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2nd Quarterly Exam Review Guide

1. What are the principles of the Constitution? Provide examples for each from the executive branch. Fill in
the blanks
Principle Definition Example
Checks and Balances The ability of each branch of government to The Senate can choose to not confirm
check the actions of the others so that power is the President’s appointments.
Judicial Review The courts have the power to declare acts The Supreme Court can rule an
unconstitutional executive order unconstitutional
Separation of Powers The powers of the national government are The legislative branch, the executive
divided branch, and the judicial branch.
Federalism Powers are shared and divided between a National government maintains a
national and state governments military, states est. & maintain
National Supremacy The national government supersedes state State governments can’t tax the
powers national government.
Limited Government A way to prevent and/or punish abuse of power The President can only be elected to 2
in government. terms
Popular Sovereignty Authority of government is created and The people elect the state legislatures
sustained by the consent of its PEOPLE, who chose the electors who elect the
through elected representatives. President
Rule of Law That all people and institutions are subject to Presidents can be charged with
and accountable to law that is fairly applied crimes
and enforced regardless of your status or
Due Process Government must treat everyone fairly The FBI must follow procedural due
process when arresting those accused
of committing federal crimes.

2. What is the primary role of the legislative branch?

To draft and pass proposed laws.
3. Identify TWO ways Congress can check the power of the President
○ The House of Representatives can:
Can override a veto with ⅔ vote.
○ The Senate can:
Confirm or Deny Appointments.
4. What are three ways that interest groups influence lawmaking?

5. How does population influence representation in Congress?

The more people in a state, the more representatives, with at least one for each state.
6. In the Supreme Court case of Baker v. Carr what precedent setting opinion did the court make in regards to
redistricting congressional districts?
It decided that redistricting cases are justiciable.

7. What are three powers RESERVED to the states?

Ownership of property
Maintaining a judicial system.
Education of Inhabitants
8. What is the job of the office of planning and zoning in Anne Arundel County?
To plan the overall physical development and growth of the County, update and enforce the zoning
code, and administer the subdivision and development regulations.
9. What is the primary role of the executive branch?
The executive branch carries out and enforces laws
10. What are the roles of the President? Fill in the blanks
Role of the Description of Role Example of action in this role
Formal Chief Executive The president manages the Executive
Branch, deciding how the laws of the
United States are to be enforced and
appointing officials and advisers to help run
the Executive Branch.
Chief Diplomat The president decides what American Traveling to London to meet with
diplomats and ambassadors shall say to British leaders.
foreign governments. With the help of
advisers, the president makes the foreign
policy of the United States. Negotiating a treaty or a trade deal.

Commander in The president runs the military. Deciding, in wartime, whether to

bomb foreign cities, where to station
troops, or how to use weapons.
11. Identify FOUR FORMAL powers of the President outlined in Article II of the Constitution. Highlight the powers that
can influence foreign policy once identified.

12. What might constitute a circumstance where the President would need to write an executive order?
  When immediate action is needed and time can not be wasted to wait to make it a law.

13. How did the War Powers Act of 1973 impact the President’s war making power?
It prevented them from entering a conflict with troops without first getting legislative approval

14. Who is the head of the executive branch at the state level?
  The Governor

15. What is the area of expertise of each cabinet department?

Name of Department Area of Expertise
State The primary goal of the Secretary of State and the U.S. Department of State is to
shape a freer, more secure, and more prosperous world through formulating and
implementing the President's foreign policy, while supporting and protecting
American interests abroad.
Defense The Department of Defense's enduring mission is to provide combat-credible
military forces needed to deter war and protect the security of our nation.
Justice To enforce the law and defend the interests of the United States according to the

16. What types of regulations do the following agencies make?

Full Name Example of Regulation

Food and Drug Administration  Approve a OTC drug

Federal Trade Commission Identity Theft Act
Federal Communication Commission Give out licences to products that transmit.

17. EXPLAIN the difference between isolationism and interventionism.

18. What are the five GOALS of foreign policy? Provide an example of each.

19. DESCRIBE five TOOLS of foreign policy.

20. Why are tariffs considered beneficial? Why are tariffs considered harmful?

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