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If you were an employer, which kind of worker would you prefer to hire: an

inexperienced worker at a lower salary or an experienced worker at a higher

salary? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer. 

Through business world , It is normal, when an employer needs workers his

company , they think about which kind of person would be reliable in the business
that they are running out. . i strongly believe that if i were an employer I would hire
an experienced worker for tow reasons. It is  , and for it is more inteligent in the
business. and because It is more reliable.

First of all, think that  i would not hire an inexpereinced worker at a lower salary
because, this kind of worker, is going to make many mistakes at the beginning of
the process, so, if what i need is to succed quickly,i must hire anorher kind of
person. On the other hand, sometines it turns out that a lower salary, makes the
person that employer hires, has lack of motivation, because this person feels that
they work harder on the company in order to earn few quantity of money.

So, in my personal opinion , i think that it is better to hire an experienced worker ,

because it is more reliable in the sense that,these person has passed the process
of make mistakes that an inexperienced worker has at the beginning of the
process. So this person knows how to manage the times on business. For example
if an employer who works in a financial business company hires an experienced
worker , they can suggest the employer when it is time to invert money in
something, like to buy oranges because, these person becasuse of this
experiences, know how the oranges have been growing during the year. he
knows , when to buy it.

Secondly, an experienced  worker is better because the fact that these person has
a lot of experience, and may be an excellent curriculum , it means that he is a
person , who has done an excellent job in the companies that he has work in the
past .In conclusion, he is a serious worker that is trust worthy .

in sum, i think that it is better to trust in the  experiences of aworker worker

because , this  fact  can make a company to be succesful, these people  can aport
ideas that is going to help a lot to the company

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