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20/04/2021 How do you get to School?

How do you get to School?

By completing this survey, you consent and acknowledge to having your data used for
research purposes. If you do not wish to proceed, you can withdraw from the study at any

Data is confidential and anonymous, and will NOT be used for commercial purposes. It will
NOT be sold to third parties. The data collected will be about travelling behaviours,
including waking times, transport taken and time spent travelling. This data will then be
collected to form an infographic that will be used for educational purposes

Data will be formatted to be devoid of personal identifiers, and will NOT be available for
public access.

After the creation of graphically formatted data, raw data will be deleted.


1. What time do you wake up? *

Example: 8.30 a.m.

2. What mode of transportation do you take to get to school? (select all that apply)

Tick all that apply.

Bike/Scooter/Skateboard etc
Other: 1/2
20/04/2021 How do you get to School?

3. How long do you take to get to school? *

Mark only one oval.

15 min or less

15 - 30 minutes

30 - 45 minutes

45 - 60 minutes

1-2 hours

2 hours +

4. What mode of transportation do you take to get home? (select all that apply) *

Tick all that apply.

Bike/Scooter/Skateboard etc

This content is neither created nor endorsed by Google.

 Forms 2/2

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