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Nama Mahasiswa : Heri Hermawan

No NRP : 6032202100

(Example 1 – Homework)

Due to his blood pressure problem, Mr. Blue has been placed on a diet by his Doctor, consisting of two
food: beer and ice cream. It is mainly to avoid low level of sugar in his blood. The doctor warned him to
ensure proper consumption of nutrients to sustain life.

Formulate the problem for Mr. Blue so that he can satisfy the diet program with the cheapest expense
and solve the problem using graphical method.

Minimum weekly
Nutrients Beer Ice cream
I 2 mg/oz 3 mg/oz 3500 mg
II 6 mg/oz 2 mg/oz 7000 mg
Cost/oz 10 cents 4.5 cents


A. Decision Variable :

X1 : Nutrient I Composition to consumed

X2 : Nutrient II Composition to consumed

B. Objective Function:

Minimize Z  Z = 10X1 + 4.5X2

Which Z : Cheapest Expense of Diet
10 X1 : Cost/oz of Beer
4.5 X2 : Cost/oz of Ice Cream
C. Constraints
Constraints : 2X1 + 3X2 ≥ 3500 (Nutrient I constraints)
6X1 + 2X2 ≥ 7000 (Nutrient II constraints)
X1, X2 ≥ 0 (Non Negativity constraints)

D. Solution:

Minimize Z  Z = 10X1 + 4.5X2

Subject to : 2X1 + 3X2 ≥ 3500 If X1 = 0, then X2 = 1166.7 Intercept Coordinate ( 0 , 1166.7)
If X1 = 1750, then X2 = 0 Intercept Coordinate ( 1750 , 0 )
6X1 + 2X2 ≥ 7000 If X1 = 0, then X2 = 3500 Intercept Coordinate ( 0 , 3500 )
If X1 = 1166.7, then X2 = 0 Intercept Coordinate ( 1166.7 , 0)
X1, X2 ≥ 0
E. Graphic of Formulation Model and Constraint

There are three (3) point (A, B, C). These are called boundary points of Feasible Solution Area and A-
B-C line are boundary lines of Feasible Solution Area.
 Find the coordinate point B in the following way:
2 X 1 + 3 X2 = 3500 x 3  6 X1 + 9 X2 = 10500
6 X 1 + 2 X2 = 7000 x 1  6 X1 + 2 X2 = 7000 _--
7 X2 = 3500
X2 = 500
 From the value X2 = 500 above, put into the following equation:
2 X 1 + 3 X2 = 3500
2 X1 + 3 (500) = 3500
2 X1 = 3500 – 1500
2 X1 = 2000
X1 = 1000
So, Coordinate point B is (1000, 500)

F. Graphic of Optimum Solution by Corner Point Solution

Slack Variable :
Coordinate Point A (0, 3500)
Minimize Z(point A) = 10X1 + 4.5X2  10 (0) + 4.5 (3500) = 15750.
2 X1 + 3 X2 – S1 = 3500 2 (0) + 3 (3500) – S1 = 3500
S1 = 10500 – 3500 = 7000
6 X1 + 2 X2 – S2= 7000  6 (0) + 2 (3500) – S2 = 7000
S2 = 7000 – 7000 = 0

Coordinate Point B (1000, 500)

Minimize Z(point B) = 10X1 + 4.5X2  10 (1000) + 4.5 (500) = 12250.
2 X1 + 3 X2 – S1= 3500 2 (1000) + 3 (500) – S1 = 3500
S1 = 3500 – 3500 = 0
6 X1 + 2 X2 – S2= 7000  6 (1000) + 2 (500) – S2 = 7000
S2 = 7000 – 7000 = 0

Coordinate Point C (1750, 0)

Minimize Z(point C) = 10X1 + 4.5X2  10 (1750) + 4.5 (0) = 17500.
2 X1 + 3 X2 – S1 = 3500 2 (1750) + 3 (0) – S1 = 3500
S1 = 3500 – 3500 = 0
6 X1 + 2 X2 – S2= 7000  6 (1750) + 2 (0) – S2 = 7000
S2 = 10500 – 7000 = 3500

G. Graphic of Alternative Objective Function Solution Line (Pattern Lines)

 Let : Z = 12250,
Coordinate X1 = 0, then find value X2?
Minimize Z (point D) = 10X1 + 4.5X2  12250 = 10 (0) + 4.5 X2
X2 = 2722.23
So, Coordinate D is (0, 2722.23)

 Let : Z = 12250,
Coordinate X2 = 0, then find value X1?
Minimize Z (point E) = 10X1 + 4.5X2  12250 = 10 X1 + 4.5 (0)
X2 = 1225
So, Coordinate D is (1225, 0)


Coordinate point B (1000, 500) with value Z = 12250 is a Cheapest Expense of Diet.

(Example 2 – Homework)

Truckco manufactures two types of truck: I and II. Each truck must go through the painting shop and
assembly shop. If the painting shop were completely devoted to painting type I trucks, then 800 perday
could be painted; if the painting shop were completely devoted to painting type II trucks, then 700 per
day could be painted. If the assembly shop were completely devoted to assembling truck I engines, then
1500 per day could be assembled; if the assembly shop were completely devoted to assembling truck II
engines, then 1200 per day could be assembled.

Each type I truck contributes $300 to profit; each type II truck contributes $500.

Formulate an LP that will maximize Truckco’s profit and solve the problem using graphical method.


Painting Assembly Engines

Truck Coordinate Profit/unit
(Truck/day) (Truck/day)
Type I X 800 1500 300
Type II Y 700 1200 500

A. Decision Variable :

X: Number of Type Truck 1 to manufacture per day

Y: Number of Type Truck 2 to manufacture per day

B. Objective Function:

Maximize Z  Z = 300 X + 500 Y Where Z : profit per day

300 X1 : Profit Truck I / unit
500 X2 : Profit Truck II / unit
C. Constraints:
Subject to: 7X+8Y ≤ 5600 (Painting Shop constraints)
12 X + 15 Y ≤ 18000 (Assembly Engines constraints)
X, Y ≥ 0 (Non Negativity constraints)
D. Solution:

Minimize Z  Z = 300 X + 500 Y

Subject to : 7 X + 8 Y ≤ 5600 If X = 0, then Y = 700 Intercept Coordinate ( 0 , 700)
If X = 800, then Y = 0 Intercept Coordinate ( 800 , 0)
12 X + 15 Y ≤ 18000 If X = 0, then Y = 1200 Intercept Coordinate ( 0 , 1200)
If X = 1500, then Y = 0 Intercept Coordinate ( 1500 , 0)
X1, X2 ≥ 0

E. Graphic of Formulation Model and Constraint

The both equation lines of 7X + 8Y ≤ 5600 and 12 X + 15 Y ≤ 18000 are not intersect each others so
that a feasible area can be defined at below left side of equation line 7X + 8Y ≤ 5600.
F. Graphic of Optimum Solution by Corner Point Solution and Pattern Lines

Slack Variable :
 Coordinate Point A (0, 700)
Maximize Z(point A) = 300 X + 500 Y  300 (0) + 500 (700) = 350000.
7 X + 8 Y – S1 = 5600 7 (0) + 8 (700) – S1 = 5600
S1 = 5600 – 5600 = 0
12 X + 15 Y – S2= 18000  12 (0) + 15 (700) – S2 = 18000
S2 = 18000 – 10500 = 7500

Let : Z = 350000
Coordinate Y = 0, then find value X?
Coordinate Point A1 (1167, 0)
Maximize Z(point A1) = 300 X + 500 Y  300 (1167) + 500 (0) = 350000.
7 X + 8 Y – S1 = 5600 7 (1167) + 8 (0) – S1 = 5600
S1 = 5600 – 8169 = -8169
12 X + 15 Y – S2= 18000  12 (1167) + 15 (0) – S2 = 18000
S2 = 18000 – 14000 = 4000
 Coordinate Point B (0, 600)
Maximize Z(point B) = 300 X + 500 Y  300 (0) + 500 (600) = 300000.
7 X + 8 Y – S1 = 5600 7 (0) + 8 (600) – S1 = 5600
S1 = 5600 – 4800 = 800
12 X + 15 Y – S2= 18000  12 (0) + 15 (600) – S2 = 18000
S2 = 18000 – 9000 = 9000
Let : Z = 300000
Coordinate Y = 0, then find value X?
Coordinate Point B1 (1000, 0)
Maximize Z(point B1) = 300 X + 500 Y  300 (1000) + 500 (0) = 300000.
7 X + 8 Y – S1 = 5600 7 (1000) + 8 (0) – S1 = 5600
S1 = 5600 – 7000 = -1400
12 X + 15 Y – S2= 18000  12 (1000) + 15 (0) – S2 = 18000
S2 = 18000 – 12000 = 6000

Let : Z = 300000
Coordinate Y = 400, then find value X?
Coordinate Point B2 (334, 400)
Maximize Z(point B2) = 300 X + 500 Y  300 (334) + 500 (400) = 300000.
7 X + 8 Y – S1 = 5600 7 (334) + 8 (400) – S1 = 5600
S1 = 5600 – 5538 = 62
12 X + 15 Y – S2= 18000  12 (334) + 15 (400) – S2 = 18000
S2 = 18000 – 10008 = 7992

 Coordinate Point C (800, 0)

Maximize Z(point C) = 300 X + 500 Y  300 (800) + 500 (0) = 240000.
7 X + 8 Y – S1 = 5600 7 (800) + 8 (0) – S1 = 5600
S1 = 5600 – 5600 = 0
12 X + 15 Y – S2= 18000  12 (800) + 15 (0) – S2 = 18000
S2 = 18000 – 9600 = 8400

Let : Z = 240000
Coordinate X = 0, then find value Y?
Coordinate Point C1 (0, 480)
Maximize Z(point C1) = 300 X + 500 Y  300 (0) + 500 (480) = 240000.
7 X + 8 Y – S1 = 5600 7 (0) + 8 (480) – S1 = 5600
S1 = 5600 – 3840 = 1760
12 X + 15 Y – S2= 18000  12 (0) + 15 (480) – S2 = 18000
S2 = 18000 – 7200 = 10800

 Coordinate Point D (0, 650)

Maximize Z(point D) = 300 X + 500 Y  300 (0) + 500 (650) = 325000.
7 X + 8 Y – S1 = 5600 7 (0) + 8 (650) – S1 = 5600
S1 = 5600 – 5200 = 400
12 X + 15 Y – S2= 18000  12 (0) + 15 (650) – S2 = 18000
S2 = 18000 – 9750 = 8250

Let : Z = 325000
Coordinate Y = 0, then find value X?
Coordinate Point D1 (1084, 0)
Maximize Z (point D1) = 300 X + 500 Y  300 (1084) + 500 (0) = 325000.
7 X + 8 Y – S1 = 5600 7 (1084) + 8 (0) – S1 = 5600
S1 = 5600 – 7588 = -1988
12 X + 15 Y – S2= 18000  12 (1084) + 15 (0) – S2 = 18000
S2 = 18000 – 13000 = 5000

Let : Z = 325000
Coordinate Y = 500, then find value X?
Coordinate Point D2 (250, 500)
Maximize Z(point D2)= 300 X + 500 Y  300 (250) + 500 (500) = 325000.
7 X + 8 Y – S1 = 5600 7 (250) + 8 (500) – S1 = 5600
S1 = 5600 – 5750 = -150
12 X + 15 Y – S2= 18000  12 (250) + 15 (500) – S2 = 18000
S2 = 18000 – 10500 = 7500


Coordinate point A (0, 700) with value Z = 350.000 is a Truckco’s profit maximum

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