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Conspiracy in Information, Theory in a Conspiracy,

Theory in Information

The modern world of the 21st century is very far developed from several centuries
and this is shown by progress in various fields, in particular in the field of information. A
long time ago to find information needed a little money to buy the latest information. So
that the information used to be very important for us when going to take an action. But after
the presence of reporters, newspapers, and radio have all become easier and cheaper. To the
point of World War II is called "the most dangerous weapon in the world, not nuclear, but
an information.". imagine if a country that didn't have nuclear missiles knows how taming
nuclear missiles without having to head to the nuclear launch site. And there is also a
saying in the military world "if you blind a soldier on the battlefield for 1 second then he
died, if a country was blinded in 24 hours, how much lives are lost?”. The meaning of being
blinded means all the information entered or exit will be massively blocked and all the
advanced equipment will be destroyed at one time. So from the two expressions above we
know how important an information for survival on this earth. But from the two
expressions above there several people or sects or organizations who are looking for a fact
from an information in an extreme way that is by including facts, doctrines, or linking
things that don't make sense that there is "something" that is definitely involved in an event.
The point is that any information can be sought the truth by relating facts to things that are
rational until things don't make sense. Then don't know when it was, people who read and
justify each of these actions usually refer to this theory as "Conspiracy Theories". Many
conspiracy theories are very well known, first about the theory killer of the United States
president John F. Kennedy, flat earth theory, theory Bermuda triangle, Ilumminiati, and the
most recent and warm is that every 1 century once the world will be hit by a pandemic.

And from this conspiracy theory it can worsen people's lives because of this people
become divided into groups and whose names are war and hostility will continue until the
Day of Judgment if this continues. One theory is that the Corona virus (CORVID-19) is one
the theory part of the program every 100 years caused by world leaders to controlling world
population. Which was in 1720 when a Great Marsielle Outbreak’s occurred which killed
150,000 lives in the 3 years since its first spread, which caused by organisms that live in rat
fleas. In 1820 the pandemic cholera the first in India which killed nearly 100,000 lives in
Asia alone and 1,225 in Java for 11 days only. The outbreak in 1820 was caused by bacteria
drunk in water in Gangga River. Not only that in 1920 there was a more pandemic worse
and more vicious, the "mother of all pandemics" of the world, namely: Spanish Flu, almost
1 billion people in the world are infected means that 60% of people have been infected
through the spread of the virus by air and as many as 21 million people or between 50-100
million people killed, no there is a definite count of the death toll in this pandemic and why
it is called "Spanish Flu" not because this pandemic started happening in Spain but the
media from Spain most preaching it. Now in 2020 there is a new pandemic named
CORVID-19 or corona virus which started in a city of Wuhan in China. Although this virus
has not killed millions of people, but because of its spread very quickly but not through air
but by through saliva, WHO established CORVID-19 as one of the pandemics. Then who
the problem is that these pandemics become one of the theories world conspiracy that
causes the world community to be afraid, curious, and confused whether in 2120 there will
be a pandemic again? and from this theory too people are prejudiced against the state
officials who are said to be willing eliminate some people by force to reduce the population
of people in the world so that the availability of all natural resources will become more
efficient and last within much longer time. But once again this theory has not been proven
and will not be proven because this is a cycle of a human race that has been desired by
nature or religious leaders to call it the destiny of God.

If the above theory is very easily broken because it is indeed a life cycle that often
occurs in nature, in which nature will select who only the strongest can live and whoever is
weak must die. Now how about conspiracy theories regarding the real killer of John F
Kennedy. It is said that John F. Kennedy was shot by Lee Harvey Oswald is former a
member of the United States Marine Corps. But from the poll conducted on in 1966 80% of
the population of the United States did not believe that Lee Harvey Oswald was the
mastermind behind the killer. And more importantly the United States government
suspected that there was involvement from the Uni Soviet because it was said that Lee
visited the Uni Soviet several times and in one of his visits, Lee requesting asylum
protection from the soviet state. But there is also news that the organization The CIA was
caught in this murder because it was said that the CIA had taken it first know and not
prepare protection for their 35th president. It is said that there are other shooters who are in
the same place at one time with Lee Harvey Oswald, and it was also said that Lee was
targeted not JFK but Texas governor John Connally. Then of all the possible theories above
which is true and which is false because of the whole theory above it is probably true that
there is more concrete evidence not only of prejudice and also only half of the information
has been opened by JFK's death investigation agency at the behest of the incumbent United
States president. Because of death it is also said that Indonesia almost lost the 22-ton gold
debt repayment the gold JFK had borrowed from President Soekarno, and about this too
there is not valid information due to very limited facts and information perhaps some or all
of the factual information about this matter has been manipulated or has been destroyed by
several related parties in the field of business and politics.
Finally, if we draw a straight line and a common thread on the thing called
"Conspiracy Theories" we can know that this theory can be made only by very small
prejudices and facts. So in terms of the truth about anything that is contained in this theory
is still around 30% -40% considering that many parties related who really do not want to
know the real purpose and make false facts and manipulative so that in making a
conspiracy theory makes people easily believe, and don't question it again. But the
development of an era then more and more people will immediately believe and
immediately feel afraid if indeed it is the truth of an information circulating. If there are
people which is critical in determining that this theory is only a "lie" then people it will be
labeled crazy, insane, and will be shunned and ostracized in a scope of society just because
he has a slightly different opinion. And the most extreme possible killings that are
orchestrated by people who His interests do not want to be known publicly and make him
destroyed and fall into poverty and other bad things. Instead of Hoax news already there is
a rule, "Conspiracy Theories" can be even more dangerous if there is a inside facts
contained in a theory because of the interests of someone or a business entity that does not
want the dirty way to be known by the public and causing bankruptcy and deterioration in
terms of its financial condition and more worse if that makes the facts for a conspiracy
theory just biased already control the police and related legal entities to prevent leakage the
truth in society.

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