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First published November, 2005 by

WORLD CLASS COACHING 15004 Buena Vista Drive, Leawood, KS 66224 (913) 402-0030

ISBN 0-9746723-8-6


All rights reserved. No parts of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
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wise, without prior written permission of the publisher.

Author - David Platt

Edited by Mike Saif

Front Cover - Designed by Babcock Illustration & Design.

Published by
THE 4-3-3
This book sets out to illustrate how to effectively counter the 4-3-3 system, recognising the strengths of it and ne-
gating them as well as taking advantage of the weaknesses that it has. After a brief summary of the main compo-
nents of the 4-3-3, highlighting the strengths and weakness of it, we will look at some effective tactical planning to
play against and beat it and also look at ways of practicing those tactics on the training pitch, through sessions and
drills designed specifically to prepare in a manner to overcome the system.

It is important to realise that each formation has its strengths and weaknesses and that at the start of each match
there is 11 players against 11 players. These players, arranged on the pitch, make up the formation and each forma-
tion will cause problems for any other formation unless the players themselves perform.

The 4-3-3 can be interpreted in many ways, though I believe that the only variation of the system is in the midfield,
where the central midfielder can eother play behind or in front of the other 2. For the purpose of this book we will
look at both these variations, ascertaining and dealing with the different problems that this can cause. As with any
strategy of dealing with a formation in a manner to beat it, I have tried to outline some basic principles of defending
and attacking which can be retained throughout in an effort to make the method of beating the 4-3-3 easier to coach
and for the players to implement.

With this in mind I have split the pitch up into thirds, dealing with both the defensive attributes and offensive attrib-
utes in a progressive way. For ease of reference, the 4-3-3 system is always portrayed as the Black Team with
White Numbers.

In my experience, simple instructions to players where they can carry them out on the field instinctively pay far
more dividends than looking at elaborate ways to play. Simplifying each issue is fundamental if the tactical aspects
are to be successful. With this in mind I like to have a symmetrical plan both when defending and attacking, with
the same defensive plans and attacking schemes respectively used for whichever side of the pitch the ball is on. In
this book therefore, when looking at the diagrams for coaching purposes, simply mirror the tactic shown for when
the ball is on the opposite side of the pitch to the diagram.




The Dutch are largely responsible for developing the 4-3-3 system. It is a formation which has gained in popularity
over the years and is now utilised by many clubs and nations. Although there are several ways of playing with a 4-
3-3, the back 4 defenders are utilised in much the same way as a conventional 4-4-2, playing zonally as a back 4
when defending and getting forward to support the attack when the team is in possession.

Zonal defending is where the players who make up the back 4 mark areas of the pitch rather than opposing players,
taking care of their own zone and covering their team-mates when the player with the ball is not in that zone. The
zonal back 4 operates with a right full back (2), 2 central defenders (5&6) and a left full back (3). They play as a
unit, shuffling across in unison to cover the whole width of the field and closing off spaces where attackers can
exploit them.

In front of these 4 defenders sit 3 central midfielders. These 3 players form a triangle in the centre of the pitch,
with either the point of this triangle being just in front of the back 4 or at the opposite end behind the lone striker.
The way these players have to defend can be varied though staying constant they must screen the back 4 from
passes played into the opposition front men. How they deal with wide players defensively is largely dictated by the
coach who may wish to aid them by use of the winger on the side of the ball dropping back….

….or by having them shuffle all the way across with the opposite winger balancing off the weak side.

If the triangle is inverted then it is usual for the winger on the side of the ball to drop in with the ‘hole’ player being
responsible for balancing off the team.

The front players operate conventionally with 2 wingers and a lone striker. As we have stated, the defensive duties
of the wingers are dictated by the coach and both can be given excessive defensive duties to form a very resolute 4-
5-1 formation..

..though one of the wingers may stay high to pose a problem for the opposition.

The primary reason for the evolution of the 4-3-3 was that it was thought the position of the players on the pitch
could be utilised to create exceptional movement between units that could create space and cause problems for
whatever formation came up against it. The 2 central defenders will remain at the back defensively, with the two
full backs having more licence to attack if the central midfield players form the triangle which has a player in front
of the back 4 and not in the hole behind the striker.

The 3 central midfield players can rotate very effectively within this formation to get one of them free in space to
receive the ball. Whether it be the defensive triangle ( player in front of the back 4 ) or the offensive triangle
( player in the hole ), through good movement and rotation space can be created.

Once a player receives the ball in this central area, more movement can be created in front of him which can cause
problems for the opposition. The highest player of the midfield triangle will now be in a position to receive in the
hole behind the striker.

The wingers in this formation are usually quick and very able playing 1v1 with their markers. This opens up a
plethora of attacking opportunities for the 4-3-3. The winger can either receive the ball and start to attack his
marker 1v1…

...come inside from the touchline at the correct time to either receive the ball in a position within the final third if
his marker does not follow him….

...or if the marker does follow him then this opens up the space for the full back to receive and penetrate.

In the main the striker within this formation will remain as high up the pitch as possible, usually not going any
wider then the width of the penalty area.

Any pass played into him which he can hold up and wait for support will enable either the hole player to receive…

...or a winger to come off the touchline and receive…

...or again the space is created for the advancing full back if the winger’s marker follows him.

As you can see, the 4-3-3 opens up so many variations of attacking movement that it can be very difficult to con-




One of the primary strengths of the 4-3-3 system is the 3 man central midfield which offers both offensive and de-
fensive attributes. Along with the back 4, the 3 players that form the midfield triangle, whatever its configuration,
offer a very effective central screen, guarding the dangerous areas of the offensive central part of the pitch.

When considering how to play against and beat the 4-3-3 system, it is imperative that we devise ways of dis-
rupting this midfield screen, using flank positions to attack to stretch the cover they offer so that gaps ap-
pear in between and behind the midfield trio that can be exploited.

Even if the flanks are used to good effect, any lead can be defended resolutely or an opposition contained by the
ease in which the 4-3-3 drops into a very compact 4-5-1, conceding space in the opponents half and allowing the
opposition onto it where the distances between the players is such that closing down in groups can be effected eas-
ily and efficiently.

Again, finding ways to make stretch this shape and always have options with which to circulate the ball is
paramount if we are to overcome it.

Another strength that the 4-3-3 possesses is the anchor man can often find himself on the ball in front of the back 4
with time and space in which to assess his options and make his choice of pass.

All the time he has on the ball enables all kinds of movement and interchange in front of him with potential runs
made which can stretch any defensive block.

It is essential that this player is never allowed to have the time on the ball with which to play a pass and if he
ever does for any reason, the dangerous areas behind the defense need to be protected at all costs.

In protecting the areas behind our back line, space can be created for one of the other midfielders to receive the ball
behind our midfield and in front of the defense, thus compounding the problem of giving the anchor player time on
the ball.

A look at the potential options with movement in front of him that the anchor player has when he has time on the
ball shows how important closing him down in an effective manner is.

Coming too narrow as a unit to combat the space that the midfield trio may have can result in the full backs being
isolated against the wingers of the 4-3-3. These wingers will invariably be very quick and adept in 1v1 situations,
such as Arjen Robben of Chelsea & Holland who faced with this scenario would be more than capable of beating
the player he came up against.

Marking positions to avoid the winger ‘getting a run’ at the full back coupled with sufficient cover need to be
addressed if this is not to become a problem area in playing against the system.

Another potential problem area is the counter attacking positions that the wingers in the system can take up if they
wish to play in a bold manner. Upon winning the ball, a swift transfer to one of the players circled can result in a
dangerous situation arising.

If the manner in which the 4-3-3 is adopted is a bold one as shown, provision for marking these players when
in possession of the ball has to be made.


If the method of playing against the 4-3-3 is successful, it can result in any coach who adopts it having to make
most of his players drop off to defend. A team that can keep the ball against the 4-3-3 and progress into its final
third can ‘peg back’ the system, making offensive players such as the wingers track back and defend.

This has the effect of isolating the lone striker who can be dominated by the two centre halves which negates the 4-
3-3 from having a platform from which to build attacks.

In a similar fashion any ball played into the lone striker requires the other players to get forward and support him to
avoid him becoming isolated. This can lead to opportunities to counter attack against the 4-3-3 as players move
forwards beyond the ball.

Another problem that the 4-3-3 faces is when the wingers are not ‘goal scorers’ and they do not get into the penalty
area for any cross coming in. The striker is often the only player inside the area and can therefore be dominated.
Although this is a negative for the 4-3-3, if a midfielder times a run into the box for any cross then he has to be
picked up otherwise he may arrive free. Equally important is the players who are on the edge of the box waiting for
any knockdowns, they must obviously be picked up and closed down immediately should the ball only be half
cleared from the cross.

In order to play against and beat the 4-3-3 system I believe that it is imperative that a back 4 be employed so that
there is always a player spare to cover against the 3 forwards, it must be matched player for player in central mid-
field, and problems must be given to their back 4 in order not to match them system for system. With this in mind I
believe the best system to beat the 4-3-3 is to operate with a 4-3-2-1.

The important thing to realise is that a formation alone will not beat the 4-3-3, indeed it is just a base from which
we can utilise our tactics to effectively contain and then cause problems for the 4-3-3.

In the following chapters I aim to give some tactical organisation to the 4-3-2-1 and show the ways in which this
formation can deal with the 4-3-3’s strengths and take advantage of its weaknesses.


THE 4-3-3
Attacking Third


When the opposition’s goalkeeper has the ball it is impossible to stop him from kicking it long if he so wishes.
What is important therefore is to have a compact team in and around where the ball is likely to be challenged for in
order that support and cover can be given to the player who is challenging. This set up is ideal for the tactical way
in which we are looking to play against the 4-3-3 as it is the same set up of our team regardless of whether the goal-
keeper kicks the ball or, our preference, throws the ball out to begin playing from the back.

As stated, our preference is for the goalkeeper to initiate play by giving the ball to one of the centre halves, from
where we can start to dictate the way in which they play.

Once the ball has gone to 5 we can start to initiate our high press. Pressing high up the pitch will cause the game to
be played at a high tempo. The very nature of the 4-3-3– system means that its players are spread out both verti-
cally and horizontally over the pitch and should we be successful in winning the ball due to the high tempo the
game is played at we can take advantage of this spread out shape and counter attack effectively. The whole team
starts to shuffle across to the side of the ball, with 10 making the movement forward to deter the switched ball over
to 6 and subsequently out down their left side.

9’s run should be aggressive and force the player on the ball, 5, to pass to where he believes it is safe, in this case to
the right full back, 2.

As the pass is made to 2 from 5, this signals a closing of the trap that has been set, with 11 closing down 2 aggres-
sively and in a manner which restricts the 2 from passing inside. 11’s position should be so that if an imaginary
line was drawn between the ball and his position, continued it would hit the left hand post of his goal. The whole
team should move to close off the options that 2 has.

Our 9 has shut off the potential reverse pass back to their 5, 10 has come to sit on their anchor player 4, 4 & 8 have
shuffled across to stop any central ball into their 9 whilst 7 has edged forward and across to further deter a pass
central to their anchor player. This is because if the anchor player receives the ball with time and space, the exag-
gerated closing down of the right hand side of the pitch by our team could result in us being exploited quickly down
the left side. The back 4 has shuffle across with 3 in particular getting very tight to their 7 as this will be the likely
pass that 2 will make, considering the positions of our players.

The team must be coached to cater for all scenarios. Should the 4-3-3 be good enough technically to be able to
manipulate the ball to the other side of the pitch, given the positions of our players the likelihood is that this will be
done ‘slowly’ with several passes used to transfer the ball.

With the switch being a slow one it gives the midfield trio, and in particular the outside player of this trio, 7, the
ability to be able to close the ball down by a movement forward and therefore more aggressive, again to ensure the
speed of the game is high. AC Milan are exceptional at this. It must be done as quickly as possible in order that
the left full back, in this case 3, is closed down and thwarted from advancing with the ball. Both 10 ( Kaka ) & 9
( Shevchenko ) should also make movements across the pitch, 10 to deter any pass back into central midfield and
also to deter the back pass to 6, and 9 to get back into contact with the rest of the team and again be in a position to
negate the switched ball again which would result in a lot of energy being expended closing down one side and then
the next. 11 ( Rui Costa ) gets himself back into a position that balances the team off on the weak side. Due to this
aggressive movement forward by 7 ( Gattuso ) and the rest of the midfield trio to get across, an in particular the
distance they have to cover to get there, the back 4 should initially drop deeper and assess the situation prior to
moving back up to compact the team. The distance the players have to travel could enable the player who receives
the ball to have time and space in which to pick out a potentially dangerous pass behind the defence, and this back-
wards movement by the back 4 is designed to negate this space. As the midfield players advance, the defenders
retreat, giving a concertina type effect to the shape and balance of the team.

Once the back 4 assess the situation they can take up their positions where they see fit, dependent on the success of
7 in closing down the left full back 3 and negating him advancing with the ball.

If the switch across by the 4-3-3 was effected much quicker and with less passes as we see below then the team and
in particular 7 have a different decision to make.

With the switch happening quicker, the time it would take 7 to advance forward and press would enable 3 to ad-
vance with the ball and have more time on it to pick out a potential pass. The decision 7 would make in this situa-
tion would be to make the distance up square to accept the advancing 3, giving time for the team to balance out
accordingly. Again the forward players, 10,9 & 11 retreat to get back into a compact shape, ready to help out de-
fensively if need be but also in good ‘fulcrum’ positions to initiate the counter attack. The back 4, given this
quicker switch, retreat in a more profound manner than the slow switch as the potential for a pass to be made be-
hind the defence and become a problem is greater.

The players are now in good positions to press the ball in the midfield zone.


Practices for defending

in the Attacking Third

The first thing we need to practice and get the players into the mind set of doing is making play predictable, that is
getting the opposition to play where we want them to play.

The following is a sequence of sessions which can be used to firmly establish the principles of this aspect of our
tactical plan, building up to coaching the whole game plan for defending in the attacking third in a full size game,

As a warm up split the players into equal teams and play in team formation if numbers permit.
Players transfer the ball to each other via their hands and are not allowed to run with the ball.
The ball can be only be won through interception.
The objective is to get a player into the shaded box to receive the ball.


Progress to the same drill but playing normal football.

The objective is to score in the goal.

Set up the drill as shown with the cones being circa 3 yards apart for each goal.
The objective is to score in a goal which is not defended by the Goalkeeper.
Cannot score in a goal defended by the goalkeeper.


Start in the manner shown.

Object is to stop the team in possession from knocking down any cones.
Aim to keep the ball in the dark shaded area.

Start as shown.
Opposition can score in any of the 3 goals with the 2 outside goals defended by goalkeepers.
When the ball is won, counter attack by breaking the shaded line where you can play against 2
defenders and goalkeeper only.


THE 4-3-3

Midfield Third

In an ideal world the pass made by the receiving player, 3 when we are defending in the mid third would be down
the touchline to the wide left player,11. If the positions of our players are correct, this should be the only real op-
tion available to him. 7 should be in a position whereby a line drawn through the right hand post of his goal and the
ball would go straight through him, this would then ensure that the only part of the pitch that 3 can see to effect a
pass easily would be a channel of circa 10m from the touchline infield. Given the predictability of the pass that 3
will make, our right full back, 2 should be ready to press aggressively the ball as it is played, trying to intercept it as
it arrives with 11. A player who does this very well is Gary Neville of Manchester United & England. He is al-
ways on his toes, reading the game and ready to challenge any predictable ball passed to his ‘man’.

If he is successful in intercepting the ball then this opens up the counter attack opportunity, with not only 10 avail-
able to receive but also an switched ball through 4 to open up his options.

The other option available for 3 to play if 7 has closed him down effectively would be the long ball into the chan-
nel. Our 5 is marking their 9 in the correct position to be favourite to get to this ball first though in reality, in a con-
ventional 4-3-3 the striker, 9, would not be asked to work any wider than the width of the penalty area.

Should the 4-3-3 be capable of manipulating the ball back into a central position, this signals the team to ‘bounce’
into the new defensive shape. Given the new position of the ball respect has to be given to the potential of the 4-3-
3 to hurt us in this scenario and so a dropping off of the whole team is needed. The players should drop off as far
as it seems comfortable to do so to protect the space behind them, but should go no further than the penalty area
and should use that line as a type of trampoline, ‘bouncing’ back off it into a good defensive unit, compact and
resolute along with the rest of the team. Again the forward players are retreating as well in order to retain the com-
pact nature of the team and also be available for any counter attack possibility.

Although this could be perceived as being very defensive, the area we need to protect is the space behind us and by
‘bouncing’ back into the positions shown we keep the ball in front of us and can start to press it again as a unit.

By dropping so deep and compacting the space horizontally, the likelihood is that the player on the ball will have
an easy option to pass the ball wide to one of the 4-3-3’s wingers. The position of 11 who got back to balance the
team off is important as he can help out if need be, though again the half and half position he has taken up makes
him readily available for a counter attack opportunity should we win the ball. It is also worth noting here that the
full backs, 2 & 3 can afford to relinquish a certain amount of cover to the 2 centre halves, 5 & 6 as they only have
the one striker to deal with, enabling 3 in this instance to be closer to their 7 initially and therefore more able to
close down as the ball is in flight.

Should the ball be switched to the left then a similar situation arises with our 2 & 7.

By doubling up on the winger in terms of marking we negate the strength of the 4-3-3 in terms of having players
who can be dangerous 1v1 against a defender. Note the position of the ‘hole players’ here, ready to counter attack
when we win the ball but close enough to the action should the need arise for them to defend. Portugal are a fine
example of this type of positioning of players, with Figo & Cristiano Ronaldo often labelled as ‘cheats’ who do not
defend when in reality they are coached to take up the type of intelligent positions shown here.


Practices for defending in the

Mid - Third


Start as shown.
The objective is to stop the opposition from scoring in the central coned goal.

Start as shown.
The objective is to stop the opposition from finding ‘9’ in the central goal or ‘7’ or ‘11’ dribbling
through the coned goals wide.
Coach the full back to look to intercept.
When ball is won, counter attack by crossing the shaded area and free against sole defender & GK.


This is a counter attacking drill to coach the attitude of countering.

Play 4 v 2 in the centre circle.
When the 2 win the ball they transfer it out into the big square and play 6 v 4.
If the 4 then win the ball they transfer back into the centre circle to play 4v2 again.

Start as shown.
The objective is to close the ball down wherever it is, either with a forward movement or
backwards of square movement.
Start with the back 4 always on the coned line as shown but they should drop and
‘bounce’ back as appropriate.


THE 4-3-3

Defensive Third

What we cannot do is stop the player who receives the ball from advancing with it by dribbling and taking our full
back on. Here we see the retreat of the team when this happens, with players getting back into good defensive posi-

It is vitally important that any offensive player who is in our penalty area is marked. Many teams cover space with
their players in the penalty area but I believe that space does not score goals but players do and therefore I like them
to be marked. Obviously areas have to be closed off and if the numerical advantage is with us then this is possible
as we see here, though it is imperative that players are marked who are already in the penalty area and also those
that are breaking in there are tracked.

Any subsequent cross that is delivered into our penalty area can be successfully dealt with and, due to the positions
of our ‘hole ‘players, effective counter attacks can be mounted from positions of defensive strength. In the 2005
Champions League final, Hernan Crespo scored a goal from exactly this kind of situation.

A common theme of these chapters in defending against the 4-3-3 has been that of counter attacking. The system I
have chosen to play against and beat the 4-3-3 is a 4-3-2-1 which is designed to easily transpose itself into a 4-5-1
to offer a defensive stability against an offensive system like the 4-3-3, but also to be able to effectively counter
attack a system which by very nature can become spread out as individuals and units and therefore susceptible
against the counter attack.


Practices for defending in the

Defensive third


Practice for defending 1v1 and stopping crosses.

Serve the balls randomly as shown.

Defenders should stop crosses, block shots etc.
Must defend 6 in a row or go back to Zero.


THE 4-3-3

Defending & Mid Third

Playing with a 4-3-3 system enables that team to be press high up the pitch and limit the ability to play out from the
back. Clearly this is something that we cannot allow to happen if we are not to be dictated to and whilst we cannot
stop the 4-3-3 from pushing the 3 offensive players on to try and stop us building play up from the back, we can set
up our team in a manner which makes it very difficult for them to cope should they do this and we elect to kick the
ball long from our goalkeeper. As you can see below, with 3 attackers from the 4-3-3 pushed on to stop us playing
from the back, if we initiate our offensive set up by positioning the players as shown, any long kick that had to be
challenged for in the opponents half results in us having numerical superiority. This is primarily down to the bold
positioning of our 2 full backs ( 2&3 ) who have pushed on to the half way line in an attempt to drag the wingers of
the 4-3-3 back to enables us to start play from the back. Note the position of our 9 who is standing in an offside
position initially in an effort to escape his markers.

If the 4-3-3 addressed our offensive shape in the manner above then we could either kick the ball long from the
goalkeeper as described above, or we could still effect our tactics for playing out from the back.

A ball given to one of the centre halves to start play from the back would either result in him being closed down by
the winger or the striker, or the wingers would drop off to take care of the aggressively advanced full backs. Below
the ball is played to the right sided centre half (5). If the left winger came to close him down he could go long or
try and manipulate the ball to 2, and if the striker (9) came to close him down he could switch a pass over to 6 who
would then have similar options. It is more than likely that the 4-3-3 will drop off into the positions shown in order
to be more cautious. The positions of the 3 central midfielders and the 2 ‘hole’ players mean that the opposition
have problems of who to pick up and mark these players.

If the lone striker is industrious enough to chase the ball and attempt to close it down, being alone in his efforts
enables us to play around him with ease and get our anchor player (4) on the ball.

5 now has the option of passing to 4 though if the angle that 9 closes down is too good then he can just switch the
ball to his opposite team-mate within the defense and play can be started down the left side.

The likelihood is that 9 will not close down for too long should we manage to continue to play around him and he
will drop off to be more compact with his team-mates. If this happens it is vital that 5 travels with the ball so that
we continue to dictate to the 4-3-3. The forward movement of the full back (2) on that side of the ball is essential
to occupy the left back (3) of the 4-3-3, as is the movement of the ‘hole’ player (10) who gives the left back a fur-
ther problem by being in an area where he needs to be marked. In effect the left back needs help in this situation
and will either get it from the left winger (11) retreating or a central midfielder will have to drop deeper to mark. In
either case space will be created for other players. At the same time as adopting this aggressive movement, cover
should be given to the offensive set up in order that we can successfully negate any potential counter attack should
we lose the ball. 7’s movement outside covers 2’s advancement and also provides 5 with another passing option.

The new shape of the offensive action now looks similar to this.

Giving 5 the passing options shown here.

Due to the amount of players we have in dangerous positions, space should be created for our anchor player in cen-
tral midfield (4) to receive the ball in a position where he can be very effective.

4 can now travel with the ball and attract players out to him which will enable other players to get some space to
provide forward passing options for 4 to play to. It is vital that as soon as 4 is in this kind of position with the ball
that our striker (9) looks to stretch the 4-3-3 back unit by looking to play off the shoulders of the centre halves and
look to receive a penetrative pass behind them. This creates space for other players to appear in the holes between
the midfield and defense of the 4-3-3. Andrea Pirlo of AC Milan & Italy has the kind of passing range which
makes him ideal for this position.

Clearly, the 4-3-3 could be successful in closing down all the forward options of our anchor player. If this happens
then by changing the direction of the play we can begin to move the balanced 4-3-3 around to attempt to create
holes and space with which we can be aggressive again.

Whenever a full back receives the ball inside his own half when playing in this manner it is vitally important that
width is gained via the ‘hole’ player on that side. The movement wide by the hole player gives more passing op-
tions than he would have if he stayed inside, opening up passing lanes where we can be penetrative again. A natu-
ral characteristic to get wide is a good trait to have for this position, somebody like Jose Antonio Reyes of Arsenal
is quite happy to take up this position in the knowledge that he is able to play either inside or receive the ball when
coming wider to create the space.

The only way the 4-3-3 can deal with this movement if we are aggressive enough and it is successful is to drop
deeper and deeper, thus giving the anchor player time and space in which to receive the ball and open the pitch up
for his passing options. By sending the 4-3-3 deeper we begin to start to isolate the lone striker.


Practices for Attacking from

the Defending & Mid Thirds


The ball must travel through the thirds of the pitch.

Start with the goalkeeper having the ball.
Centre halves ( 5 & 6 ) can travel in to the mid third with the ball but a player from that 1/3rd
must take his place in the defending third when he does so.

Play 2 touch in the square as shown.

Player R plays for the team in possession.
When player R gets the ball he can pass inside the cones for 9 to have an attempt on goal.
This is a practice to get the anchor player on the ball.


Practice to get a player to receive in the hole.

Play 7v7 in the middle part of the pitch & 2v1 in the end thirds.
Start with the goalkeeper having the ball and giving it to one of the centre halves.
Objective is to get a player to receive the ball in the end area from where he can go and attack
with the centre forward, 2v2.

Simple drill to coach the striker to look for balls over the top, using the cones as the offside line
to time his runs.
This can be progressed to introduce defending players.


Another simple drill to get the ‘hole’ players into the habit of providing width when the full back
receives the ball in his own half.
This can be progressed to introduce defending players.


THE 4-3-3

Attacking Third

If we are good enough to keep possession of the football and build play up in the manner shown in the previous
chapters, the ‘hole’ players of our formation can become very effective, receiving the ball in areas in between the
midfield and defence and thus breaking one of the strengths of the 4-3-3,ie; the midfield screen. Once this screen
has been breached the hole players who receives the ball must capitalise on the space he has found himself in. He
must commit the defenders of the 4-3-3 by being aggressive with his play, here running with the ball in an effort to
‘make something happen’ for the team. Ronaldhino of Barcelona & Brazil is the best player in the World at
achieving this, with an ability to receive and run at the opposition defence and force an opening which can be ex-

The action of running with the ball at the defence of the 4-3-3 can lead to various possibilities. At some point a
defender needs to deal with the oncoming hole player and it is vital that he chooses the correct option when this
happens. There will be various options available to him dependent on what the rest of the defence does to deal with
the situation. He can choose to take the defender on which can be very effective, though if the defender is good in
his role this could lead to him winning the ball and setting up a counter attack. As the defender comes out to meet
him a space is immediately opened up down the side of him for the striker to exploit, giving him the opportunity to
shoot at goal should the pass be a good one. The Brazilian National team utilise this kind of aggressive play with
Cafu becoming very advanced, enabling Ronaldhino to have options both central and wide when he receives the
ball in space behind the opposition midfield.

In an effort to close the space which appears by the defender leaving the back 4 unit of the 4-3-3, the left back (3)
could step inside to cover, leaving a pass wide for the advanced right full back ( Cafu ) to get into a deep position to
effect a cross.

An early cross made from this position will be very dangerous and could lead to an effort on goal as the defence of
the 4-3-3 will not have had sufficient time to get back into good positions to be able to deal with it. This is espe-
cially useful when the attackers are small who like to attack balls played in front of them, such as Owen & Defoe
for England.

Another possibility presents itself with the lone striker peeling off his man and attacking the back shoulder of the
far centre half, hopefully dragging the back 4 unit out of position and enabling the opposite hole player to make a
run, crossing over the striker to leave a dual problem for the defence of the 4-3-3 in dealing with each player. Man-
chester United’s Ruud Van Nistelrooy and Wayne Rooney often effect this type of movement together.

If the defensive players of the 4-3-3 get themselves all the way across to defend the danger area, a penetrative
switch for the opposite full back can be played.

As we learned earlier, when the 4-3-3 gets back into its effective 4-5-1 formation, our build up play could result in
a full back receiving the ball in his own half. When this happens we said that the ‘hole’ player must make an angle
wide for the full back to either receive the ball or open up the passing lanes into the lone striker or midfielder. This
may result in the ‘hole’ player receiving the ball in a wider position as here and again he has to be aggressive in the
way he plays from this position. He can dribble at the full back and take him on…..

Often the right full back of the 4-3-3 will defend well and show the ‘hole’ player inside but again we can take ad-
vantage of this if we are aggressive. A dribble inside can open up the possibility of sliding a ball down the side of
the centre half who come out to meet him for the lone striker, or a reverse pass back into the space created down the
flank for the overlapping left full back (3), something that Roberto Carlos & Zinedine Zidane do exceptionally well
at Real Madrid.

With all these aggressive schemes available to us particular attention needs to be paid to the covering positions of
the defensive players of our formation who must make sure they are positioned well to cover any eventual counter
attack. In all cases shown here make sure that each player not involved in the immediate action recognises the need
to stay concentrated and retain a good position.


Practices for Attacking in the

Final Third


Set up as shown and use to coach the attitude of aggressive dribbling.

Lone striker should act according to what dribbler does.

Objective is to dribble into end shaded area.

Progression can be done through introduction of more players.


Session is used to coach blind side runs of lone striker.

Same set up as previously but introduce complimentary run from other player.
Progress to giving player who passes the choice of either player.


Start with goalkeeper who cannot throw immediately wide to crossers.

Must be a minimum of 2 passes in central area before ball can be transferred wide for unopposed

By playing 11 v 11 in such a tight area it promotes aggressive, quick, intelligent play.


Pitch is in the shape of a diamond.

Play 3v2 in each half.
This promotes shooting and quick play as in all areas of the pitch a shot at goal can be taken.

The 4-3-3 system is proving to be very popular in the modern day game because it offers good offensive opportuni-
ties but can quickly transform into a very resolute 4-5-1 formation. Whatever formation that a team plays today, all
coaches are looking to retreat into a very compact shape when defending, getting players behind the ball and look-
ing to spring a counter attack. The 4-3-3 is one of the best systems to be able to do this effectively so if we are to
play against it and beat it we have to devise ways of doing so and to this end a creativity is needed in terms of the
formation to play against it to take advantage of the weaknesses it has. I believe that an aggressive formation has to
be chosen and implemented, but there is no point in choosing this aggressive formation if the attitude of the players
who play within it is not aggressive too. The 4-3-2-1 formation that I have outlined in this book is a very exciting
one which tales the game to the opposition, making it defend in numbers and posing problems for the 4-3-3 system
to deal with. In particular, the advancement of the full backs into forward positions is vital if we are going to be the
dictators of the game. Formations alone cannot win games and the players have to be adept at applying the tactics
set out to make that formation work. There must be a belief in all the tactical issues mentioned in this book to make
this system work, as it is creative and at times could be vulnerable against a well organised 4-3-3 system. This be-
lief will lead to a positive attitude of the players to be aggressive, and although this alone cannot ensure a positive
result, it will go a long way towards achieving one.

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