divided into three part, the first section will be the profile of the respondent, followed by the

scale section and lastly the questions that will be answered by the respondents.

The result of this research is to determine The Effects of Varsity Membership in

Academic Performance of Senior High School and College students on Our Lady of Lourdes

College Foundation SY: 2017-2018.

Input Process
Statistical probability within Giving letters of request
quantitative study
Alternative and Null Hypothesis
Data and information gathering

To determine the possible
Effects of Varsity
Membership in Academic
Performances of the

Figure1. Conceptual Paradigm

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