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NAME: Hazel Joy L. Arcilla NAME: Hazel Joy L. Arcilla



________SOCIALIZATION_____ 1. This is a continuous, lifelong _____ DRUG ABUSE________ 1. A state of physical or psychological
process of learning and relearning. need of a drug

__SOCIALIZATION AND CULTURE_2. This occurs when the individual ______HALLUCINOGENS_______2. This is called psychedelic which
moves into and internalizes knowledge and attitudes of new sectors affect sensation, thinking, self-awareness and emotion
of life.
______DEVIANCE_____________3. A violation of a norm which is
___INDIVIDUAL AND SOCIETY__3. This refers to the position an codified into a law
individual; occupies in society and implies an array of rights and
duties. _____ENDOMORPH__________ 4. An individual with soft, round
and fat body
____ACHIEVED STATUS_________ 4. This position is assigned to the
individual from birth and which involve little personal choice. _____CONFORMITY___________5. This kind of adaptation accepts
both the conventional goals of society and the conventional means
_________ASCRIBED___________5. This is acquired by choice or to obtain them.
through merit and individual effort and is made possible through
special abilities and talents. LIBERAL FEMINIST APPROACH_6. A feminist approach that
deviance is a rational response to gender discrimination
_ CULTURE AND PERSONALITY 6. This refers to the sum total of all
physical, mental, social and behavioral characteristics of individual. ________SEDATIVES__________7. This drug exerts calming effect
on the nervous system.
_______ _ OEDIPUS COMPLEX__7. This is a situation where in the
boys desire their mothers. _______SOCIAL CONTROL____ _8. This refers to the measure and
pressure designed to ensure conformity.
GENITAL STAGE_____ 8. This starts at about age 11 for
girls and age 13 for boys. ______SYMBOLIC INTERACTION_9. This sociological theory sees
deviance as socially constructed by everyday encounters between
______LOOKING GLASS SELF______9. This theory explains that the people.
self is seen through the eyes of the other people and how they
evaluate our appearance. ____WHITE COLLAR CRIME____10. This is a crime committed by
people of high social status in the course of their occupation.
___SYMBOLIC INTERACTIONISM_10. This explains that “self” is
composed of two parts – the “I” and “Me”. INDIVIDUAL AND GROUP DEVIATION 11. This refers to the act of
deviation committed by individual against the norms of his own
_SYMBOLIC INTERACTIONISM___ 11. This theory said that “all the group.
world's a stage” wherein individuals are performing and acting for
their audience in everyday life. _ PAKIKISAMA OR CONCESSION 12. An informal social control to win
social approval
_________ THE SCHOOL ______ 12. The formal agency for weaning
children from home and introducing them into the society ________GOSSIP_____________13. This social control means fear
of wagging tongue.
_____ THE FAMILY__ _13. The most influential group in
the child’s life ____DEVIANCE IS RELATIVE____ 14. This means that what is deviant
for one group may be acceptable in another.
__________THE CHURCH______14. This provides for the spiritual _____INDIVIDUAL DEVIANCE___15. These are the instances of
and moral needs of the child variations, disregard for, defiance of, nonconformity or flaunting of
the social norms or established standards of the group.
______THE PEER GROUP_____15. These are the instances of
variations, disregard for, defiance of, nonconformity or flaunting of PSYCHOLOGICAL APPROACH_16. This stresses that deviant
the social norms or established standards of the group. behavior is a result of personality disorder.

__PSYCHOLOGICAL APPROACH_16. This stresses that deviant ___________ANOMIE_________17. It is a social condition in which
behavior is a result of personality disorder. social norms are conflicting or entirely absent.

_________ANOMIE___________17. It is a social condition in which ____ __LABELING THEORY_____18. This is a process through which
social norms are conflicting or entirely absent. a definition is attached to an individual.

_________LABELING THEORY___18. This is a process through which ____DETERRENCE THEORY_____19. This explains that deviance is
a definition is attached to an individual. learned through the same fundamental processes as conformity;
that is through socialization.
____DETERRENCE THEORY_____19. This explains that deviance is
learned through the same fundamental processes as conformity; _DIFFERENTIAL ASSOCIATION THEORY_20. This pointed out that
that is through socialization. people learn conformity or deviance from the people with whom
they associate.
people learn conformity or deviance from the people with whom
they associate.

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