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To enlarge these pages, click on Full screen symbol May 21, 2021

AESOP Institute
Welcome! I’m Mark Goldes, Founder, Chair & CEO of AESOP Institute, a non-profit California Corporation
which for more than 40 years has pursued promising potential breakthroughs in energy and economics.

The International Energy Agency has suggested survival demands more rapid replacement of fossil fuels.

Quantum energy: An emerging clean, limitless, source of sustainable power will supersede fuel. The first
example, the Hubbard Coil, ran an electric boat without batteries 100 years ago in Seattle. Next a car was
converted. No moving parts. It still baffles most scientists. Had it gone into mass production, there might be
no Climate emergency. A new version, one of several systems in development, will be an alternative to
intermittent wind & solar. 5 kW generators, in a box one foot cubed, will provide an inexpensive 24/7/365
competitor to rooftop photovoltaics. Compact units can provide power in apartments as well as homes and
all types of buildings - and will give EVs unlimited range. Emergency generators will be an earlier product.

This patented autonomous generator with no moving parts, by A&I Power Group, has
been independently validated by two laboratories. Based on Faraday’s Law of Induction and Maxwell-
Faraday equations, early applications may include: Vertical farms, 5G cell towers requiring up to 9 kW and
drones. See REPLACE FOSSIL FUELS under MORE for additional information about autonomous generators.

The Pandora Paradox on this site is an introduction to the breakthrough science - a much faster route to
fuel-free power with dramatic savings in energy cost. Quantum generators will provide an inexpensive,
safer, 24/7, environmentally less intrusive source of electricity. They will reduce the need for energy
storage, where FreeL Tech vacuum capacitors, the ultimate energy storage technology - demonstrate 100X
the energy density of Lithium Ion batteries. Have questions? 707 861-9070

Gasoline & all fossil fuels can be replaced much faster with technology under development by H2 Global
LLC! Existing combustion engines can be converted to run on water. A video shows this water fuel system
has enabled a prototype engine to run on 99.99% water and .01% gasoline. The next iteration will use 100%
water. Not electrolysis, but new science. It opens a very rapid path to superseding fossil fuels.
Muon fusion prototypes at universities in Sweden, Norway & Iceland herald commercial fusion power
within two years – and spacecraft to visit the stars. “The Undiscovered (Superluminal) Physics” is being
updated. See FASTER THAN LIGHT - as well as DR. ROBERT CARROLL - both under MORE on this website.

Robert Stone, an arrogant, ranting Troll, for years has stated the Research & Development
efforts of AESOP Institute are scams & fraud. He also attacks H2 Global’s water fuel system. His
endless lies and insinuations, designed to discourage support, will result in a defamation lawsuit.
Paul Beckwith, University of Ottawa: “We need Climate Operation
Warp Speed”. Irreversible tipping points may be close. Air
pollution kills 9 million people a year. Replacing fossil fuels faster
must become a world-wide 24/7 effort. Mark Carney, UN Envoy
for Climate Action & Finance: “Climate Crisis deaths will be: worse
than Covid”. Rapid deployment of breakthrough technology may
prove fundamental to human survival.

Want to explore financial support of AESOP’s urgent work?

CONTACT: Phone 707 861-9070


The author of the information below closed his May 10th News Release, on the website,
with the following paragraphs. Dr. Levy is board certified in internal medicine and cardiology. He is also an
attorney, admitted to the bar in Colorado and in the District of Columbia.

“This information from my friend in Cali (Columbia) expands even further on the data and evidence
presented in my latest book, Rapid Virus Recovery, which was written to spread the word that COVID need
not keep so many people around the world paralyzed in fear. It is now clear that 3% HP nebulization for 30
minutes in a total of 15 sessions over a 5-day period can effectively treat nearly all cases of COVID,
regardless of how advanced the infection is when the patient is first seen.

Of note, the duration of the successful nebulization sessions for the Colombian patients extended beyond
the recommendations in the book. As such, these results mandate that optimal HP concentration should be
3% for most individuals, and nebulization sessions should extend past 15 minutes at a time for many
individuals. Lesser concentrations and durations may well resolve COVID, but minimizing morbidity,
including the horror of not being able to take a full breath, should be a primary goal as well, and it should be
achieved as rapidly as possible in all such patients.

Make no doubt about it, 3% HP nebulization can rapidly eliminate the COVID pandemic worldwide if enough
people find out about it and start doing it.

Rapid Virus Recovery is available as a free download. Please feel free to download it for yourself,
and take a moment to pass along the link to as many friends and acquaintances as you can. Levy TE
(2021) Rapid Virus Recovery. Medfox Pub. Available free from:

Room Temperature Superconductors (RTS) are the Holy Grail of physics. For more than a decade, beginning
in 1992, commercial affiliates of AESOP Institute developed little known polymer room temperature
superconductors, discovered in Moscow, Russia, in 1982. We raised $10m in Angel capital and successfully
completed four Small Business Innovation Research contracts with the Department of Defense.

Energy Economics
Inexpensive power, based on little known science, opens the path to flourishing, sustainable, economics.

The Economic Dream

Imagine our civilization evolving beyond the need for fuel. Unlimited vehicle range is possible and energy is
always available at any scale from nano to the largest transport without causing any pollution. This means
that water is accessible in the middle of a desert and food can be grown anywhere on the planet. With the
cost of fuel removed, even the poorest people can afford personal transportation, heating and cooling with
no pollution. With inexpensive VTOL aircraft, eventually there would be much reduced need for roads.
Access to space might become mundane.

It will literally transform our civilization. Energy that can be tapped anywhere in the universe changes even
the motivational base of economics. Until now, this has been science fiction.

Science Fact
We now know that this has already been achieved. Tragically this is not a new discovery. What has changed
is that we now understand more about the energy source. An error made in physics over 150 years ago
created an assumption that continues to be taught as the basis of fundamental laws. Anything outside that
assumption has been and continues to be categorically ignored, or ridiculed & dismissed.

We could and should have made this transition over 100 years ago when it was actually discovered.
Certainly, that might have happened several times since. Surviving the Climate Emergency requires that we
make it happen as rapidly as is humanly possible. Without further delay for the sake of the world’s children.

There have been a number of well documented inventions that never reached commercial success. For
example, as mentioned on Page I above, approximately a Century ago, 16 year old Alfred Hubbard invented
a self-running generator without moving parts. Later, he demonstrated his generator running an 18’ electric
boat without batteries on a lake in Seattle before a large audience. Next he ran a car, having replaced the
engine with his generator. Scientists could not understand how it functioned and the invention never made
it into production. It seemed like he was getting energy from nothing, which violates what are still believed
to be fundamental laws of thermodynamics. See The Pandora Paradox & MOVING BEYOND OIL on this site.

Now we know what that energy source was. The science is at last understood by a growing number of
researchers. Several generators, one producing 10 Megawatts of power, are moving towards commercial
markets. After many difficult years, our team is at the hub of these breakthroughs. This “new” energy
source obsoletes all current energy technologies and obsoletes the concept of fuel. Science fiction has
become science fact. This is one aspect of how we end poverty. This is how we become sustainable.

A technological breakthrough can revolutionize a market.

A physics breakthrough can transform a planet.
Because of beliefs entrenched in mainstream science, AESOP and I have been libeled for years
by Robert Stone, a vicious ranting troll who labels our work as scamming and fraud. Look beyond his lies
and distortions. We have an international team with multiple breakthroughs. See: TROLL ATTACKS – also,
My Bio & AESOP History – both under MORE on this site.

Consider the lives lost to the pursuit of oil, the trillions of dollars wasted, the broader economic prosperity,
and the air pollution and Climate Change that could have been avoided. See THE PANDORA PARADOX,
REPLACE FOSSIL FUELS and FUEL FREE TURBINES on the site. Feel free to contact me with questions or if you
might desire to assist this effort. 707 861-9070

Surprising, still little known, science has opened paths to 24/7/365 inexpensive technologies. They are much
less complex & costly than intermittent solar and wind. Those who use them will eliminate the cost of fuel.
Portable generators, power for buildings and every variety of Electric Vehicles including aircraft & ships..
Environmentally benign, they have the potential to generate many millions of well-paid new jobs.

More than 100 years ago Nikola Tesla stated that his ultra-sensitive receiver could pick-up, store, and
amplify natural electrical vibrations. It would work night and day in any weather. Containing not a single
moving part, it would have the unnerving appearance of just “sitting there” and producing electricity.
Young Alfred Hubbard, inspired by this work, invented the first autonomous generator: The Hubbard Coil.

Tesla wrote: “In this present world …a revolutionary idea or invention is hampered in its adolescence – by
want of means, by selfish interests, pedantry, stupidity and ignorance. It is attacked and stifled, and passes
through bitter trials and tribulations. … All that was great in the past was ridiculed, condemned, combated,
suppressed, only to emerge all the more powerfully, triumphantly from the struggle.”

Autonomous generators supersede any need for fuel. A 24/7 alternative to current power sources: A 5 kW,
12” tall, 8” diameter, modern version of the Hubbard Coil, will be an alternative to costly rooftop solar
panels. Similar generators in electric cars, trucks, boats and aircraft will provide unlimited range – no need
to recharge. Suitably parked vehicles will earn income selling electricity. Pollution free: They can speed
replacement of oil, coal, natural gas & nuclear power. For more information see MOVING BEYOND OIL on
this site. For an introduction to the background science: Read THE PANDORA PARADOX.

Mike Water’s VISION VTOL Aircraft – to demonstrate new transport.

The VISION VTOL is designed specifically for the imminent evolution of energy and battery breakthroughs.
The simplicity of electric quadcopters enables a huge advantage over current aviation in safety, cost,
reliability and scalability. The FreeLTech electronic charge cluster in vacuum capacitor will have 100 times
Lithium Ion current density and excellent storage life expectancy at highly competitive cost. This is
electronic rather than chemical energy storage. Interested parties are welcome to contact me.

Charge cluster capacitors and autonomous generators will allow unlimited range at high speed. Together
they could propel electric aviation into a much more practical form of transportation.

A next generation aircraft scalable from UAV to large transport

Vertical takeoff and landing; Stable; Fast, Highly reliable, Unlimited range, Electric.

autonomous generators, using our polymer superconductors. They could power electronics. Utilizing the
graphene room temperature superconductor - a small kit can demonstrate energy storage potential.

Hydrogen can be created at the point of use with autonomous generators. For example: Electrolysis on
board for vehicle propulsion. On-site replacement of natural gas for space & water heating.

Autonomous fuel free turbines have been developed. See FUEL FREE TURBINES on this site. Super Stirling
engines have been designed to change heat into electricity with extremely high efficiency.

“I know that most men, including those at ease with problems of the greatest complexity, can seldom
accept even the simplest and most obvious truth if it be such as would oblige them to admit the falsity of
conclusions they reached perhaps with great difficulty, conclusions which they have delighted in explaining
to colleagues, which they have proudly taught to others, and which they have woven, thread by thread, into
the fabric of their lives." Tolstoy

Little recognized breakthroughs have the needed potential to revolutionize every aspect of human
experience. Ultimately humanity will supersede all current energy sources: coal, petroleum, natural gas,
nuclear, hydro, geothermal, wind and solar photovoltaic. New science will transform all energy…power
plants, transportation, heating, cooling, and provide surprising new ways to rapidly recharge cell phones,
computers and electric cars.

The implications are mind numbing - pollution free cars, trucks, ships and aircraft with unlimited range.

We are developing new prototypes - to demonstrate the hard-to-believe reality of these seemingly
impossible achievements. Generators that need no fuel will operate 24/7/365, providing uninterrupted
power for homes, any type of building - and installations of every variety. Demonstration prototypes will
launch examples of increasing size: For emergency gen-sets - and every application – ultimately including
power for every variety of electric aircraft and the largest ships.

IT’S NOT TOO LATE! Impact & loss of life from the climate crisis is happening now. The breakthroughs
described on this website can make a profound difference. Paul Beckwith’s YouTube video: Questioning
Human Extinction Worldviews is an excellent counter to the erroneous belief it is too late.

“Skeptics and academic arrogance: In a universe of infinite potential, logically, any certainty in what is
“known” is an irrational concept. In a healthy collaborative environment, egos are more balanced and sci-
ence is an expression of our desire to discover and explore the unknown. In a competitive dominant envi-
ronment, fear and ego often override curiosity and knowledge. This is a symptom. There is nothing that we
currently know that we should have the arrogance to defend with certainty.” Mike Waters, AESOP Energy

Dark red shows the regions in the U.S. already experiencing a tem-
perature increase of 2 degrees C (35.6 degrees F).

“In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that
no one ever knew before.” Paul Dirac, Nobel Prize, physics

REPLACE FOSSIL FUELS & FUEL FREE TURBINES on this site discuss autonomous generators with & without
moving parts - as well as engines that run on ambient heat, a huge untapped reservoir of solar energy. The
new technology can be mass produced everywhere on the planet - providing 24/7/365 power for every
application up to and including power plants. A generator without moving parts was demonstrated in
Seattle 100 years ago – modern versions could be in production in a matter of months worldwide.

Fuel-free 24/7 generators & engines can replace intermittent wind and solar farms as well as power plant
fuels. Autonomous generators and charge cluster in vacuum batteries for electric vehicles – as well as fuel
free turbines for aircraft - will provide unlimited range – not merely ending fuel cost but also providing the
ability to become power plants and sell electricity for a new source of income, when suitably parked. A
huge boost for the economy, generating many millions of jobs.

Ken Rauen, AESOP’s Chief scientist and CTO has also invented an extremely efficient Super Stirling engine
as well as air conditioning technology needing no refrigerants. A mini-split example can be self-powered. A
second type is a window unit needing only a fraction of the power of current units. The Coefficient of
Performance – COP - exceeds the wildest expectations of air conditioning engineers and manufacturers.
The proprietary work will be prototyped by AESOP and licensed world-wide. This is another fast path to
reducing greenhouse emissions.
An Infinite Energy magazine article and a Society for Scientific Exploration Presentation by Ken Rauen
describe the scientific breakthrough behind his fuel-free piston engines and the Heat Pump Air Conditioner.
Copies are available free upon request. The science was presented at 3 AAAS Meetings without refutation.
A copy of a Presentation is available upon request.

Physicists build circuit that generates clean, limitless power from graphene

University of Arkansas physicists have developed and applied for a patent on an invention capable of
capturing the continuous thermal movement of a single layer of graphene, converting it into electrical
current. A circuit based on this motion will be incorporated into a generator on a chip, to provide clean
limitless, low-voltage power for small devices or sensors. Physical Review E 2 October 2020.

Our parallel invention, which can be demonstrated in a year or so, employs polymer ROOM TEMPERATURE
SUPERCONDUCTORS (not yet recognized by the mainstream scientific community). It will cool as well as
power electronics. Both devices will be examples of autonomous electric power generating technology.

“If …new energy technologies were to be set free world-wide, the change would be profound; it
would affect everybody: It would be applicable everywhere. These technologies are absolutely
the most important thing that has happened in the history of the world.” Brian O’Leary, Ph.D.


Devices have been invented to harvest water from the air. Breakthrough technology allows operation in
humidity as low as 5%. Existing systems need 25% humidity to function. 100% less than the usual grid
power is required. Fuel-free generators can power water extraction systems.
There are 12 quadrillion gallons of water in the atmosphere. New technology will extract water anywhere
at modest cost. Units will supply water to homes, any type of business and agriculture - at competitive
prices. Large installation may end any need for dams.
Thermoelectric cooling devices which can be worn on the body are under development. These will provide
an alternative to space cooling and be of great utility to those who need to work outdoors in regions of
unhealthy heat. Room temperature superconductors, as yet unrecognized by the scientific community, can
improve the efficiency of any thermoelectric – TE - device. See ROOM TEMPERATURE SUPERCONDUCTORS.
Some years ago, an earlier AESOP affiliate proved that polymer room temperature superconductors can be
used to improve TE devices - on a successful Small Business Innovation Research - SBIR – contract. This and
three other SBIR Final Reports about these remarkable materials are available upon request.

Time magazine “Extreme heat is now a world-wide phenomenon. It poses a vexing paradox for scientists
and policymakers: today’s air conditioning keeps people cool and saves lives but is also one of the biggest
contributors to global warming. Only 8% of the 2.8 billion people living in the world’s hottest regions own
an air conditioner, compared with far more in the U.S. and Japan. Air-conditioning isn’t just a luxury.
Without adequate cooling, heat exhaustion can disrupt the body’s functioning and lead to death.”
See CHEAP GREEN A/C on this website. We can develop a self-powered mini-split heat pump air conditioner.
We will also develop a window air-conditioner having a Coefficient of Performance exceeding 5, using a
fraction of the power of the best current units. No refrigerants needed.

$17 trillion - Total assets allocated to sustainable investing. One third of all assets under management in
the U.S. are tied up in companies with green priorities - a new era of environmentally sound business.
$6 TRILLION ANNUAL ENERGY MARKET: Developing Fuel-Free 24/7 power technologies – simpler, less-
expensive, faster alternatives to fossil & nuclear fuels, solar panels, solar & wind farms.
AIR CONDITIONING market 24.28 Billion USD last year. The number of cooling devices is expected to
quadruple to 14 billion worldwide by 2050.

Ambient Heat – a 24/7 Fuel-Free Sleeping Giant Solar Energy Source. Turbines that will run on ambient heat
will replace fuel in certain systems under development. This new science will open a new, 24/7 path, to
solar powered homes and ultra-efficient heat-pumps for heating and cooling. Tapping ambient heat is one
of the major missing keys to rapid replacement of fossil fuels!

The background temperature of space is close to Absolute Zero. When the temperature is 50 degrees F
anywhere on earth there is more than 500 degrees of heat stored in the atmosphere. Nikola Tesla suggested
it should be possible to tap it for power in 1898. New science opens practical paths to using it to run engines
24/7/365. Demonstrations of working prototypes have taken place.

Revolutionary fuel free power generation inventions can conceivably save the average individual in the USA
more than $2,000 each year - and a family of four at least $8,000 per year (gas for cars, home heating &
cooling, appliances) in addition to opening a path to a new source of substantial income, selling electricity
from parked vehicles. Savings of this magnitude for owners of cars and trucks will not easily be taken away
by opposition from vested interests.

Breakthrough technology will provide electric vehicles with unlimited range - and allow them to become
power plants when suitably parked, selling electricity or powering buildings, ultimately superseding coal,
natural gas and nuclear plants.

TROLL ALERT: AESOP is slandered by Trolls. Vicious rants by Robert Stone who hid his identity
for years, cobbling together a few distorted facts mixed with blatant lies seeks to deflect support for
AESOP’s new science. An arrogant pedantic individual he believes all the breakthrough technologies
described on this website are fraudulent. See TROLL ATTACKS, under MORE. Polymer Room Temperature
Superconductors are dismissed by this Troll. These materials were the subject of four Small Business
Innovation Research contract awards with the U.S. Air Force and Ballistic Missile Defense Organization
(Final Reports are cleared for public release and available upon request) - See ROOM TEMPERATURE
SUPERCONDUCTORS on this website. LORD Corp. has commercialized AESOP Ultraconductor research and is
selling it to protect aircraft against lightning strikes at half the weight of previous products. Tiny generators
for electronic circuits using these materials could soon be in production.


Generators will run 24/7 without fuel. Production will provide a continuous alternative to rooftop panels.

Proprietary technology can scale and reduce the need for fossil fuels, wind and solar farms, as well as
provide self-powered air-conditioning & heating units.
Ground-Breaking new science increases the odds for human survival on our dangerously warming planet!

Autonomous Generators
Off-grid, and emergency GenSets
Electric power and air conditioning
Heat pumps to supply heat and cooling
Multiple uses for every household & business on the planet
Practical & Affordable:
World-wide: Manufacturing firms can license – and parallel domestic production!
No fuel of any kind needed – ever!
Fossil fuels may be superseded! Fast!
The technologies are low to medium tech and will be inherently inexpensive to manufacture. R&D
development time and materials to prove the practicality of each new model is expected to be relatively
fast and reasonable in cost.

“Our Best Chance to Slow Global Warming Comes in the Next Nine Years.” Bill McKibben
The New Yorker

"We have not hit the disastrous level," says leading climate scientist James Hansen. "But
we are close."

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed,
and third, it is accepted as self-evident." Arthur Schopenhauer 1788-1860

Ken Rauen, inventor of AESOP’s First Fuel-Free Engines, at an Energy Congress

5 minute VIDEO introducing AESOP Engines at the opening of his presentation:

(Ken speaks after 2:24 Intro)

“Climate collapse demands a supply of energy that is far cheaper than fossil fuels, resistant to bad weather
and natural disaster, and sustainable in fuel inputs and pollution outputs.” Carl Page

Humanity’s goal must be an 80% decline in fossil fuels, as soon as possible, on an emergency basis! Past
emissions are likely to heat Earth by more than 1.5 degrees C. We are well on our way to 2 degrees C
near-term, about the maximum for human life to flourish. Present efforts cannot prevent this little
recognized threat to human existence. Urgent action - combined with cost-competitive breakthrough
technology - is needed NOW.

See HUMAN SURVIVAL on this website for an overview of humanity’s situation. New science capable of
providing cheap continuous power is necessary to keep earth livable!

AESOP’s Fuel-Free Cutting Edge Technology could help end world dependence on fossil fuels and
eliminate the need for any new pipelines.
$5.3 Trillion in subsidies worldwide for fossil fuels in 2015!
(International Monetary Fund – Working Paper – WP/15/105 - May, 2015 – Page 30)
Cost of oil subsidies to the average U.S. taxpayer per year: $5,737.

The video that follows is an interview with the late Eugene Mallove, founder of Infinite Energy magazine. As
noted in Ken Rauen’s brief biography below, he worked with Gene for some years. Anyone interested in the
rejection of new science – led by the academic community - will find this interview of interest. Mallove was
killed shortly after this broadcast when he interrupted a burglary.

Prototype super-efficient piston engines are under development by AESOP. Fuel-Free turbine prototypes
were built in Russia. There are now proprietary improved versions.

NAYSAYERS: Throughout history naysayers are quick with ridicule and derision.

Physicist Lord Kelvin: “Heavier-than-air flying machines are impossible and x-rays a hoax”.

Many physicists said Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) could not detect cancers. Raymond Damadian,
inventor of the MRI said: “Criticism and skepticism come with the territory of invention and innovation.
The bolder the innovation, the harsher the criticism.”

Every fact of science was once damned. Every invention was considered impossible. Every discovery was a
nervous shock to some orthodoxy. Every artistic innovation was denounced as fraud and folly. The entire
web of culture and 'progress,' everything on earth that is man-made and not given to us by nature, is the
concrete manifestation of some man's refusal to bow to Authority. We would own no more, know no
more, and be no more than the first apelike hominids if it were not for the rebellious, the recalcitrant, and
the intransigent. As Oscar Wilde truly said, 'Disobedience was man's Original Virtue' - Robert Anton Wilson

World Energy Markets exceed $6 Trillion in annual revenue. A recent study estimates global revenue for
advanced energy at $1.3 Trillion with sector growth double the
rate of the global economy. $90 Trillion is an estimated cost to replace fossil fuels worldwide.

Along with the late economist Robert Edmonds, I was the co-author of the HUMAN
INVESTMENT TAX CREDIT Discussion Paper, requested by the Economic Development
Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce - which resulted in the 1977 Jobs Tax Credit
which created 2 million jobs.

See that Paper, a component of an anti-inflation and full-employment economic program,

titled HUMAN INVESTMENT. Look under MORE.

Unemployment is again a serious problem. Updating that work can restore the original aim
of creating 6 million jobs and funding 4 million self-employment opportunities.

A Universal Basic Income of $2,000 each month has been suggested by several individuals
including Senators Ed Markey, Bernie Sanders as well as Andrew Yang and many others.
AESOP Institute advocates combining UBI with what the late Louis Kelso called THE SECOND
INCOME PLAN. Kelso’s earlier invention, the Employee Stock Ownership Plan is used by
6,400 companies today - holding assets of $1.4 Trillion.

Combining these programs can accomplish a $2,000/month minimum support goal with
ZERO net cost to the Treasury. ENDING POVERTY under MORE on this site provides
additional information about Kelso’s idea, developed by the Center for Economic & Social

With sufficient support we can refine and advocate this solution to the Congress and
President Biden, we believe that this combination would alleviate stress and hardship for
millions of people in poverty with zero net cost to the U.S. Treasury.


Money can be earned by ownership of assets as well as by labor. As automation eliminates

more jobs each year it is essential for every individual to have that alternative option.

A solution is pregnant. Universal Basic Incomes (UBI) are a being discussed and tried.
However, the cost cannot be accepted as a permanent government expense.

The late Louis Kelso, inventor of the Employee Stock Ownership Plan used by
more than 6,000 companies, recognized the need to spread asset ownership to the entire
population. He proposed The Second Income Plan. The Treasury provides loans which would
be repaid from investment earnings.

The defect of that plan is the time required for individuals to see substantial returns.
Combining the two plans can enable a solution with zero net cost to the Treasury.

A Universal Basic Income of $2,000 per month would end poverty. Together with The Second
Income Plan - the cost to the Treasury would be temporary.

Given the hidden costs of poverty the net savings to the nation would be huge.

The initial outlay would be similar to an expense in the realm of National Security. However,
unlike the purchase of weapons every dollar of outlay would be recovered as incomes rose
due to The Second Income Plan.

Add a Jobs Tax Credit similar to the 1977 example, which created 2 million jobs. Before
Congress watered it down the goal was 6 million jobs and self-employment for another 4
million. Restore that goal and the nation could see both an end to poverty and a healthy
Aesop Institute is a California non-profit corporation.
AESOP Energy is a commercial affiliate.
©2021 AESOP Institute All rights reserved.


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