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OET 2.


Task 4.ogg
Part A
In this part of the test, you hear two different extracts. In each extract, a health professional is taking
to his patient. For questions 1 to 24 complete the notes with the information you hear.

Now, look at the notes for extract 1.

Extract 1: Questions 1 to 12

You hear a doctor talking to a patient called Hiromichi. For questions 1 to 12, complete the following
notes with a word or short phrase.

You now have thirty seconds to look at the notes.

Patient: Hiromichi

Age: 54

Symptoms & disease: suffocating feeling and shortness of breath

Patient’s description of symptoms: having a suffocating feeling whenever lying flat on back.

now sleeping in an (1) ----------------------

: gets (2) -------------------- and shortness of breath.

: no chest pain, no bleeding disorder

Past medical history: (3) ------------------ hypertension, asthma, and (4) --------------------

Family history of illness: brothers had prostate cancer; father had (5) -----------------------. brothers and
sister have diabetes.

Medications: glipizide 5 mg twice a day, (6) ---------------------- Atacand 16 mg daily,

metoprolol 25 mg twice a day, Lipitor 10 mg daily, (7) ---------------------------

(8) ---------------------- Detrol 4 mg daily, Zyrtec 10 mg daily,

(9) --------------------------- one puff twice a day, and

fluticasone spray 50 mcg two sprays daily.

Allergies: none

Diagnosis: Cat scan shows a (10) ---------------------------- and there is a small pancreatic lesion on left
adrenal node

pancreas shows pancreatic lesion towards the (11) ---------------------- of the pancreas, approximately 1
cm, most likely of cystic nature
: Neoplasm cannot be ruled out

: earlier colonoscopy last year shows three adenomatous polyps.

Impression: left adrenal and pancreatic lesions.

Further treatment: (12) ------------------------ with Radiology and probably at some point there may be a
need of operative intervention.

Extract 2: Questions 13 to 24

You hear a physician talking to a patient called Mackenzie. For questions 13 to 24, complete the
following notes with a word or short phrase.

You now have thirty seconds to look at the notes.

Patient: Mackenzie

Age: 45

Symptoms &disease: persistent pain symptoms down back the right leg to knee

Patient’s description of symptoms:

: Has three years of history of lung cancer metastasized in both femurs, lower (13) ------------------

: had numerous chemotherapy and radiation treatments and just completed a series of 10
radiation treatments for pain relief.

has persistent pain symptoms mostly in low back on the right side, radiating down the back of
right leg to knee.

has some (14) ----------------------

some throbbing pain in the left foot at times.

pain worsens while prolonged sitting in the car, walking or standing

: smokes one pack a day for last 30 years; drinks beer twice a day

Past surgeries: (15) --------------------------

Medications: Duragesic patch 250 mcg total, (16) ---------------------- iron 240 mg twice daily, Paxil 20 mg
daily, (17) ------------------------ daily, and Percocet. (18) ---------------------- to keep my chest port patent.

Allergies: none

Diagnosis: neurological examinations show that reflexes are 2+ in both knees and absent at both ankles.
Sensations are decreased distally in the left foot, otherwise intact to pinprick.

: Examination of lumbar spine shows normal (19) ------------------------ with fairly functional range of
movement. There is a significant tenderness at (20) ------------------------------- and sacroiliac joints that
seems to reproduce a lot of your low back and right leg complaints.
: multiple scan reports reveal that abnormal uptake involving the femurs bilaterally. Has increased
uptake in the (21) -------------------------

MRI of the lower hip joints shows (22) ----------------------------- in both proximal femurs. Pelvis CT shows a
trabecular pattern with healed metastases.

CT of the orbits reveal a small amount of fluid in mastoid air cells on the right.

Impression: small cell lung cancer with metastasis at the lower lumbar spine, pelvis, and both femurs.
Symptomatic facet and sacroiliac joint syndrome on the right and chronic pain syndrome.

(23) ----------------------- is probably secondary to the chemotherapy and radiation treatments

Further diagnosis: injection of right sacroiliac and facet joints under fluoroscopy

Further treatment: If the pain is persistent even after injection, can take an extra 50 mcg patch and take
a couple of extra Percocet if needed.

stop taking Paxil and to start (24) ------------------------ instead.

That is the end of Part A

Now look at Part B

Part B
In this part of the test, you will hear six different extracts. In each extract, you’ll hear people talking in
a different healthcare environment.

For questions, 25 to 30 choose the answer (A, B, or C) which fits best according to what you hear. You
will have time to read each question before you listen to the audio. Complete the answers as you
listen the audio.

Now look at the question 25

Extract 1

(25) You hear a discussion between a nurse and a physician explaining about different types of breath

The abnormal breath sound of a person with a blocked upper airway is;

A. Wheezing

B. Stridor

C. Squawk

Extract 2

(26) You hear a monologue by a physician explaining about Heberden's nodes.

Which of the following statements suits best with this extract?

A. Abnormal growth of bones on finger joints is called interphalangeal joints.

B. Cartilage layer causes the bones to damage gradually over time.

C. Osteoarthritis is not the only cause for Heberden’s nodes.

Extract 3

(27) You hear a discussion between a nurse and a physician explaining about surgical treatments for
patients with a desiccated disc.

The extra bone that has moved out of place is removed in;

A. Fusion method

B. Correction method

C. Decompression method

Extract 4

(28) You hear a discussion between a nurse and a physician explaining about outcomes of TB skin test.

Which of the following statements is correct?

A. Patients vaccinated using the bacillus Calmette-Guérin show a positive result for TB

B. Patients exposed measles show a false negative result to TB

C. If the bump is larger than 5 millimeters then the test result is considered negative for TB

Extract 5

(29) You hear a discussion between a nurse and a physician explaining about atelectasis.

Which of the following statements suits best with this extract?

A. Alveoli in the lower lobes of the lungs deflate during bibasilar atelectasis.

B. Bibasilar atelectasis is a partial collapse of lungs

C. Deflation of alveoli in the lower lobes of the lungs is called atelectasis.

Extract 6

(30) You hear a discussion between a nurse and a physician explaining about liver flukes.

Which of the following statements is incorrect?

A. It is difficult to diagnose liver flukes as the symptoms are similar to many other conditions.

B. Liver flukes is the disease caused by fascioliasis.

C. Pain in upper right abdomen is caused when liver flukes burrow through the lining of the liver.
Part C
In this part of the test, you'll hear two different extracts. In each extract, you'll hear health
professionals talking about specific aspects of their work.

For questions, 31 to 42 choose the answer (A, B, or C) which fits best according to what you hear.
Complete the answers as you listen the audio.

Now, look at extract one.

Extract 1

Questions 31 to 36

You hear the lecture given by a physician on the topic Cystic hygromas

You have 90 seconds to read questions 31 to 36

(31) Which of the following statements is incorrect?

A. Cystic hygroma in embryo can result in miscarriage

B. Cystic hygroma that are present at the time of birth are malignant

C. Blockage in the lymphatic system causes cystic hygroma

(32) Which of the following statements is incorrect?

A. Adult onset cystic hygroma is very rare

B. 50 percent of the cases of cystic hygroma are due to viral infections to a fetus

C. Drug and alcohol consumption during pregnancy can also cause cystic hygroma formation

(33) Additional set of chromosomes to the fetus are developed when;

A. The woman misses X chromosome completely or partially

B. There is a Noonan syndrome

C. There is a condition of Trisomy 13, 18 or 21

(34) Unusual facial feature is formed when;

A. There is a Noonan syndrome

B. The woman misses X chromosome completely or partially

C. There is a condition of Trisomy 13, 18 or 21

(35) Which of the following statements is incorrect?

A. Low levels of alpha-fetoproteins is an indication of cystic hygroma

B. Usually cystic hygroma is diagnosed during pregnancy.

C. Blood tests at 15 to 20 weeks of pregnancy can detect cystic hygroma formation

(36) Chromosomal abnormalities can be detected through

A. Transvaginal probe

B. Amniocentesis

C. Fast spin magnetic resonance

Extract 2

Questions 37 to 42

You hear the monologue of a physician giving a lecture on delusions of grandeur and its treatments.

You have 90 seconds to read questions 37 to 42

(37) A manic episode occurs in patients with

A. Narcissistic personality disorder

B. Bipolar disorder

C. Dementia

(38) In which of the following conditions, a person may tend to spend too much of money?

A. Manic episode

B. Narcissistic personality disorder

C. Dementia patients with delusion of grandeur

(39) In which of the following disorders, patients lack empathy?

A. Bipolar disorder
B. Narcissistic personality disorder

C. Dementia patients with delusion of grandeur

(40) In which of the following conditions, hallucination does not occur?

A. Schizophrenia

B. Brain damage or injury

C. Dementia patients with delusion of grandeur

(41) Drugs such as lithium is given to the patients with;

A. Bipolar disorder

B. Schizophrenia

C. Narcissistic personality disorder

(42) A comprehensive, ongoing therapy to offset the effects of delusions is needed to patients with;

A. Bipolar disorder

B. Narcissistic personality disorder

C. Brain damage

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