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Read Carefully

● Use any library resource to complete your assignment. Most answers can
be found in an encyclopedia reference. Go to the WKMS media page or in the lesson plan for
this week (page 10) and click on the badminton link.

● Answer all questions on page 2 (below)- This is part of your fitness grade
for the week. You need to use your text writing tool in kami. Don’t use
the pencil tool.

1. Write a brief history of badminton.

The exact date of the invention of the game is unknown but it is a variation
of the sport battledore which was a popular game in ancient Grease, China,
and India. The one who invented the game was a duke who called
himself Beufont.

2. Briefly explain how the game is played.

3. Draw a diagram of the badminton court, including the dimensions.

4. List the equipment needed to play badminton.

Two small rackets, a shuttlecock ball, and a net.

5. Draw a badminton racket and list parts.

6. Draw a shuttle and explain what material is used to make it.

7. Name and describe the four common strokes used in badminton.

8. Describe how to serve in badminton.

9. Describe the method of scoring used in badminton.

10. Explain what constitutes a fault in the game of badminton.

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